mechanical engineeringOrder DescriptionPart A (25%)? Introduce your progressing degree
? Identify career options from the degree
? Explain reasons for degree choice
Part B (25%)? Locate the same degree (or similar) at another UK institution
? Provide similarities and differences with the LJMU degree
? Identify an LJMU academic at LJMU and notes on their profile
? Provide comments on a visit to the LJMU departmentPart C (50%)? Name a first year module on your progressing degree
? Identify a topic relating to that module
? Debate/difference of opinion/ contrasting views within the topic
? 4 references to be identified and presented using the Harvard referencing system (2 websites and 2 books)-
the criteria above is essay plan and i have done it and i will upload it to you.-
Assessment Criteria ProjectPart A (25%, approximately 350 words)? Written in the first person
? Demonstrates knowledge of the academic discipline
? States own educational aims whilst studying
? Understands career opportunities availablePart B (25%, approximately 350 words)? Written in impersonal style
? Provides a discussion that compares and contrasts the same (or similar) degree programme at LJMU with another UK university e.g. modules, course content, course structure
? Highlights an LJMU academic?s profile
? Reflects on a departmental visit experiencePart C (50%, approximately 700 words)? Written in impersonal style
? Identifies a first year module on the LJMU progression degree
? Demonstrates knowledge of a topic related to the module
? Analyses contrasting views or approaches within the topic
? Provides at least 2 websites and 2 books (not e-books) as supporting sources within the discussion
mechanical engineering