Media Practice
How have ideas of realism been conceptualised and put into practice by different filmmakers
Media Practice
How have ideas of realism been conceptualised and put into practice by different filmmakers
in radio…
We are interested in theory and practice, and the relationship between the
two. Your essay therefore needs to demonstrate evidence of having read and engaged
with a relevant body of academic texts, related to the essay topic of your choice. See, in
particular, the sources referred to in the week-by-week lists of related reading. Since we
are also interested in practice, your essay cannot only analyse and discuss theory. All of
the questions will also require a discussion and analysis of media practice –
programmes, films, articles etc. In other words, you MUST provide relevant examples to
back up your theoretical arguments! You should use original examples rather than just
discussing examples that have been used in the lectures. So make sure you read the
questions, and the instructions given for each, in detail.
In radio, how is sound used to create pictures in the minds of the listeners? And is the
absence of visions a strength rather than a weakness?
To answer these questions, please integrate academic thinking on the topic as well as
in-depth analysis of one or two examples of radio programming.