You have been introduced to this assignment in Module 3 and should have a good list of references and an outline already prepared to help you moving forward.
As a reminder, for this project, you are the science reporter for your local newspaper. You have just received an assignment from your editor. She asks you to write an article on a major topic within the field of microbiology. She stipulates that in this article you must:
Generate a historical timeline of the major scientific discoveries leading to our current understanding of the topic.Include a summary of our current understanding of the topic.Project where the next major advance or breakthrough in your topic will come from.Description For Part B of this project, using the topic, outline and resources that you developed for Part A, write a 2,000 word article for your newspaper following your editors instructions. Your article should not just quote the research articles you have consulted, but convert them into language that is understood by non-scientists without losing meaning.
Procedure Submit your project in one Word document and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox.
Please format your article according to APA style. Your article should have a cover page, abstract, and reference page. These pages do not count towards the length specified (2000 words). Please number each page, including the cover page and provide a running head.