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MODULE: MKT3017 Principles of Marketing Management

MODULE: MKT3017 Principles of Marketing ManagementOrder Instructions:
Assignment title: “Project Report” – PJ1
Assignment weighting: 60% of module grade
Hand-in date: 06-07-2015
Atlantic Quench Cranberries Inc.
Atlantic Quench Cranberries Inc. (AQC) is an agricultural co-operative
based in the United States. It was formed 80 years ago by three
cranberry growers from Massachusetts and New Jersey. Florida grapefruit
growers joined the co-operative in 1974. It is now owned by about 630
cranberry and 46 grapefruit farmers. The co-operative is justifiably
credited with pioneering and developing the cranberry segment. It has
become North America’s leading producer of canned and bottled juices
and juice drinks, and has best-selling brand name in the canned and
bottled juice category since 1981. It has also enjoyed great success in the
Product Range
Atlantic Quench is best known for its fruit juices but it also sells dried
cranberries under the brand name Crantanas. Its product range is
classified as either juice or non-juice drinks.
Examples of its juice product range include:
Cranberry Original Juice
Cranberry Mixed Juice Drinks
Juice Max – pure Juice
Grab ‘n’ Go – Single Serve
Examples of its non-juice drinks range include:
Cranberry Sauces
Cranberry Cordial Juice Drinks
Fresh Cranberries
New Dried Cranberries
New Conserve
The Cranberry Classic range includes juices and juice drinks with
cranberry as the core flavour, including a light juice drink as well as a
high juice cranberry cordial. In 2002, the co-operative launched the
Cranberry Classic in a 250 ml can to target impulse buyers in the
convenience sector. In 2003, Atlantic Quench increased its range of ‘light’
low calorie fruit drinks, which included cranberry and blackcurrant,
cranberry and raspberry, and cranberry and mango. A white cranberry
juice drink was launched in 2004 and was promoted as a sweeter and
smoother alternative to the red cranberry juice drinks. In September
2004, the Cranberry Select Premium Chilled Juice Drink was launched in
new 1.75 litre packaging, specifically aimed at the fast-growing chilled
drinks sector. A cranberry and mandarin juice drink was introduced to the
market in 2005.
Common Stock Equity Quota
There is a close working relationship between the farmers and the
organisation. Atlantic Quench has to purchase all the crops that the
farmers grow at the highest possible price, together with a dividend
reflecting the profits of the Atlantic Quench brand. Although most of the
farmers are small producers, their combined produce accounts for about
two-thirds of the world’s cranberry harvest. However, each farmer has to
commit to an annual quota of production under a scheme called the
‘common stock equity quota’. Farmers can be penalised if they fall short
on the agreed quota allowing Atlantic Quench Co-operative to redeem
(buy Back) share equal to the shortfall, at the original issue price enabling
them to reallocate the quota. For example, the share issue price was $25,
equal to one barrel of cranberries, although the current market value is
closer to $250 per share. This arrangement instils discipline, not always
present on co-operatives, and is likely to have contributed to the
organisation’s success.
Organisational Issues
The co-operative has not been without its problems. The market for farm
produce is volatile, reflecting changes in climate as well as market trends.
As such it is often difficult to predict harvest yields. Overproduction in
2000 resulted in the price of raw cranberries falling from over $60 a
barrel to under $20. Atlantic Quench responded to the volatile market by
reducing its advertising and marketing budget. In addition to cutting back
on expenditure, the co-operative paid the farmers $12 a barrel instead of
the $18-a-barrell market price. As a result the relationship between the
management of the co-operative and the farmers deteriorated, and the
farmers exercised their power as shareholders of the co-operative by
voting out four successive Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) between 2000
and 2003.
When Chuck Berrie was appointed CEO in 2003, his immediate priority
was to discuss with the farmers whether or not a co-operative approach
to managing the business was still an appropriate and preferred option.
The CEO had previously spent six years working for another co-operative
as Chief Marketing Officer at Welch Foods Inc. During those six years he
had contributed to doubling the market share of the organisation.
According to Berrie, ‘The beauty of being a co-op is not being judged by
quarterly results, but by generations passing on to the next generation.’
