Chamberlain College of Nursing-NR-531 Nursing Leadership in Health Care Organization Mission and Vision Statements (graded) Compare the mission and vision statements of SLMC and your current or former place of employment. Discuss the differences and similarities.Leadership Style and Communication Professional-nursing-practice environments are faced with many challenges when conditions are less than optimal. As we discussed last week, the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) supports a healthy work environment. The nurse executive has the influence to impact the resources and philosophy for the healthcare delivery system. Being aware of your leadership style and how you learn can be helpful for your leadership development and can enhance overall communication with the team. As we begin this week?s lesson, we will complete the learning-inventory model. Learning-Inventory Model As nurse executives, it is helpful to understand your style of learning and the way you process information. This additional knowledge can be helpful to provide insight into ways you can enhance your learning capability. The learning-inventory model is a quick way of assessing your learning style. However, as you review the results, keep in mind there have not been any formal validation of this tool. Access the following link to start the learning inventory model survey and answer the questions honestly: Patient Care Organization There are five traditional modes of organizing nursing care, which include total-patient care, functional care, team-nursing care, primary-nursing care, and case management (Marquis & Huston, 2015). However, various care-delivery modes can utilize variations in how decisions are made, communication, and management of work assignments. Various models offer advantages and disadvantages that must be evaluated. Nursing-care-delivery models can be influenced by societal, political, economic, and other influences and have evolved over time. Modes of Organizing Patient Care Total Patient Care Model Total-patient-care nursing is the oldest patient-delivery model (Marquis & Huston, 2015). With this model, one nurse oversees the total care of patients during his or her shift. When patient care is provided by registered nurses (RNs), generally the outcomes or quality of care are high. This type of patient-care delivery system is no longer cost effective due to the percentage of RNs needed for delivery of care. It is interesting to note there is an increase in patient satisfaction with total-patient care. Functional-Care Model The functional-care model involves assigning tasks to various team members based on the complexity of care needed and was found to be more cost efficient due to the lower number of RNs required per shift. Generally, routine tasks are performed by persons who are not RNs, and the RN oversees more complex patient concerns. With this model, the unit manager typically has knowledge of all the patients and makes the patient assignments for the team. Quality of care with a functional-care model was found to be less than with the total-patient-care model (Marquis & Huston, 2015). Team-Nursing Care Model The team-nursing care model involves a smaller number of nurses, with various skills and knowledge, working together under the direction of a team leader to provide total patient care. The team leader makes assignments according to the complexity of the patient care required. This care model evolved due to the demand for increased patient care and was found to be more expensive due to the increase in staff required. With this model, quality care was noted to be higher since the RN had responsibility for fewer patients (Marquis & Huston, 2015). Primary-Nursing Care Delivery Model Another care delivery model is the primary-care model, which focuses on individual, patient-centered care. Each patient is assigned a specific primary nurse who assumes 24-hour accountability for the patient throughout their hospital stay or throughout the stay on a given unit. When the primary nurse was not available to provide care, another nurse is assigned; this nurse follows the care plan set by the primary nurse. With this care-delivery model, the primary nurse is able to resolve patient concerns or issues, resulting in more positive results. Case Management Case management is another work design that can assist in meeting patient needs. In this work design, recommendations for cost-effective providers, treatments, and care settings are provided for individual patients. Disease management may also be a role assumed by case managers. Early detection of health issues can help reduce or prevent exacerbation of a disease. The Transformational Model Through the project, Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB), the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) developed ways to change and improve medical surgical units in four main categories. These categories include: safe and reliable care, vitality and teamwork, patient-centered care, and value-added care process (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2013; Roussel, 2013). IHI?s Innovation Series white papers were developed as resources and tools to help evaluate and understand specific issues and to hopefully help agencies make improvements. Early results of some pilot tests have shown promising improvements. The Innovation Series papers offers concrete suggestions for agencies that wish to implement and test similar ideas in their own facility. It is notable that transformational leadership has been identified to assist with enhancing patient safety and successful organizational outcomes (Roussel, 2013). Summary This week, we explored care-delivery models and organization of patient care. There is much literature on models of care delivery; however, much of it is descriptive. There is some variability within the various care delivery models. The term shared governance arises out of this framework for building an organizational format in such a way that empowerment and point-of-service decision making is integrated into the structures of the organization. Next week, we will discuss the shared governance model in more depth. St. Louis Medical Center (SLMC) Mission SLMC is dedicated to providing access to quality healthcare in a supportive and caring environment with an unyielding devotion to excellence, safety, and an unequaled passion and commitment to ensure outstanding healthcare that optimizes the quality of life for those we serve. Vision SLMC will be a national leader for excellence and innovation in developing and delivering the highest quality of the next generation of consumer-driven healthcare; focus on our patients as individuals and provide healthcare experiences that are tailored and personalized to meet their physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual needs. Page or paragraph numbers must be included with quotes per APA. See APA re how to format references and in-text citations i.e. capitalization issues and use of the ampersand versus the word (and). Including at least one in-text citation and matching reference. Check for grammar and spelling Reference Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application.(8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ? Chapter 14: Organizing Patient Care Roussel, L. (2013). Management and leadership for nurse administrators. (6th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ? Chapter 7: Organizational Structure and Analysis, p. 271 ? Chapter 12: Managing the Process of Care Delivery (Review) ? Chapter 21: Transformational Leadership and Evidence-Based Management in a Changing World Article Welton, J. & Harper, E. (Jan/Feb 2015). Nursing Care Value-Based Nursing care value-based financial models. Nursing Economic$, 33(1), 14-25. Link to article Bixler, B. (n.d.). Learning styles inventory. Retrieved from Marquis, B.L. & Huston, C.J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Roussel, L. (2013). Management and leadership for nurse administrators. (6th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). (2013). Transforming care at the bedside. Retrieved from
Mission and Vision Statements Academic Essay