Assignment: Policy Paper Outline 60 points
It is expected that the Policy Paper Outline be submitted in a formal outline format as demonstrated below. Your outline should show enough detail to demonstrate that you have begun thinking about the organization of your paper and the research required into the topic. After your outline, please submit a listing of the sources you have already identified for your paper.
I. Each Roman numeral should be a main section of the paper
A. Subpoint
1. Details of Subpoint
a. Related details to the Subpoint
B. Subpoint


After reading the background materials as well as additional information you find from the literature and online sources, respond to the following:
1.Explain how Medicare is financed.
2.Identify who is eligible for Medicare.
3.Discuss the benefits of Medicare. (Note: Discuss the differences in premiums and covered services.)
Assignment Expectations
Length: Write a 1 page paper.
Kaiser Family Foundation. (2010). Medicare: A Primer. Available at
Kaiser Family Foundation. (2010). Medicare at a Glance. Available at
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. (2010). Context for Medicare Payment Policy. In Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy, March 2010, Washington: the Commission. Available at
Newhouse, J. (2010). Assessing Health Reform’s Impact on Four Key Groups of Americans.Health Affairs, 29 (9), 1714-1724. Available at