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Mental status growth and measurement Academic Essay

What would you expect to see in adults with the following conditions:
a. Dementia
b. Depression
c. Delirium
Situation: Bill is a 13-year-old whose lower right leg was crushed in an automobile accident.
a- What effect can this type of injury have on Bill’s growth and development?
Childhood obesity has become a major public health problem in the United States.

What is the quickest and most simple method for obtaining a food intake history?
What should you remember when using the My Pyramid Food Guide?
Define growth?.
Describe the action of the growth hormone.?
What is the cause of Cushing syndrome?
What abnormality is associated with Turner syndrome?
Define body mass index (BMI).
Present the equation for calculating BMI.
Situation: Nancy Carr, a 25-year-old woman in the third trimester of pregnancy, exhibits a 3-pound weight gain in 1 week.
Is there reason to be concerned about the weight gain?
Situation: Examination of an older woman reveals kyphosis and a loss in height.
What is the cause of this woman’s change in stature?
Name two abnormal physical examination findings associated with obesity and their possible causes.
Describe a typical bulimic patient
What is the psychologic disorder in which the patient has a perceptual distortion of body shape, with a relentless drive for thinness through self-imposed starvation, bizarre food habits, obsessive exercise, and self-induced vomiting or laxative use?

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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions

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