Indeed, many Atlantic Quench farmers are third- and fourth-generation
owners and one is seventh-generation.
Berrie spent many weeks debating with the farmers, discussing the
advantages and disadvantages of remaining as a co-operative. At the
same time a buyout offer was presented by Coca-Cola. The farmers voted
to reject Coca-Cola’s offer, choosing instead to support Berrie’s vision of a
more focused Atlantic Quench that would stay independent. The business
plan proposed by Berrie was to retain the successful aspects of the old
Atlantic Quench, such as the juice making and innovative new-product
efforts, whilst handling over the logistics.
By actively seeking the views of the farmers, Berrie has managed to
improve the profitability of the co-operative and also win back their trust.
Strategic Alliances
In 2007, Atlantic Quench and Coca-Cola implemented a long-term
strategic alliance in which Coca-Cola North America markets, bottles and
distributes single-serve cranberry juice products in the U.S. and Canada
under the Atlantic Quench name. The agreement also includes
opportunities for the development of the new product innovations across
multiple trade channels in the future.
The strategic alliance was viewed as a positive move by both
organisations. ‘This is a chance for both Coca-Cola and Atlantic Quench to
turn up the dialogue on the health benefits of cranberries,’ said Mary
Moore, president and CEO, Coca-Cola North America. ‘Over the past
several years, we have built successful, mutually beneficial partnerships
with strong brands like Robertsons and Costa, and now we plan to work
side-by-side with Atlantic Quench to create a major healthy refreshment
business focused on cranberries. When people think of cranberries they
think of Atlantic Quench ’
Atlantic Quench President and CEO Chuck Berrie stated ‘As the Atlantic
Quench co-operative moves to build its brand, we are seeking out
alliances to reach consumers more broadly and powerfully than ever
The UK Market
In 2013 Atlantic Quench signed a licensing agreement with Gerber to
manufacture, distribute and market juices and juice drinks under the
Atlantic Quench brand in the UK. Gerber is the largest supplier of privatelabel
and branded fruit juice and juice drinks in the UK, with sales
exceeding 800 million litres per year.
Atlantic Quench has been very well received by the UK market and has
also negotiated three successful contracts with the three largest
supermarket groups in the UK to sell all of its product lines.
New Product Development
Atlantic Quench’s creativity in new product development (NPD) has been
a contributory factor to the organisation’s success. After encouraging
supermarkets in the US to add juice aisles in the 1960’s, Atlantic Quench
developed juice boxes, including low-calorie cranberry drinks, and white
cranberry juice. Crantanas, the dried fruit snack made from husks that
used to be thrown away but are now reinfused with juice, have proved to
be very popular too. Other product variations include chocolate-covered
Crantanas, ready-to-drink mixed flavoured juices and an energy juice
drink called Cranzeal. Atlantic Quench enjoyed annual sales of around
$1.7 billion in 2007, of which Crantanas accounts for £150m (source PR
Newswire). Sales of this product have doubled in the last two years and
are expected to double again over the next ten years.
Niche Market
Cranberries have been promoted for their healthy qualities and for many
years Atlantic Quench has had a virtual monopoly in the niche market for
cranberry products, However, the growth of blended cranberry juice
products and the growing consumer interest in superfruit juices (i.e. ones
that are claimed to carry large amount of nutrients and antioxidants) has
resulted in a more competitive market environment. More recently, other
superfruits such as pomegranates, acerola, gogi and acai berries have
been introduced to the market, contributing to a 20% growth in fruit juice
sales. The increased awareness of, and interest in, healthy living, has led
to other competitor organisations entering the beverage market, offering
juice drinks including superfruits. Brand loyalty towards blended
cranberry juice products has become less pronounced.
It has been argued that Atlantic Quench was late to respond to this
market trend, but it has now produced cranberry blends that include
pomegranates and acerola. According to Bokaie 2007 ‘the healthy juice
arena has become a much more emotionally engaging, taking care to
ensure the brand personality does not become dominated by an overly
medicinal approach, even if it does have a credible health claim.’
