Task Students will be presented with a research question, a related published journal article and an appropriate data set. Students will be asked to critically appraise selected statistical aspects of the article provided. Then, using the R Commander and the data set provided, students will be asked to conduct and report their own analyses addressing the research question. A Word template will be provided for the answers. Students will need to apply all skills and knowledge they have obtained in this Unit to complete this assessment. Criteria You will be assessed on the following: The accuracy, depth and relevance of your critical appraisal The appropriateness of your choice of statistical methods in relation to the research question and data set. The accuracy, clarity and completeness of your description of the statistical methods used. The accuracy, clarity and completeness of your presentation of the results of the statistical analyses. The accuracy, depth and relevance of your interpretation of results and your answer to the research question. Please avoid pasting screenshots of R Commander output into your assignment (graphs are fine). Raw output does not identify the answer to the question. Where ever possible present your answer as a sentence or paragraph. Resources There is no requirement to study beyond the text book, tutorial materials and practice exercises. If however, you do not fully understand these materials or find the style difficult, please consider: concepts and practice questions can be discussed with tutors, fellow students and on the online discussion group. there are many good youtube videos if you learn better by watching than reading. any introductory statistics text will cover the same material – see Section 2.5 above for a few examples available online. If you need to give any reference, please use this textbook. Because my teacher follows this one. 1. (2012). Essentials of Biostatistics in public health (2nd Ed). Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA. My professor has added two clarifications in the question document in response to student questions: Correcting for age is just including age in the regression model. When age is in the model all other variables are corrected for age (and age is simultaneously corrected for all other variables in the model). the variable called ‘lgtotchol’ is the logarithm of total cholesterol