morrisons-corporateUWBS038g Assessment Briefing for Students
Assessment Number:1
Module leader: Mark Price E-mail address: [email protected]
Academic Year: 2015/16Semester1
Module assessment detail (approved at validation as amended by module modification)
Module code & title 7AC002 Accounting and Financial Management
Module Learning outcomes: Tick ()
if tested here
LO1 Analyse and interpret financial statements from the perspectives of different stakeholders
LO2 Critically analyse the role and function of financial information in the management of a business
LO3 Critically analyse the issues and debates concerning the financing and investment decisions of firms
Assessment types Weightings (%)
Individual report
Assessment type, weighting and LOs tested by this assessment indicated in the shaded area above by a
Important requirements(Delete where appropriate, if other please provide detail)
Mode of Working: individual
Presentation Format: report
Method of Submission: Paper Submission to MX student Office
Mark required to pass this coursework: 50%
(Complete following detail)
Hand in date& time 11th May 2016 12o’clock
Date & method by which you will receive feedback Detailed via email
General feedback via in class discussion
Resit/retrieval date 19th July 2015
Assessment limits: No more than: 6000 words, excluding appendices
Do clearly state your student number when submitting work but do not indicate your name.
Always keep a copy of your work.
Always keep a file of working papers (containing, for instance, working notes, copied journal article and early drafts of
your work, etc.) that show the development of your work and the sources you have used.You may need to show this to tutor at
some point so notes should be clear and written in English. This is an important requirement. There may be circumstances
where it is difficult to arrive at a mark for your work. If this is so you may be asked to submit your file within 3 working
days and possibly meet with your tutor to answer questions on your submission.
Explanation of submission requirements and further guidance
• Assessmentsare subject to a word limit to ensure consistency of approach across all modules. Your work should not
exceed the limit indicated (excluding references and appendices). Do not feel that you have to “achieve” this word count in
your work. What is important is that the work satisfies the stated learning outcomes which are articulated through the
assessment criteria (see following page).
• Care is taken to ensure that work has been marked correctly. Checks are conducted by both a second lecturer and an
independent expert from outside the University on batches of work.
• Your work will not be returned to you but you will receive detailed feedback explaining how your mark has been
arrived at and how your work could have been improved upon.
• Always use the Harvard style referencing system. The University’s Learning Information Services have produced a
series of guides covering a range of topics to support your studies and develop your academic skills including a guide to
Harvard referencing
• Expensive or elaborate bindings and covers for submissions are not required in most instances. (Refer to guidelines
however in the case of dissertations).
• The Business School has a policy of anonymous marking of individual assessments which applies to most modules. You
should not identify yourself directly in the work you submit and you may need to use phrases such as “the author of this
assignment ….”in the detail of your submission.
Avoid academic misconduct
Warning: Collusion, plagiarism and cheating are very serious offences that can result in a student being expelled from the
University. The Business School has a policy of actively identifying students who engage in academic misconduct of this
nature and routinely applying detection techniques including the use of sophisticated software packages.
• Avoid Collusion. The Business School encourages group working, however to avoid collusion always work on your own
when completing individual assessments. Do not let fellow students have access to your work at any stage and do not be
tempted to access the work of others. Refer to your module tutor if you do not understand or you need further guidance.
• Avoid Plagiarism. You must use available and relevant literature to demonstrate your knowledge of a subject, however
to avoid plagiarism you must take great care to acknowledge it properly.Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone else’s work
and passing it off as your own. This includes incorporating either unattributed direct quotation(s) or substantial
paraphrasing from the work of another/others. For this reason it is important that you cite all the sources whose work you
have drawn on and reference them fully in accordance with the Harvard referencing standard. (This includes citing any work
that you may have submitted yourself previously). Extensive direct quotations in assessed work is ill advised because it
represents a poor writing style, and it could lead to omission errors and a plagiarism offence could be committed
• Avoid the temptation to “commission” work or to cheat in other ways. There are temptations on the internet for you to
take “short cuts”. Do not be tempted to either commission work to be completed on your behalf or search for completed past
academic work.
When you submit your work you will be required to sign an important declaration that the submission is your own work, any
material you have used has been acknowledged and referenced, you have not allowed another student to have access to your
work, the work has not been submitted previously, etc.
Assessment Brief/Task
The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:
There are three equally weighted parts to this assignment
Part 1
You are to select a PLC that has a listing on a recognised stock exchange of your choiceand agree this with the module tutor.
You are required to produce a Financial Analysis of the company based upon the following ratios for the company for the years
2014 and 2013
Return on Capital Employed
Operating Profit Margin
Gross Profit Margin
Interest Cover
Current Ratio
(you will need to show all relevant workings and supporting documentation). Your analysis will be based upon the ratios
calculated and utilising any background industry/company information you think is relevant.
