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-slavery itself. (end from paper topic)
This writing assignment will require you to analyze and discuss primary and secondary sources that relate to the institution of slavery in the United States.
two full pages
sources listed
no Wikipedia
at least two quotes in essay
discussion is based off the readings/links.The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People, 5/e
Alan Brinkley, Columbia University
________________________________________Chapter 12: The Abolition of Slavery
The United States abolished slavery through the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1865, in the aftermath of a great Civil War. But the effort to abolish slavery did not begin nor end in North America. Emancipation in the United States was part of a worldwide antislavery movement that had begun in the late eighteenth century and continued through the end of the nineteenth.
The end of slavery, like the end of monarchies and aristocracies, was one of the ideals of the Enlightenment, which inspired new concepts of individual freedom and political equality. As Enlightenment ideas spread throughout the western world in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, introducing the idea of human rights and individual liberty to the concept of civilization, people on both sides of the Atlantic began to examine slavery anew and to ask whether it was compatible with these new ideas. Some Enlightenment thinkers, including some of the founders of the American Republic, believed that freedom was appropriate for white people, but not for people of color. But others came to believe that all human beings had an equal claim to liberty and their views became the basis for an escalating series of antislavery movements.
Opponents of slavery first targeted the slave tradethe vast commerce in human beings that had grown up in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and had come to involve large parts of Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and North and South America. In the aftermath of the revolutions in America, France, and Haiti in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the attack on the slave trade quickly gained momentum. Its central figure was the English reformer William Wilberforce, who spent years attacking Britains connection with the slave trade. He argued against it on moral and religious grounds, and eventually, after the Haitian revolution, he argued as well that the continuation of slavery would create more slave revolts. In 1807, he persuaded Parliament to pass a law ending the slave trade within the entire British empire. The British examplewhen combined with heavy political, economic, and even military pressure from Londonpersuaded many other nations to make the slave trade illegal as well: the United States in 1808, France in 1814, Holland in 1817, Spain in 1845. Trading in slaves continued within countries and colonies where slavery remained legal (including in the United States), and some illegal slave trading continued throughout the Atlantic world. But the sale of slaves steadily declined after 1807. The last known shipment of slaves across the Atlanticfrom Africa to Cubaoccurred in 1867.
Ending the slave trade was a great deal easier than ending slavery itself, in which many people had major investments and on which much agriculture, commerce, and industry depended. But pressure to abolish slavery grew steadily throughout the nineteenth century, with Wilberforce once more helping to lead the international outcry against the institution. In Haiti, the slave revolts that began in 1791 eventually abolished not only slavery, but also French rule. In some parts of South America, slavery came to an end with the overthrow of Spanish rule in the 1820s. Simn Bolvar, the great leader of Latin American independence, considered abolishing slavery an important part of his mission, freeing those who joined his armies and insisting on constitutional prohibitions of slavery in several of the Constitutions he helped frame. In 1833, the British parliament passed a law abolishing slavery throughout the British empire and compensate slaveowners for freeing their slaves. France abolished slavery in its empire, after years of agitation from abolitionists within France, in 1848. In the Caribbean, Spain followed Britain in slowly eliminating slavery from its colonies. Puerto Rico abolished slavery in 1873; and Cuba became the last colony in the Caribbean to end slavery, in 1886, in the face of increasing slave resistance and the declining profitability of slave-based plantations. Brazil was the last nation in the Americas, ending the system in 1888. The Brazilian military began to turn against slavery after the valiant participation of the slaves in Brazils war with Paraguay in the late 1860s; eventually educated Brazilians began to oppose the system too, arguing that it obstructed economic and social progress.
In the United States, the power of world opinionand the example of Wilberforces movement in Englandbecame and important source of the abolitionist movement as it gained strength in the 1820s and 1830s. American abolitionism, in turn, helped reinforce the movements abroad. Frederick Douglass, the former American slave turned abolitionist, became a major figure in the international antislavery movement and was a much-admired and much-sought-after speaker in England and Europe in the 1840s and 1850s. No other nation paid such a terrible price for abolishing slavery as did the United States during its Civil War, but American emancipation was nevertheless a part of a worldwide movement toward emancipation.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part1/1p278.html Africans in America: Efforts to End the Slave Trade
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/empire_seapower/antislavery_01.shtml BBC: British Antislavery1
Peruse the articles above. Why do you think slavery ended in England before the United States? Why was it so much easier to end the slave trade rather than to end slavery itself? How did the British antislavery movement aid the American abolitionists?________________________________________
http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REwilberforce.htm Spartacus: William Wilberforce
http://www.bartleby.com/268/4/8.html On the Horrors of the Slave Trade, William Wilberforce2
Examine the links above on British abolitionist William Wilberforce. What role did he play in the abolition of slavery and/or the slave trade in England? How do his arguments or methods compare to those of British abolitionists?
Most southerners defended slavery, even though they were not part of the Plantation Aristocracy. Discuss why they supported slavery, and your response to the claims made by its supporters, and explain why it was easier to end the slave trade t