1. Introduction
b. Attn. Getter/Relate to audience
i. Introduce your media text
ii. Comment upon its significance as an object of study,
c. Thesis Statement
i. Formulate a clear and concise thesis statement (i.e., identify what your text is doing and how it is doing it),
d. Preview Statement
i. A statement which previews the main points you employ to support your claim (thesis)
2. Body
a. An analysis of your text using relevant principles discussed in class. The goal of this section is to effectively combine theory and astute critical observations. This is the body of your paper and should constitute the largest portion.
i. Distinct pattern of organization
ii. Lucid discussion of your main points
iii. Effective connectives between main points
iv. Strong use of examples to enhance your claims
v. Logical argument/structure
3. Conclusion
a. A critical conclusion in which you briefly reflect on the implications of your analysis. This might include speculating about the role your text plays in political affairs, processes of socialization, or U.S. culture generally. In so doing, please:
i. Restate thesis
ii. Summarize main points
iii. Meaningful closing line
mass mediated text (i.e., film, television show, advertisement, video game, song, literary work, magazine, newspaper, internet site, etc