NRS 429-v Heritage AssessmentDIFFERENT CULTURES The United Stated is a melting pot of different cultures, each having their own traditions and beliefs . Healthcare providers need to become responsive to the cultural values of different peoples and how these could augment effective and humanistic care delivery (Edelman & Mandle, 2010).It is imperative for healthcare providers to be aware of the different values and beliefs of the many different cultures. This paper will discuss the assessment of three culturally different families, and use the results to show how the nurse would proceed with health promotion, health maintenance, and health restoration based on the finding in the assessments.HERITAGE ASSESSMENT TOOL One way to assess different cultural needs is with a Heritage Assessment tool. The Heritage Assessment Tool is a sequence of 29 questions to determine details of birth, immigration, school, siblings, religion, ethnic activities and cuisine. The heritage assessment enables one to identify how different people have different beliefs regarding health, sickness, infection, virus, birth as well as death. These different beliefs regarding health direct the various forms of culture, therefore, the assessment of heritage is a significant step in order to build better understanding of cultural capability (Heritage Assessment Tool, Researchomatic).FAMILY INTERVIEWS Every family is going to have their own beliefs and traditions because everyone is different. Within the three families interviewed there were many differences as well as a few similarities between the families.Family A is from the United States. The mother was born in Colorado along with her mother and father, but moved to Arizona at a very young age. The mother has 4 sisters with whom she is very close.The mother was raised catholic, grew up with traditional modern medicine, and was raised to always do the best in school and..
NRS 429-v Heritage Assessment