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Marketing Mix for SingTel

Marketing Mix for SingTel

Paper instructions:
come out a new product for SingTel with Marketing mix.
Please follow the structure provided.

Assessement 2 Structure:

– Introduction  :
1.    Issue/challengues facing
2.    New product Features and Benefits
3.    Market Needs and Trends

– Target Audience ( use STP Method)
1.    Segmentation (Croft 1994, p1)
2.     Positioning
3.     Targeting

4 P €“ Marketing Mix (Marketing Strategy)
(Baker & Hart 2008, p463).
€¢    Product
€¢    Price
€¢    Place
€¢    Promotion
€¢    Financial Forecasts
€¢    Implementation and budgeting

– Conclusion


Module:    BU7752 Marketing Across Boundaries
Programme:   University of Chester MBA
Paper:     Assignment 1 & 2
Class:    Full-time / Part-Time (June’14)
a.  To write this assignment, you are required to review journal papers and independently write your
b.  Please quote all journal papers and reports that you used in this assignment, in APA format.
c.  Please be reminded that your assignment is subjected to Turn-it-in software check. (University of
Chester reserves the right to disqualify any assignment on the basis of suspected plagiarism)
d.  Plagiarism €“ It is unethical and unacceptable to pass off someone else’s work, either published or
unpublished, as your own.  If you wish to refer to work other than your own, you must acknowledge it
in your text.
e.  Standard English €“ It is expected that your writing will conform to Standard English in terms of
spelling, syntax and grammar.
f.  Word counts for response to each question, an allowance of plus or minus 10% is accepted; the
penalty for exceeding the word count will be 5 marks per 1,000 words excess.
g.  Late assignments submission will be penalized: 10 marks will be deducted per day with effect from
the stated deadline.

Learning outcomes:
On successfully completing this module, students should be able to:
1.  Appreciate and evaluate the relevance of the marketing concept to organisations both from academic
and practical points of view.
2.  Understand and critically evaluate the impact of the marketing environment and different stakeholders
on marketing decisions.
3.  Identify the elements of marketing planning and critically evaluate its use in the organisation you are
4.  Critically  evaluate  the  use  of  target  marketing  (segmentation,  targeting  and  positioning)  in  the
organisation of your choice.
5.  Critically evaluate the use of components of the marketing mix by the chosen organisation and relate
this to the approach to target marketing identified in 3.4.
6.  Where appropriate, demonstrate a critical appreciation of factors governing marketing strategy and
operations that apply to the organisation’s marketing in an international context.

Assignment One: LO 1 and 2
Individual Marketing Report

This assignment requires you to be able to appreciate and evaluate the relevance of the
marketing concept to organizations; both from academic and practical points of view.
You are encouraged to use the relevant marketing concepts that you have learnt and apply
them accordingly.
For this assignment, you are required to choose a public-listed company in Singapore of
your choice. Conduct a critical analysis of its business using comparative measures of
performance.  The measures include, but not limited to, product/ service features/ product
life cycle analysis, SWOT/Competitive advantage, analysis, industry and market analysis,
competitive analysis, targeted customers analysis, financial performance of the company
and its marketing plan efforts.
You  should  conduct  appropriate  desk  research  to  help  you answer  this  question.    All
sources of information must be acknowledged using the APA referencing.

  Assessment weighting:   25%
  Word Count:      1,000 ± 10%
  Mark allocation:      1: 50%, 2: 50%
  Due Date:       22
July 2014


Assignment Two: LO 3, 4 and 5
Individual Marketing Report

*Note:   You may use the chosen organisation from Assignment One for the requirements
in Assignment Two. However, if you desire to choose another organisation for
Assignment  Two  €“  please  follow  the  organisation  selection  criteria  from
Assignment  One.    Additionally,  you  are  required  to  do  the  requirements  for
assignment one and attached it as an appendix.

Having conducted the analysis in assignment one, you are required to craft a Marketing
plan  to  incorporate  your  suggestions  and  recommendations  of  new  innovation(s)
(product/service) in which can help the business to expand and attract new customers
and/or while retaining existing ones.
Leverage on the components of the marketing mix to achieve your new proposal. You are
required to explore and evaluate critically how target Marketing can contribute to the new
initiatives.    In  addition,  your  proposed  plan  should  include  financial  and  budgeting
consequences as a result of the Marketing mix recommendations.

  Assessment weighting:   75%
  Word Count:      3,000 ± 10%
  Mark allocation:      3: 30%, 4: 30%, 5: 40%
  Due Date:       29
August 2014

Post-Graduate Assessment Feedback Sheet
Student Number / Name:
Module Code & Name:  Marketing Across Boundaries
Assignment No.1: (25%)    Submission Date:
Grade-band for each Task assessed against relevant Generic M Level Criteria †“
Generic M Level
Marking Criteria
Assignment Tasks or Necessary Component/s of
the Task/s [NCT] (assessing the Assignment
Learning Outcomes: see left-hand column)
<40  40+  50+  60+  70+
a) Evidence of critical
reading of a range of
relevant literature
b) Formulation of
coherent argument that
goes beyond the
reiteration of existing
c) Interrelation of
concepts and appropriate
methodologies from
published sources and,
where relevant, current
practices with a
coherently expressed
personal viewpoint.
d) Demonstration of the
ability to apply, extend
and / or evaluate
concepts and
methodologies to an
identified problem or
e) Evidence of
undertaking research
work, where relevant, in
such a way that it is
planned, implemented
and interpreted with due
regard for evidence,
appropriate modes of
enquiry and the
communication of its
f) Use of key theories and
concepts in the
discussion of relevant
g) Conclusions and
interpretations reached
cautiously and discussed
critically, with
acknowledgement of
interpretations and
related to earlier
theoretical arguments.
h) Coherent and
articulate written work
that acknowledges
academic form.
i) Within word count

Assignment Learning

1. Appreciate and
evaluate the relevance
of the marketing
concept to
organisations both
from academic and
practical points of

2. Understand and
critically evaluate the
impact of the
environment and
different stakeholders
on marketing

Product or Service Plan
  Description of the product or service of selected
organisation and its unique features was highly
effective and detailed.

