Paper instructions:
Three questions need to be answered thoroughly and will be used toward a portion of a final paper. The outline is as follows for you to answer:I. Describe the mission and mandate of the Milwaukee County Sheriffs Office. What are the most significant problems encountered by the workers (and the agency) in trying to successfully carry out this mandate?
II. What is the relationship between the agency and the criminal justice system? How does this agency fit into the criminal justice system?
III. (I will complete this portion)
IV. (I will complete this portion)
V. ( I will complete this portion)
VI. Provide a summary statement about the benefits and usefulness of an internship with the 6 different divisions of the Milwaukee County Sheriffs Office. (Communications, Administration, Airport, Patrol, Jail and Courts)In writing this be specific, creative and thourough. Type in Times New Roman font size 12. Please include a title page and reference page. This will not be counted in the required pages.