children sex trafficking in usaOrder Descriptionwill download an example of a literature review that my teacher gave it to us. I will download all papers so you can take a look at it to understand what the exact thing i need. i didnt have in my mind what things about children sex trafficking i should focus in i need you to decide what is the main issues that need to be address as a common problems in all 5 references. in other words what are the issues we need to focus and study in this is very important to know that the references should be peer review scholar articles not from the internet sources. i will need you to work with me in the next papers that will come after this literature. review . the cource start with writing this review of 5 articles then we will write a QUALITATIVE and QUANITATIVE REPORT. for now i just need to start with the 5 article review.
Merck CEO Ken Frazier, pp 458-460. Academic Essay