Word limit/presentation criteria: 3000 words Details of task: Read the following case study: Jobber, D. (2012) ?IKEA: Building a Cult Global Brand?. In Jobber, D. and F. Ellis-Chadwick, Principles and Practice of Marketing, 7th edition, London: McGraw Hill, pp.804-807 Critically evaluate the quality and sustainability of IKEA?s Marketing strategy (i.e. the extended 7Ps marketing mix) in its current and future marketing environment. You should base your essay on a country of your choice (100 Marks) As a guide you should: (a) Critically evaluate the marketing mix strategies (i.e through the use of the 7Ps) of IKEA in a chosen country (40 marks) (b) Provide an analysis of the environment in which IKEA has to operate through the use of appropriate frameworks and theories (I.E PESTEL , 5 Forces) and evaluate the significance of the factors for the future development of IKEA (40 marks) (c) Provide an evaluation of the quality and sustainability of the Ikea offering in the context of its marketing mix and marketing environment (20 marks) You should draw upon relevant academic as well as practitioner sources to support your points (i,e. Broadsheet newspapers available on Nexis, reputable new agencies, documentaries via Box of Broadcasts etc). Do not address the questions (if any) at the bottom of the printed case study. Please note that you should use the printed case study as a starting point in your analysis, as you are expected to undertake your own desk research to update your understanding of the current corporate context of the company in the case study. You may find the following paper on the extended case study method of assessment useful in guiding your preparation: https://usir.salford.ac.uk/17001/1/paper_39.pdf Your work should be in a creative, critical and evaluative manner. Ensure that your arguments are clear and logical and where appropriate include academic sources, i.e. academic journal papers, which add weight to your points raised. Please show in your list of references an appropriate breadth and depth of references relevant to the topic. Your work must be correctly referenced throughout in the Harvard format.Assessment criteria Very good (70+): Demonstrates a very good understanding of a complex body of knowledge and the ability to use such knowledge in an innovative and creative manner to develop new insights and relate these to the particular circumstances of the situation under consideration. Candidate demonstrates very good arguments in relation to the theory and application of marketing mix and marketing environment. They may briefly link elements of the marketing mix and marketing environment to underlying issues covered in the module for example, sustainability, branding, social media marketing, services dominant logic etc. Relevant secondary data and academic literature has been very well applied in the work.