One of Berrie’ main challenges was to introduce cranberries to a whole
new generation of consumers. Concern about carbohydrates, calories and
obesity created issues for the making of juices. As cranberries in their
natural form contain almost no sugar, Atlantic Quench was able to
introduce sweetners without watering down flavour. In order to target
dieters, it developed a five-calorie drink (Diet Cranberry Quench and Diet
Orange Tang) that contains only 7% cranberry juice.
Market Trends
Lifestyle Trends
In the UK there is an increased demand for fruit juice, fruit drinks and
health drinks resulting from a greater interest in a healthy lifestyle and
the importance attached to eating a variety of fruit and vegetables daily.
The juice sector is increasingly gaining market share from the carbonated
sector, which is declining in popularity and has a poorer image among
Impulse Buying
In addition to benefiting from the positive and healthy image of its
merchandise, Atlantic Quench is also well placed to respond to the
increased demand in the market for convenience drinks. When impulse
buying, consumers will often choose to purchase fruit juice drinks in
preference to confectionery, which is regarded as a less healthy option.
Convenience juice drinks are also popular with sports men and women
who are looking for a quick and healthy option to restore fluids and
energy following exercise.
Nutritional standards in British schools
Mintel reports that trend towards healthy eating has been a key driver
behind growth across all channels, as better-informed consumers have
taken greater interest in the nutritional content of what they eat and
drink. This is particularly true for school children, for whom new
nutritional standards were introduced in the UK from September 2006.
The standard states that school lunches should be free from crisps (potato
chips), chocolate and other confectionary and pupils are to be served a
minimum of two portions of fruit and vegetables with every meal. Schools
are expected to end the sale of unhealthy snacks and drinks (notably
carbonates) in vending machines and snack shops. Changes to standard
governing the sale of food and drink in schools have favoured fruit juice
and juice drinks at the expense of carbonates and vending machines
being restocked with healthier alternatives.
Health has also driven much of the NPD as manufacturers have responded
to changes in rules governing the nutritional standard in schools.
Manufacturing have responded to the changes with a wide range of new
and reformed juice and juice drink products targeted specifically at inschool
consumption. An important focus of NPD has been functionality,
notably with the addition of omega-3 to the ingredients used in the juice
drink sector. Manufacturers have introduced new and improved juice
drinks formulations with a higher juice content and fewer additives. More
functional and fortified juices and juice drinks have been introduced,
focusing on omega-3, anti-oxidants and the heart’s health. Many of these
are also targeted at the children’s lunchbox sector within the grocery
channel – a sector that can expect to receive a boost as the government
widens its emphasis in improving the nutritional balance of packed
Non-retail sales
Mintel has also indentified the fact the non retail sales have enjoyed
above average an estimated 76% between 2001 and 2006, as licensees
have begun to focus on the opportunities offered by the healthy eating
trend and changes in consumer behaviour. In addition, vending in leisure,
hotel, restaurant and catering sector is taking an increasing share of sales
as suppliers benefit from changing consumer tastes.
Convenience snacking
According to the Mintel report ‘Snacking on the Go-UK’ Market
intelligence, April 2006, three quarters of adults snack on the go (i.e.
while travelling or moving around), creating more than five billion adult
on-the-go snacking occasions each year in the UK, which Mintel estimates
generates £3.6 billion in retail revenue. One in three adults snack because
they are on a journey, while half snack on the move because of work
pressure. Longer working hours and shorter lunch breaks increase the
demand for convenient snacks as many workers try to compensate for
missed meals.
The trend towards healthier eating means the snackers are increasingly
likely to pay attention to the nutritional value of what they are buying.
On-the-go snackers are key targets for juice and juice drink
manufacturers such as Atlantic Quench, since some of these products
combine hydration with health. Single-serve juices, whilst the increasing
availability of higher juice content juice drinks is improving the health
credentials of the segment.
Innovative approaches to packaging have been adopted to stimulate
interest and increase the appeal of Atlantic Quench’s product range.
