Order Description
Watch the movie Rainman and discuss the main character and plot line in terms of the psychological disorder and treatment. More than one character may be struggling with a disorder, you need to focus only on the disorder that most interests you and address the following questions: 1. What psychological disorder was illustrated in this film? Did the person meet the criteria for “abnormal” in this portrayal?
2. What symptoms of mental illness did you see in the movie? After researching typical symptoms and behaviors for this disorder, determine the extent to which you believe this was a realistic portrayal of this disorder. 3. Were any causal factors for the character’s disorder suggested in the film? If so, which ones? 4. What types of treatment, if any, did the person in the film receive? Provide specific examples. Based on what your research, is this form typical for individuals with this disorder? Why or why not? 5. What impact did the person’s disorder have on others in his/her life? Do you think the impact was realistically portrayed? Why or why not? 6. What is the prognosis for this disorder? 7. What was your overall reaction to the movie and how mental illness was portrayed? Use 1 inch margins, use a 12 point Times Roman Font, Provide in-text citations and reference any of your sources using APA format. You must reference from the textbook, “Essentials of Understanding Abnormal Behavior”, Third Edition, Author: David Sue, Derald Wing Sue, Diane Sue, and Stanley Sue Publisher: Cengage Learning, Copyright Year: 2015, and at least two additional reputable sources for this assignment.
movie review

movie review

Order Description
Watch the movie Rainman and discuss the main character and plot line in terms of the psychological disorder and treatment. More than one character may be struggling with a disorder, you need to focus only on the disorder that most interests you and address the following questions: 1. What psychological disorder was illustrated in this film? Did the person meet the criteria for “abnormal” in this portrayal?
2. What symptoms of mental illness did you see in the movie? After researching typical symptoms and behaviors for this disorder, determine the extent to which you believe this was a realistic portrayal of this disorder. 3. Were any causal factors for the character’s disorder suggested in the film? If so, which ones? 4. What types of treatment, if any, did the person in the film receive? Provide specific examples. Based on what your research, is this form typical for individuals with this disorder? Why or why not? 5. What impact did the person’s disorder have on others in his/her life? Do you think the impact was realistically portrayed? Why or why not? 6. What is the prognosis for this disorder? 7. What was your overall reaction to the movie and how mental illness was portrayed? Use 1 inch margins, use a 12 point Times Roman Font, Provide in-text citations and reference any of your sources using APA format. You must reference from the textbook, “Essentials of Understanding Abnormal Behavior”, Third Edition, Author: David Sue, Derald Wing Sue, Diane Sue, and Stanley Sue Publisher: Cengage Learning, Copyright Year: 2015, and at least two additional reputable sources for this assignment.