Abstract Page (200–220 words) & Introduction (around 3 double-spaced pages)
Purpose: To provide the reader with the necessary background on the topic researched in the
Content: The introduction consists primarily of the following types of information, generally
provided in this order:
1. Why do you undertake this study? What gap in the knowledge of the field are you trying to fill
by undertaking this study? What problem are you trying to address? What contribution does this
study make to the field?
2. The nature of the work performed: The variables that are investigated and the methods that are
3. The potential state of the problem at the end of the study: A brief statement of the major
findings you expect to obtain, and implications of the study, for example, how the work
contributes to “the big picture,” questions left unanswered, new questions that might have
About the media coverage of jasta law against Saudi Arabia and how media coverage this in United States and Saudi Arabia