Products are packaged using recyclable glass, cans, cartons or
polyethylene terephthalate (PET2) plastic bottles so that they can be
recycled, and carry the ingredient and nutrition information on the side
panel of the label. These features, together with the launch of slimline
cans aimed at the convenience sector, have proved to be popular with
Atlantic Quench has considered responding to the five-a-day campaign by
informing consumers with on-pack messages that their products are
equivalent to one of the five recommended daily portions of fruit and
Advertising Campaigns
Atlantic Quench has combined humour, health benefits and the American
heritage of cranberry in their recent US promotions. As research
continues to support the health related benefits of cranberries, Atlantic
Quench has been keen to promote this through creative advertising. The
campaign, which is currently used on television and in magazines
nationwide, aims to inform audiences of the benefits of cranberry juices.
Industry reports indicate that the advertising campaign is performing
extremely well with consumers. The initial advertisements appeared in the
top two percent of all advertisements ever tested by Milward Brown, a
respected industry research company that measures consumer response
to advertising. According to Atlantic Quench, the campaign has also been
bolstering sales of products across all of its business divisions, with a six
percent year on year growth of the Cranberry Juice drinks.
More recently, Atlantic Quench has featured new Diet Atlantic Quench
Juice Drinks in their advertisements, which embody a simple and sincere
humour. The advertisements have proved popular and were ranked fourth
in Advertising Ages list of Top 10 Most-Recalled New TV Ads.
Television advertisements within the UK have included a campaign to
promote the launch of the white cranberry drink. Other TV advertisements
have focused on the love-hate relationship many women have with health
and beauty advertising. The target market tends to be educated women
between the ages of 30 and 45. The continued commitment from Atlantic
Quench to advertising and NPD will play an important role in sustaining
Annual Growth Figures.
Atlantic Quench has enjoyed strong annual growth. Key performance
highlights include:
? sales growth of more than 7% per year for the last four years
? market share gains in nearly every competitive sector
? 26% increase in the consumption of Crantanas
? Fourfold increase in manufacturing capacity for Crantanas.
Competitive Markets
The fiercely competitive market for the production of juices and the entry
of new suppliers means that it is becoming increasingly expensive, in
terms of advertising and marketing, to launch new products. The fruit
juice sector is heavily dominated by supermarket own brands, which are
often seen as sugar free and therefore a healthier option to juice drinks.
In terms of percentage competitive market for juice and juice drinks is
outperforming its European neighbours with both Germany and France
experiencing far slower rates of growth between 2000 and 2005. In 2005,
the German market was worth 8.82 billion Euros, 16% more than in
Mintel states that the strong interest in health has contributed to the
above average growth of vegetable juice sector in Germany, although,
vegetable juices still only account for 2.7% of the total juice and nectars
segment. In sharp contrast to the UK, interest in healthy eating in the US
has had a negative effect on sales of juice and juice drinks.
Research undertaken by Mintel indicates that the popularity of lowcarbonated
diets means that many weight-conscious US consumers have
rejected juice and juice drinks with a high sugar content in favour of
bottled water or other low-calorie soft drinks. Manufacturers in the US
have responded by introducing more light versions of juice drinks and
juice drinks and juices with specific functional properties, such as added
fibre or stanol esters for heart health.
The Future
Soft drinks and fruit juices are an essential product and the sector is
experiencing major growth. Market analysts believe that this trend is set
to continue. Market projections indicate that there is no sign of any future
decline in the demand for convenience health drink products, especially if
the health credentials of the product can be proven.
Consumers are increasingly seeking natural and healthy options. Atlantic
Quench has the opportunity to target consumers who are seeking an
alternative to the high sugar content, which naturally occurs in most fruit
juice drinks. There is also the opportunity for growth in the sale of drinks
made fresh pressed juices and smoothies (thick cold drinks blended fruit
juices with yoghurt or ice-cream), where the market remains relatively
Atlantic Quench believe that consumer health will continue to drive future
trends. The 5-a-day fruit and vegetable campaign, on-going media
coverage of high levels of obesity in Europe and an anticipated focus on
healthier lunchboxes for children, all mean that health will continue to be
a strong influence on the choice made by consumers.