Part 2
Your chosen company is seeking to purchase land and building which represents 20% of its Net Assets Employed. As accountant
you are required to make a proposal as to how the company might access the finance necessary. This might be from internal or
external sources but must be based upon the company performance and capital structure. You should justify your choice.
Part 3
You are to discuss the question whether the budgeting process is still fit for purpose in the modern environment?
The following information is important when:
• Preparing for your assessment
• Checking your work before you submit it
• Interpreting feedback on your work after marking.
Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your
work will be marked are as follows:
The proportions of the assignment should be
1. Comparison of company performance with industry based upon ratios calculated (33%)
2. Justification of the choice of a type of finance based upon an analysis of the different sources of finance available
to your company (33%)
3. Analytical discussion of the relevance of the budgeting process to the current commercial and industrial environment
Performance descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate
the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Criteria Distinction 70-100% Merit 60-69% Pass 50-59%
Fail 40-49% Fail 0-39%
Financial Analysis of Company(33%) Assignment produces an excellent analysis of the company’s performance which includes
relevant ratios , which have been explained as to their role, comparisons provided and proposed reasons for changes,
differences with comparisons and means of improvement Assignment produces a very good analysis of the company’s performance
which includes most of the relevant ratios , explanations of their roles, comparisons, proposed reasons for change,
differences with comparisons and means of improvement Assignment produces an analysis of the company’s performance which is
based on a sufficient number of the relevant ratios , explanations of their roles, comparisons and proposed reasons for
change, differences with comparisons and means of improvement Assignment produces a limited analysis of the company’s
performance which misses some of the key elements and supporting detail. Assignment produces a limited analysis of the
company’s performance which misses most of the key elements and supporting detail.
Analysis and justification of the sources of finance available and how they might relate to the company’s situation (33%)
Assignment produces an excellent analysis of the Sources of finance available and their relevant/appropriateness to the
company. This critical analysis uses a wide range of relevant theories. Assignment makes an excellent case for the choice of
finance chosen Assignment produces a thorough analysis of the Sources of finance available and their
relevant/appropriateness to the company. This critical analysis uses a wide range of relevant theories. Assignment makes a
robust case for the choice of finance chosen Assignment produces a good analysis of the Sources of finance available and
their relevant/appropriateness to the company. This critical analysis uses a range of relevant theories. Assignment makes a
solid case for the choice of finance chosen Assignment produces a weak analysis of the Sources of finance and does not
relate these to the company selected. This analysis does not use relevant theories. Assignment makes a poor case for the
choice of finance chosen Assignment produces a very weak analysis of the Sources of finance and does not relate these
to the company selected. This analysis does not use theories. Assignment does not makes case for the choice of finance chosen
Analytical discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the budgeting process in the modern environment (33%) Assignment
produces a clear and concise critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the current budgetary process. This
analysis recognises changing economic environments, weakness with traditional budgeting processes and proposals for changes.
Excellentclarity of expression . Consistent/ accurate use of grammar and spelling using an academic writing style.
Presentation standard of the assignment is excellent; consistent with academic protocol. Referencing clear,relevant and
consistently accurate using theHarvard system Assignment produces a clear and concise analysis of the strengths and
weaknesses of the current budgetary process. This analysis recognises some of the issues around the changing economic
environments, weakness with traditional budgeting processes Thoughts and ideas clearly expressed. Grammar and spelling
accurate and fluent. Presentation overall of good standard with few errors in grammar and syntax. Referencing relevantand
mostly accurateusing the Harvardsystem. Assignment produces an analysis of some the strengths and weaknesses of the current
budgetary process. This analysis recognises some of the issues around the changing economic environments, weakness with
traditional budgeting processes. Grammar and spelling mainlyaccurate providing evidence of a sound academic style.
Presentation has limitations including some errors in grammar and syntax Minor inconsistencies and inaccuracies inreferencing
using the Harvard system Assignment produces an analysis of a few the strengths and weaknesses of the current
budgetary process. This analysis fails to recognise the main issues around the changing economic environments, weakness with
traditional budgeting processes. Meaning apparent
but language not always fluent, grammar and spelling is often inaccurate.
Presentation is poor in structure and includes errors in grammar and syntax. Referencing present
having many inconsistencies
and inaccuracies Assignment fails to produce an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the current budgetary
process. This analysis fails to recognise the main issues around the changing economic environments, weakness with
traditional budgeting processes. Purpose and
meaning of
assignment unclear.
Language, grammar
and spelling poor. Structure and presentation is not of an acceptable standard including faulty grammar and syntax.
Referencing mainly
inaccurate or absent
To help you further:
• Refer to the WOLF topic for contact details of your module leader/tutor, tutorial inputs, recommended reading and
other sources, etc. Resit details will also appear on WOLF.
• The University’s Learning Information Services offer support and guidance to help you with your studies and develop
your academic skills