MSc Safety, Health & Environment / Occupational Hygiene
Session 2015/16
Term 1
Course Title Management of Physical Agents
Level 7
Tutor Jeremy Carter
Assignment 2
The aim of this assignment is to develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of
the practices associated with the management of physical agents in the work
environment within the framework of relevant guidance and legislation.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the project the student should:
? Have an in-depth understanding of the philosophy and principles of managing
physical agents.
? Have an appreciation of the issues associated with physical agents within an
organisation, how these are measure and managed.
? Demonstrate an ability to select relevant data and information from appropriate
scientific sources and to provide an in-depth and critical evaluation of the information
therein, whilst showing an understanding of the relevant practical implications.
? Be able to use relevant sources of information, with critical insight, to evaluate the
costs and benefits of managing physical agents.
? Be able to formulate innovative proposals with appropriate and detailed justification.
? Be able to reflect on the significance and inter-relationship of the knowledge gained
in this course and within the broader context of health and safety
? Further develop skills of critical evaluation.
You are the new health and safety manager within a large food-processing factory.
The main work area is open plan and includes the conveyor system (see above). The
conveyor system is quite old and those working on the conveyor are currently exposed
to 92dB(A) throughout the day.
An air knife machine is used to cut some types of bread to reduce debris and speed up
the production process. This machine is located on the main factory floor. As such
employees working on this machine are exposed to levels of 95dB(A) and those
nearby to levels of over 85dB(A)
Welfare facilities have been provided however to reach the facilities employees are
required to walk through a room which contains a large compressor. Noise levels in
this area have been recorded at 102dB(A).
Several employees have been identified as suffering noise induced hearing loss after a
routine medical examination. The company at present does not routinely provide
Currently the use of ear protection is mandatory on the whole of the factory floor,
although some workers do not wear them at all as they complain they are
Write a 3000 word management report that critically discusses the noise issues arising
and clearly justifies any practical recommendations you may make as a result.
You are free to make any reasonable assumptions that you deem necessary and these
can be cited in an appendix to the report. Your report should include details of any
measurements and calculations you would plan to carry out. Reference to appropriate
legislation, standards, guidance and where appropriate, published research will also be
required. Legislation and standards can relate to your own country or a country of
your choice.
General Instruction
You should research a range of reference materials including recent published research
relating to the physical agent you are discussing. Journal articles on research can be
found through the portal in the e-library using science direct, for guidance on accessing
journals and eBooks online please refer to the accessing electronic resources guide on
The work is to be word-processed and appropriately referenced using the Harvard
system of referencing. It should be presented in the form of an essay and the length
must be with 10% of the 3000 word limit, excluding appendices, bibliography, etc. A
word count must be included.
All assignments must be submitted electronically using the Turnitin plagiarism service
through Moodle (even where a hard copy is required by your local centre). In the correct
Moodle course, click on the Assignment folder; Assignment Submission; identify and
click the correct assignment link and then follow the instructions.
There are a number of centres offering this programme so you must ensure you
submit in the correct folder or your assignment may not be marked.
You may also be required to submit a hard copy to your local centre. Your local centre
will tell you whether or not a hard copy is required to be submitted. Assignments will not
be marked unless they are submitted electronically.
This coursework accounts for 60% of the course marks. The pass mark is 50%. The
final grade for the course is an aggregate of the grades achieved for assignment 1 and
2. It is not necessary therefore to pass both assignments to pass the course overall. It
will be assessed on the basis of:
Content 45%
Critical evaluation 25%
Structure and presentation 15%
Referencing 15%
Written feedback is provided on Moodle along with your grade breakdown. Please
ensure you pay close attention to your feedback and email your course tutor should
you require any further clarification on the points raised.
This assignment will normally be submitted 12 weeks after the study school but check
online in Moodle or with your Centre for exact dates.
Work submitted late will not be marked unless a formal extension of time has
been granted. Please contact your course tutor if you cannot make the
submission date.
Plagiarism and Copying
It is not acceptable to copy other student’s coursework or material directly from your
sources of information. This is plagiarism. If you copy material it will be highlighted by
the Turnitin system that is used for on-line submissions. The copied content will not be
marked and you may be referred to the Plagiarism Panel and will be awarded a zero
mark. Your final mark transcript will also show that you have been penalised for
submitting plagiarised material.
We will ignore small matches associated with common phrases and terms and will
ignore matches highlighted in your reference list when considering whether or not your
work is plagiarised.
As a general rule you should aim to get your similarity index into the “green” zone on
Turnitin. If you are in the “amber” zone you will need to look very carefully at your work
to see what you can put into your own words to reduce your score. High amber scores
may be referred to the plagiarism panel and will certainly mean that a significant part of
your work will not be considered in the marking. If you are in the “red” zone you will be
referred to the plagiarism panel.
We strongly advise you to submit a final draft through Turnitin well before the cut-off
date to check your similarity index. Please remember that you are only allowed to
submit one draft version of your coursework every day so leave yourself plenty of time
to revise and resubmit your final version of the coursework.