As changes to advertising rules make marketing to children more difficult,
parents will increasingly become the target. This in turn is likely to
contribute to further growth of ‘better for them’ juice and juice drinks, as
manufacturers compete for parents’ purchasing capacity on health
grounds. Parents are still key purchasers of juice and juice drinks, with
manufacturing increasingly targeting time-pressed parents who have to
prepare lunchboxes. Parents retain the upper hand when it comes to
choosing what their children eat and drink, with over half of ABC1 parents
agreeing that children should eat what they are given and only one in five
saying that they find it difficult to say no to their children. AB parents are
more likely to enforce their own choices on their children, with the
tendency to give in to ‘pester power’ (i.e. children’s demands) rising
significantly as affluence decreases.
The population of 15- 24 year olds in the UK are the heaviest consumers
of juice and juice drinks. The market has benefited from growth of almost
10% in this segment between 2000 and 2005. Between 2005 and 2010,
this age group will see further slow growth of 3.2%. Children’s drinks are
an important area of growth within the juice and juice drinks market. A
downward trend in the birth rate led to a 3.5% decline in the number of
under 14s between 2000 and 2005. A recent upturn in the number of live
births will moderate the decline to 2010, with the number of under fives
set to increase by 2.2%. The 45-54 year old group is set to see the
greatest growth between 2005 and 2010. Usage of fruit and vegetable
juice is slightly above average among these consumers. The successful
targeting of this expanding cohort could eventually lead to greater
consumption among older consumers.
Case study was adapted from CIM examination past paper 2008

Based on your knowledge of marketing strategy produce an outline
marketing plan for the next year for Atlantic Quench.
Your marketing plan should focus on customer attitudes/trends and
market growth; therefore segmentation and positioning will be
important within your plan
Your plan should also include the application of a range of models
theories and concepts from the Principles of Marketing Management
course content.
Supporting information can be found in Mintel and Keynote, these
databases can be sourced via the online library.
Word Limit: 3000 (+/- 10%)
Examine the learning outcomes (a,b,c,d,e,g,h)
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
a) Appreciate and integrate the value of the analytical tools and
techniques available to marketing professionals when evaluating the
marketing environment and developing marketing strategies;
b) Demonstrate and evaluate the vital necessity of focusing on the
customer and the marketplace as the foundation of marketing
c) Critically evaluate the marketing mix of an existing organisation
contrasting application to theory;
Subject-specific Skills
d) Propose and present an outline marketing plan;
e) Critically appraise tactical marketing decisions based on situation
analysis and in line with strategic marketing plans.
f) Exammine and appraciate the tools of Strategic marketing and
apply in practise within a global context
g) Explain and appraise marketing concepts, theories and models
clearly and apply these critically to existing organisations;
Key Skills
h) Concise dissemination of information relating to investigative
actions required for a coherent marketing plan;
i) Produce a written report following academic convention that
synthesises clearly theoretical perspectives and distinguishes
between conceptual frameworks which focuses on a practical
marketing plan application for different scenarios
Mode of working
This is an individual assignment. The University of Northampton policy will
apply in all cases of copying, plagiarism or any other methods by which
students have obtained or attempted to obtain an unfair advantage.
Format for the submitted work
The assignment should be written for a business audience and presented
appropriately in a report format. The word limit is 3000 words (+/- 10%).
Harvard referencing must be used throughout.
Hand-in procedure
You must submit your assignment electronically.
You will receive an email confirmation and the system will record the date and
time you submit. In the unlikely event of work getting lost, the receipts will show
that work has been submitted. Without a receipt there is no evidence to show
that the work has been undertaken, and you may be given a “G” grade.
All e-copies must be sent by 11:59pm of the deadline day.
An area to submit your assignment will appear on NILE as the assignments
become available.
Grading / feedback guidance
The table at the end of this document serves as a general grading guide for
students to assist in the self-assessment of their work. Lecturer feedback will also
include specific remarks on strengths and aspects for improvement as well as
overall comments on the assignment as a whole.
This assignment carries a weighting of 60% for The Principles of Marketing
Management module.
nal first
A+ Work which fulfils all the criteria of the grade below, but at
an exceptional standard.
