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Analyse and then portray the strategic positioning of the two supermarkets, Lidl and Aldi, in Lancashire by comparing the companies along the following strategic marketing factors discussed in our lectures ?9 items?? use the concepts and theories you have learnt in the lectures to support your strategic portrait.
Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Will look at what tactics Apple company has used to become a market leader
Remember that the company is Apple
(Please read the comments from the last week paper below!!!)
Thank you for your unit four assignment submission. I appreciate you including your updated plan for your topic. It looks like you are making some minor changes; I do know it is a work in progress! Please continue to add updates to the document each week. On the references, you have much of the required reference information but not all in the proper formatting. Please see the APA 6th edition manual for examples. Please let me know if you have any questions.