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Neoliberal economic policy and strategies – challenge or opportunity for the Australian public health care system?”

Neoliberal economic policy and strategies – challenge or opportunity for the Australian public health care system?”

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Topic 6 option “Neoliberal economic policy and strategies – challenge or opportunity for the Australian public health care system?”
Discuss this question in the following manner:
• Firstly, identify a neoliberal economic strategy that has been proposed or implemented within the Australian health care delivery system in recent years (or months).
The strategy I would like to use is Private Hospital Insurance Rebate and the Medicare Levy Surcharge that are provided through the Australian Taxation System
• Discuss the strategy’s application in relation to a range of theory and issues raised in this topic. (Select at least four readings from this topic that you consider relevant to your issue).
• Potential orientations here to consider include the effects on either health professionals, clients or population health generally.
• Also briefly consider feasible solutions to the challenges you identify.
You are encouraged to draw mainly on the readings from this topic to compose your discussion. You can supplement this with other evidence as necessary from the academic literature. Deep rather than broad analysis of your topic is required.

6.2 Readings
3. Gabe J. Privatisation. In: Gabe J, Monaghan LF, eds. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. 2nd ed. London, U.K.:Sage Publications; 2013:195-198.
4. Gabe J. Managerialism. In: Gabe J, Monaghan LF, eds. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. 2nd ed. London, U.K.:Sage Publications; 2013:198-203.
5. Gabe J. Consumerism. In: Gabe J, Monaghan LF, eds. Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. 2nd ed. London, U.K.:Sage Publications; 2013:203-207.
6. Clegg S. Bureaucracy. Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. http://www.credoreference.com.elibrary.jcu.edu.au/entry/cupsoc/bureaucracy Published 2006. Accessed May 4, 2015.
7. Holmwood J. Social Systems Theory. Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. http://www.credoreference.com.elibrary.jcu.edu.au/entry/cupsoc/social_systems_theory Published 2006. Accessed May 4, 2015.
9. Leischow SJ, Milstein, B. Systems thinking and modelling for public health practice. Am J Public Health. 2006;96(3):403-405.
10. Plsek PE, Greenhalgh T. Complexity science: the challenge of complexity in health care. Brit Med J. 2001;323:625-628.
11. Wilson T, Holt T. Complexity and clinical care. Brit Med J. 2001;323:685- 688.
14. Lansing JS. Complex adaptive systems. Annu Rev Anthropol. 2003;32:183- 204.
15. Germov J. Managerialism in the Australian public health sector: towards the hyper-rationalisation of professional bureaucracies. Sociol Health Ill. 2005;27(6), 738 – 758.
16. McGregor S. Neoliberalism and health care. Int J Consum Stud. 2001;25(2), 82 – 89.
18. Collyer F, White K. Enter the market: competition, regulation and hospital funding in Australia. Aust NZ J Sociol. 1997;33(3):344-363.
20. Collyer F, White K. The Privatisation of Medicare and the National Health Service, and the Global Marketisation of Healthcare Systems. Health Sociol Rev. 2011;20(3):238-244.
21. Si D, Bailie R, Connors C, et al. Assessing health centre systems for guiding improvements in diabetes care. BMC Health Serv Res. 2005;5(56).
Optional: 23. Reifer, Thomas. World systems analysis. Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology. http://www.credoreference.com.elibrary.jcu.edu.au/entry/cupsoc/world_systems_ analysis Published 2006. Accessed May 4, 2015.
25. Pocock HS, Phua KH. Medical tourism and policy implications for health systems: a conceptual framework from a comparative study of Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia. Global Health. 2011;7:12.

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