A very strong
A good
A Work of distinguished quality which is based on a rigorous,
comprehensive and detailed knowledge base, including
awareness of the provisional nature of knowledge and its
theoretical, ethical and conceptual dimensions, together with
its wider context and implications.
Work will demonstrate sustained ability to engage in analysis
of new/abstract data and situations, synthesise data and
concepts to design novel solutions, critically evaluate
evidence and its contradictions, and confidence in application
to define and propose resolutions to complex problems
relevant to the field of study or assessment task. This will
be the basis for authoritative arguments and judgements
and work which meets professional standards in relation to a
full range of key skills.
There will be strong evidence of competence across a range
of specialised skills using them to plan, develop and evaluate
problems solving strategies, to challenge received opinion
and develop reflective judgements and reports. Clear
evidence of capability to operate autonomously with minimal
guidance in complex and unpredictable contexts using a wide
range of innovative and standard techniques will be
demonstrated. Outputs will be communicated effectively,
accurately and reliably.
A clear
A First A- Work of very good quality which displays most but not all of
the criteria for the grade above.
A Distinction A high
B+ Work of highly commendable quality which clearly fulfils the
criteria for the grade below, but shows a greater degree of
capability in relevant intellectual/subject/key skills.
A very strong
A good
B Work of commendable quality based on a strong
comprehensive/detailed knowledge base for the field of
study, including an assured grasp of concepts, principles and
major theories, and demonstrating some awareness of the
provisional nature of such knowledge and understanding
together with its wider implications. There will be evidence
of considered and confident analysis of new/abstract
data/situations, synthesis of data/concepts, critical
evaluation of evidence and effective application of knowledge
skills to address complex problems. The ability to work
effectively within professional contexts with minimum
direction to meet objectives and take responsibility for
quality of outputs and criticize them will also be evident.
There will be evidence of capability in all relevant subject
based and key skills, including the ability to self-evaluate
and work autonomously with minimal direction to use
effectively a range of innovative and standard techniques in
complex and unpredictable contexts.
A strong Merit An upper
B- Work of good quality which contains most, but not all of the
characteristics of the grade above.
A clear Merit A high
C+ Work which clearly fulfils all the criteria of the grade below,
but shows a greater degree of capability in relevant
intellectual/subject/key skills.
A Merit A good
C Work of sound quality based on a firm
detailed/comprehensive knowledge base for the field of
study and its developing and provisional nature, including a
good grasp of current theories and issues both abstract and
practical, together with the ability to organise and
communicate effectively. The work may be rather standard
and limited in its insight/theoretical grasp or depth, but will
be mostly accurate and provide some evidence of the ability
to analyse the new or abstract, synthesise data/concepts,
critically evaluate and apply appropriate
methods/techniques, with minimal guidance. There will be
no serious omissions or inaccuracies and there will be
capability in professional contexts. There will be good
evidence of ability to take responsibility for own learning,
some capability to challenge received opinion and make use
of a range of resources to form judgements. Evidence of the
ability to operate with autonomy in complex and
unpredictable situations, selecting and applying appropriate
techniques will be demonstrated within limits. There will be
competence in relevant key skills.
A very strong
A lower
C- Work of capable quality which contains some of the
characteristics of grade above.
A strong Pass A high
Work of satisfactory quality demonstrating a reliable
knowledge base and evidence of developed key skills and/or
subject based skills, but still containing limited evidence of
analysis, synthesis, evaluation or application, or of
appropriate detail or skill application.
A Pass A good
D Work of broadly satisfactory quality based on a knowledge
base which is coherent and of appropriate depth/detail for
the field of study, including an awareness of current theories
and issues and some key theories, appropriately presented
and organised. However work will be primarily derivative,
with limited evidence of autonomous/creative analysis,
synthesis, and evaluation or application. Although there will
be limits to knowledge and intellectual skills, such that work
may contain omissions, there will be some evidence of an
ability to deploy established techniques of analysis and
enquiry, sound conceptual understanding and capacity to
manage own learning and communicate effectively and
appropriately. There will be some evidence of operating with
autonomy in predictable contexts, but less evidence of ability
to operate in more complex or unpredictable situations.
