Moving from a pasture-based feeding system to a PMR-based system Order Description The majority of dairy production in South East Australia is based around a pasture feeding system; rain-fed pasture has been the most cost-effective way of producing milk when compared to other feeding systems in SE Australia. However, for a variety of reasons there has been recent interest in other feeding systems including total mixed ration (TMR) and partial mixed ration (PMR) that are often used in parts of the world where the seasonal growth of grass impedes efficient dairy production.Assessment Moving from a pasture-based feeding system to a PMR-based system has implications for both the animal and the farming system. Your task is to explore the potential issues a dairy farmer might face when implementing a PMR feeding system. Your essay should concentrate on the effects at a systems level, rather than at the individual cow level. Outline the advantages and disadvantages in the alternative feeding approach and detail the changes that might have to be made to allow efficient use of a PMR within the Victorian dairy industry. Although economic concerns will be important in driving any change, and you may well find information about the relative costs of the different systems, we are not expecting a full cost breakdown of any changes. Any economics can be discussed in the broadest sense. Marking Criteria We are looked for a well balanced, qualitative piece which will most likely take the form of an illustrated short essay. Material should be well sourced and correctly referenced and the flow and logical development of your argument should lead the reader to the firm conclusion you make. Figures and tables, where used, should be correctly titled and referenced, and actively used within the text. Word limit 1000 words (not including tables, figures or references).
Moving from a pasture-based feeding system to a PMR-based system Academic Essay