Media WatchThe focus of this project is to allow you to become attuned to current discussions regarding politics, political process and the public policymaking/law process that
is affecting US health care, public health, health policy and law Project Objective: 1. Become aware of current health policy issues 2. Determine the effect that media
has on the formation, implementation and modification of health policy and law in the US You will be responsible for selecting one topic and monitoring all media
regarding that topic (including radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, internet, journals, speeches, conferences, etc., any source of current information
relevant to the policy topic of your choice) Monitor media sources and be prepared to share your findings and insights pertaining to (1) and (2) stated above via oral
report. You will be assigned scheduled times to provide oral reports on your topic. The oral presentation should include: Brief describe the overall issue, policy
that is being addressed including history, impetus, influences, outcomes, associated factors Desrption of the various political perspective(s) and how they are
presented by media source An analysis regarding the impact of the medias coverage of the issue and how it has or could impact the policy development, implementation
and/ or modification Your presentation should not exceed 20 minutes: If more time is need, prior approval from Course Director is required Grade will be based on:
(Using Rubix) Thoroughness of overview Completeness of media watch and presentation of various political perspectives Depth of analysis regarding medias
impact on policy development, implementation and or modification Quality of Presentation Adherence to project directions
Media Watch