However, an ability to select and apply a variety of standard
and possible innovative techniques, and to meet threshold
standards of competence in relevant key skills, will be

Business Project Assessment :

The project requires each student to complete a piece of independent, supervised study based around the structure/ criteria shown below. This should complement the student’s taught programme (while avoiding duplication) and facilitate a detailed understanding of these business issues. Each individual project is, by definition, a unique piece of work. However, it should be remembered that each project must use a variety of academic theories/ models to discuss and analyse the areas mentioned in the Scheme of Work below:
• Students choose ONE Multinational company
• Each student then has to research and discuss two aspects out of the three areas suggested. These two core areas should be interlinked as shown below, – in relation to their chosen company. This must be from a worldwide perspective and using relevant theory as a framework.
Structure of the Project
• Title page
• Introduction (500 words)
1) Choose 2 from the 3 suggested areas below: Research relevant academic models and literature and apply to your chosen company.
2) Comparative Analysis of the company’s competitive position in its various markets (1800 words)
3) What does the company need to consider when trading across borders – (1800 words
4) What considerations should your company look at when trying to create Social Impact (1800 words)
5) In addition to the above, Critically evaluate and analyse academic theories related to your two chosen areas, and discuss what your company needs to consider to enhance their business. (1000 words)
• Conclusion linked to the earlier critical analysis (700 words)
Ø Total: approximately 5000 words
• Full bibliography/ reference list using the Harvard system ( Note: Appendices are not permitted)

The business project module starts 22nd June 2015.
The Learning Outcomes are :
• Knowledge and understanding; (a) understand how to critically review a variety of theories relevant to the study, (b) Identify and explore key company data.
• Subject Specific skills ; (a) Pursue a clear set of aims and objectives; (b) Draw appropriate conclusions from the study.
• Key skills; (a) critically analyse empirical data using appropriate theoretical frameworks; (b) Create and sustain a substantial and coherent written argument based on independent study.

• Layout, indicative content and exploration of 2 out of 3 required themes explained in Lecture 1.

Students are asked to select ONE Multi National Company; to choose the 2 themes that they will concentrate upon; and to carry out some general reading, thematic and theoretical research for the start of the module. This should help to put into context the selection of a MNC and choice of themes/ theoretical framework.
In June/July 2015 the initial three lectures will be carried out along with some workshops which help to confirm the choice of MNC for each student. Areas of research will be identified with support material uploaded to Nile to help students identify a good “company / themes / theories” fit.
The lectures and workshops have been structured around some of the following areas, with supporting research links and material provided for the students on Nile , so that they are encouraged to carry out more individual research :
• Required format/ structure; word counts; Literature review research; Academic writing and Referencing
• The growth of Globalisation – influences and outcomes
• The Role of Multi National Companies and the environments within which they sit
• MNC growth and competitiveness and the market influences they have.
• Trading across Borders and the implications for MNC’s
• Leadership of MNC’s
• Corporate Social responsibility; the impact of MNC’s
Work will then move into individual monitoring of progression, and to facilitate as much 1-2-1 review work as possible, along with the lectures and workshops. Groups will be managed so that students will be seen individually each week.
The content of these meetings are recorded on individual monitoring sheets, filled in by Supervising lecturers, where the students’ work is monitored, reviewed and agreed upon for the next stage.
Each meeting/workshop therefore covers :
• Student explains how much work and progression has been achieved since the last meeting
• Lecturer reviews this work at each meeting and advises where appropriate.
• New targets are set and agreed between lecturer and student, and the student and lecturer sign the monitoring form (student takes copy if required).
• This means that the individual work is being monitored and directed each week and is on track for the submission date agreed with University of Northampton.
• This system also highlights the students who do not attend regularly and they are contacted by lecturers to ensure that contact is maintained.
• Progress levels are proactively encouraged where required, as is the requirement for independent research.
• Deadline for 80% completed work to be set when Supervisor 1-2-1’s start.
Isobel Wood. 22nd June 2015.

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