MSc Safety, Health & Environment / Occupational Hygiene

MSc Safety, Health & Environment / Occupational Hygiene

MSc Safety, Health & Environment / Occupational Hygiene
Session 2015/16
Term 1
Course Title Management of Physical Agents
Level 7
Tutor Jeremy Carter
Assignment 2
The aim of this assignment is to develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of
the practices associated with the management of physical agents in the work
environment within the framework of relevant guidance and legislation.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the project the student should:
? Have an in-depth understanding of the philosophy and principles of managing
physical agents.
? Have an appreciation of the issues associated with physical agents within an
organisation, how these are measure and managed.
? Demonstrate an ability to select relevant data and information from appropriate
scientific sources and to provide an in-depth and critical evaluation of the information
therein, whilst showing an understanding of the relevant practical implications.
? Be able to use relevant sources of information, with critical insight, to evaluate the
costs and benefits of managing physical agents.
? Be able to formulate innovative proposals with appropriate and detailed justification.
? Be able to reflect on the significance and inter-relationship of the knowledge gained
in this course and within the broader context of health and safety
? Further develop skills of critical evaluation.
You are the new health and safety manager within a large food-processing factory.
The main work area is open plan and includes the conveyor system (see above). The
conveyor system is quite old and those working on the conveyor are currently exposed
to 92dB(A) throughout the day.
An air knife machine is used to cut some types of bread to reduce debris and speed up
the production process. This machine is located on the main factory floor. As such
employees working on this machine are exposed to levels of 95dB(A) and those
nearby to levels of over 85dB(A)
Welfare facilities have been provided however to reach the facilities employees are
required to walk through a room which contains a large compressor. Noise levels in
this area have been recorded at 102dB(A).
Several employees have been identified as suffering noise induced hearing loss after a
routine medical examination. The company at present does not routinely provide
Currently the use of ear protection is mandatory on the whole of the factory floor,
although some workers do not wear them at all as they complain they are
Write a 3000 word management report that critically discusses the noise issues arising
and clearly justifies any practical recommendations you may make as a result.
You are free to make any reasonable assumptions that you deem necessary and these
can be cited in an appendix to the report. Your report should include details of any
measurements and calculations you would plan to carry out. Reference to appropriate
legislation, standards, guidance and where appropriate, published research will also be
required. Legislation and standards can relate to your own country or a country of
your choice.
General Instruction
You should research a range of reference materials including recent published research
relating to the physical agent you are discussing. Journal articles on research can be
found through the portal in the e-library using science direct, for guidance on accessing
journals and eBooks online please refer to the accessing electronic resources guide on
The work is to be word-processed and appropriately referenced using the Harvard
system of referencing. It should be presented in the form of an essay and the length
must be with 10% of the 3000 word limit, excluding appendices, bibliography, etc. A
word count must be included.
All assignments must be submitted electronically using the Turnitin plagiarism service
through Moodle (even where a hard copy is required by your local centre). In the correct
Moodle course, click on the Assignment folder; Assignment Submission; identify and
click the correct assignment link and then follow the instructions.
There are a number of centres offering this programme so you must ensure you
submit in the correct folder or your assignment may not be marked.
You may also be required to submit a hard copy to your local centre. Your local centre
will tell you whether or not a hard copy is required to be submitted. Assignments will not
be marked unless they are submitted electronically.
This coursework accounts for 60% of the course marks. The pass mark is 50%. The
final grade for the course is an aggregate of the grades achieved for assignment 1 and
2. It is not necessary therefore to pass both assignments to pass the course overall. It
will be assessed on the basis of:
Content 45%
Critical evaluation 25%
Structure and presentation 15%
Referencing 15%
Written feedback is provided on Moodle along with your grade breakdown. Please
ensure you pay close attention to your feedback and email your course tutor should
you require any further clarification on the points raised.
This assignment will normally be submitted 12 weeks after the study school but check
online in Moodle or with your Centre for exact dates.
Work submitted late will not be marked unless a formal extension of time has
been granted. Please contact your course tutor if you cannot make the
submission date.
Plagiarism and Copying
It is not acceptable to copy other student’s coursework or material directly from your
sources of information. This is plagiarism. If you copy material it will be highlighted by
the Turnitin system that is used for on-line submissions. The copied content will not be
marked and you may be referred to the Plagiarism Panel and will be awarded a zero
mark. Your final mark transcript will also show that you have been penalised for
submitting plagiarised material.
We will ignore small matches associated with common phrases and terms and will
ignore matches highlighted in your reference list when considering whether or not your
work is plagiarised.
As a general rule you should aim to get your similarity index into the “green” zone on
Turnitin. If you are in the “amber” zone you will need to look very carefully at your work
to see what you can put into your own words to reduce your score. High amber scores
may be referred to the plagiarism panel and will certainly mean that a significant part of
your work will not be considered in the marking. If you are in the “red” zone you will be
referred to the plagiarism panel.
We strongly advise you to submit a final draft through Turnitin well before the cut-off
date to check your similarity index. Please remember that you are only allowed to
submit one draft version of your coursework every day so leave yourself plenty of time
to revise and resubmit your final version of the coursework.