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Marking Rubric for Paraphrases
Mark /5 Quality of paraphrase
5 Response remains true to the central ideas in the original passage, and fully expresses the original meaning. Where applicable, prestige abstracts are used. Where possible, key words have been replaced with appropriate alternatives. Sentence structure and organization does not mimic that of the original. Writing is of superior quality (e.g., grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and word choices).
4 Response is mostly true to the central ideas in the original passage, but does not fully express the original meaning. Where applicable, prestige abstracts are used. Where possible, key words have been replaced with appropriate alternatives. Sentence structure in paraphrase does not mimic that of the original. Writing is of good quality (e.g., grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and word choices).
3 Response only partially captures the central ideas. Not all original wording is replaced with appropriate alternatives. Writing is comprehensible but contains errors (e.g., grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and word choices).
1 – 2 Maximum for answers that depart from the original ideas to the extent that the paraphrase is inaccurate and/or borrows liberally from original wording, sentence structure and organization.
1. Paraphrase the following:
SpitlerH.D. (2001). Medical Sociology and Public Health: Problems and prospects for collaboration in the new millennium. Sociological Spectrum, 21(3), 247-263.
“According to Levinson (1998) and others, public health has continued to concentrate on changing the individual behaviors and exposures to pathology rather than targeting the conditions influencing those behaviors and exposures. These individualistic approaches are ’’safer’’ than structural approaches because they do not require the modification of the social structure or existing political, economic, or cultural structures or processes.”
2. Paraphrase the following:
Source: ChattopadhyayS.K., &V.G. CarandeKulis. (2004). Economics of prevention: the public health research agenda. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 10(5), 467-471.
“Unlike the market for apples and oranges, consumption of prevention activities may not render immediate satisfaction to consumers. From the economic perspective, demand for preventive services is more likely to follow the health capital investment model originally developed by Grossman. Prevention is assumed to improve the stock of health relative to what it would be in its absence. This improvement is anticipated to enable people to reap increased economic returns from production and consumption activities over a longer period of time.”
**Continue on the next page**
Write ONEwell-structured paragraph that answerseach of the following questions. Use examples from the readings to support your answer. You are expected to cite any ideas or examples used from the readings using APA style in-text citations – a reference list is not necessary. You may use a maximum of 300 words for each paragraph and each paragraph should be double spaced. . Each paragraph is worth 10 marks (see marking rubricon next page).
1. Consider the following two research studies “Sanitizing public space in Olympic host cities: The spatial experiences of marginalized youth in 2010 Vancouver and 2012 London“ (Kennelly & Watt, 2011) and “’Near and Far’: Social Distancing in Domiciled Characterizations of Homeless People”( Hodgetts et al., 2011) .Dothese studiescomplement each other to increase our understanding of homelessness? If yes, how? If not, why not?
2. Consider the article: ”Suffering of childless women in Bangladesh: The intersection of social identities of gender and class” (Nahar&Richters, 2011). Explain how this article uses the Anthropological perspective to improve our understanding of health?
Paragraph Marking Rubric:
Marks /10 Quality of Paragraph Elements
9 -10 • Topic sentence clearly provides the thesis of the paragraph;
• Each sentence in the paragraph advances the argument;
• Several detailed and accurate examples from course material are provided to justify the argument;
• Writing quality is exceptionally-high caliber overall (organization, spelling, word choices, grammar and other mechanics).
8 • Topic sentence implicitly states the thesis of the paragraph
• Most sentences in the paragraph advancedthe argument;
• Severalaccurate examples from course material are provided to justify the argument;
• Writing quality of high caliber overall (but not as well organized as 9-10 responses or with one or more minor errors).
7 • Topic sentence is not clear and does not provide the basis for the thesis of the paragraph;
• Most sentences in the paragraph advancedthe argument;
• Examples from course material are provided to justify the argument but inaccuracies or detail;
• Writing quality fulfills basic expectations for an introductory university course but requires editing.
6 • Topic sentences ins not clear and does not provide the basis for the argument presented in the paragraph;
• Few sentences in the paragraph advancedthe argument ;
• Examples from coursework provided to justify the argument but with inaccuracies or the use of inappropriate examples;
• Writing quality fulfills basic expectations for an introductory university course but requires editing.
0 – 5 • Topic sentence not included or completely misrepresents the contents of the paragraph;
• Examples provided are inappropriate and/or do not advance the argument;
• Paragraph is poorly structured and argument is difficult to understand;
• Weak writing, with grammatical and spelling errors; requires much editing.