Modern” art is generally described as European or American art from about 1850-1970 and it is characterized by a shift in subject matter (usually depicting some aspect of the modern world— people gathered in public spaces, changing technology, changes in fashion or social norms, experimenting with new knowledge about optics and how the human eye works etc.) and by artists pushing the boundaries of the media in which they work (for example, not blending colors in paintings, merely suggesting the shapes of things rather than reproducing them realistically, Matisse’s unusual use of color in his paintings, or Picasso’s experiments with Cubism).
• Choose three works of art in any medium from your reading that were produced by a European or American artist between 1850 and 1970 and discuss how each of the works you have chosen exemplify Modernism in art.
• Please identify each work by title, artist, date, and figure number so that I may refer to the work as I read your response.
• You may incorporate photography and/or film examples into your response if you wish.
Modernity, Photography, and Film
January 18th, 2017