nstructions (this is a discussion) must cite from each textbook
Walter Fisher suggests we are moving or have moved from a Rational World Paradigm to a Narrative Paradigm. How do the two axioms in this weeks reading Without identification there is no communication and To reveal oneself openly and honestly takes the rawest kind of courage play a role in a Narrative Paradigm? Speak to the issues of fidelity and coherence. Are you convinced more in a Rational World Paradigm or a Narrative Paradigm? Why? Please responded initially and that relates to the reading. just 2 sources; one from each textbook. I have loaded the chapters required. please answer all questions and back up answers from the textbooks.
nstructions (this is a discussion) must cite from each textbook

nstructions (this is a discussion) must cite from each textbook

nstructions (this is a discussion) must cite from each textbook
Walter Fisher suggests we are moving or have moved from a Rational World Paradigm to a Narrative Paradigm. How do the two axioms in this week’s reading — “Without identification there is no communication” and “To reveal oneself openly and honestly takes the rawest kind of courage” — play a role in a Narrative Paradigm? Speak to the issues of fidelity and coherence. Are you convinced more in a Rational World Paradigm or a Narrative Paradigm? Why? Please responded initially and that relates to the reading. just 2 sources; one from each textbook. I have loaded the chapters required. please answer all questions and back up answers from the textbooks.
nstructions (this is a discussion) must cite from each textbook

nstructions (this is a discussion) must cite from each textbook
Walter Fisher suggests we are moving or have moved from a Rational World Paradigm to a Narrative Paradigm. How do the two axioms in this week’s reading — “Without identification there is no communication” and “To reveal oneself openly and honestly takes the rawest kind of courage” — play a role in a Narrative Paradigm? Speak to the issues of fidelity and coherence. Are you convinced more in a Rational World Paradigm or a Narrative Paradigm? Why? Please responded initially and that relates to the reading. just 2 sources; one from each textbook. I have loaded the chapters required. please answer all questions and back up answers from the textbooks.