News Media Processes
Answer all of the following questions:
1. Lapdog, Guard dog, Fourth Estate, Propaganda or something else entirely? Compare and contrast two ways of thinking about the role and function of the news media.
2. Why are some critics of the news media concerned about patterns of ownership?
3. What is a business model and why have conversations about business models been such a prominent feature of discourse about news organisations over the last decade?
• Base your answers on a reading of the Allan (chapter 1-4) and Franklin texts.
• Use additional academic resources (e.g. academic journals) and integrate them into your answer
• Each of your answers needs to be less than 400 words in length.
• Your writing must conform to the normative standards and requirements for academic writing. Use APA in-text referencing and include a list of “References” at the end of your document.
• Submit an electronic copy of your assignment by the due date on STREAM.
• News Culture
Author: Allan, S.
ISBN: 9780335235650
Edition: 3rd Edition (2010)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill: Open Uni Press
• Scooped: The politics and power of journalism in Aotearoa New Zealand
Author: Martin Hirst, Sean Phelan, & Verica Rupar(Eds.)
ISBN: 9780958299763
Edition: 2012
Publisher: AUT Media
News Media Processes