Refer to the Peer Review Guidelines under the Course Resources folder for more information on peer review. In general, the point here is to be constructive and critical towards each others essays. This time around, focus on the followinga) Purpose: Does the writer seem engaged in her or his subject matter? Does the writer seem to really care about the subject?
b) Audience: Who do you think the writer is writing to or for? How does the writer indicate a sense of audience, in your opinion?
c) Thesis: Copy down what you take to be the thesis of the essay. Does the thesis take a clear position on the topic?
d) In complete sentences, write down anything else that you the reader notice about the essay. Make suggestions for improvement in any area. Make sure to clearly communicate your ideas.
Praise and compliments are fine, but they are not the purpose of this exercise. To help your classmates become better writes, praise must be followed up with constructive insights.
Module 1.3b: Rough Draft Discussion Forum