SWOT/Competitive Advantage
  Assessed the strength, weakness, opportunity and
thread.  Critically assessed the implications to the
  Assessment of direct and indirect competitors
  Assessment of businesses competitive advantage
  How business will overcome entry barriers to
chosen market.
  Recommend with justification, appropriate actions
to overcome the identified weaknesses in the
  Recommend with justification, new areas/
entrepreneurial opportunity/ overseas opportunity in
which the business could be expanded.

Industry and Market Analysis
  External environmental analysis.
  Analysis identified and described target consumer
and competitors, as well as industry and/or product
  Characteristics of a desirable business location were
also identified.

Tutor’s personalised Comment: Firstly, please see €œWhat my grades mean€ €  below.

Priority for Improvement: Firstly, please see €œTypical actions required to improve€ € €  below.


First Assessor:
Overall Actual
Grade: %

Second Assessor:   Second Assessor’s Comment (Applicable only if your assignment is in the 2

*All grades are provisional until the Award or Progression Board / Actual Grade is NOT an exact arithmetic calculation from Approximate Grades.

What my grades mean (full details in your Programme Handbook): your work shows one or more of the Characteristics listed for your grade
bands €œ€ €:
Grade:  Task & Assignment Characteristics€  / Performance Criteria:
Typical actions required to improve€ €  your future work:
< 40
Fail: Unsatisfactory work evidencing misunderstanding or limited
understanding of key concepts / Limited application of concepts / Limited
focus on the task/s set
Careful reading & working to comprehend class notes + set texts to
understand concepts / Applying concepts to understand practice /
Addressing the exact task/s set.
40 +
Pass: Satisfactory work demonstrating acceptable understanding of most key
concepts / Some awareness of key debates / Over-reliance on sources /
Overly descriptive (little analysis or explanation) / Certain gaps or
weaknesses or errors in understanding / Limited reading / Some application
of concepts to practice
Re-reading & working to fully comprehend class notes + set texts to fully
understand concepts / Explaining source texts through your own words /
Understanding key debates / Applying concepts to analyse and understand
practice / More focus on the exact task/s set.
50 +
Good work demonstrating understanding of concepts and theories based on
reading beyond class notes with personal analysis & synthesis of reading /
Adequate analysis & explanation / Good awareness of key debates / Some
minor gaps in understanding or errors / Competent application of one or
more theories to practice
Further reading of literature & analysis of that reading to extend
understanding of theories and eradicate gaps and errors / Further use of your
own words to show understanding / Deepening understanding of key
debates / Stronger application of theories to analysing and interpreting
60 +
Very good work demonstrating full understanding of concepts and theories
based on reading beyond the basic texts and using analysis, synthesis & a
degree of criticality of that reading / Engaging fully with debates / Few &
minor gaps or errors / Strong application of theories
Further depth of reading of literature & synthesis of that reading to extend
theoretical grasp / Working to resolve debates / Fuller application of
theories to both analyse and evaluate practice & policy.
70 +
Distinction: Excellent work demonstrating thorough understanding based
on extensive reading and analysis and synthesis of that reading with good
critical awareness / Resolving debates / Strong, critical application of
theories / Provision of innovative solutions
Further breadth of reading of literature & criticality of that reading / Further
application of theories in the critical evaluation and creative extension of
practice & policy.

**  If the €œQuality €¦ of written work€ is graded at less than 50, your written English is a problem and you must work with an LSS Tutor to
improve it.
++  If your work is graded at less than 50 it is likely that you need to improve your referencing as your work may show some signs of plagiarism.
You must cite
all your sources both when you quote sources directly or draw upon sources indirectly, using the correct APA format and give a full reference list
at the end.

Student Number / Name:
Module Code & Name:  Marketing Across Boundaries
Assignment No.: (75%)    Submission Date:
Grade-band for each Task assessed against relevant Generic M Level Criteria †“
Generic M Level
Marking Criteria
Assignment Tasks or Necessary Component/s of
the Task/s [NCT] (assessing the Assignment
Learning Outcomes: see left-hand column)
<40  40+  50+  60+  70+
a) Evidence of critical
reading of a range of
relevant literature
b) Formulation of
coherent argument that
goes beyond the
reiteration of existing
c) Interrelation of
concepts and appropriate
methodologies from
published sources and,
where relevant, current
practices with a
coherently expressed
personal viewpoint.
d) Demonstration of the
ability to apply, extend
and / or evaluate
concepts and
methodologies to an
identified problem or
e) Evidence of
undertaking research
work, where relevant, in
such a way that it is
planned, implemented
and interpreted with due
regard for evidence,
appropriate modes of
enquiry and the
communication of its
f) Use of key theories and
concepts in the
discussion of relevant
g) Conclusions and
interpretations reached
cautiously and discussed
critically, with
acknowledgement of
interpretations and
related to earlier
theoretical arguments.
h) Coherent and
articulate written work
that acknowledges
academic form.
i) Within word count

Assignment Learning
3. Identify the elements
of marketing planning
and critically evaluate
its use in the
organisation you are
4. Critically evaluate the
use of target
targeting and
Marketing Plan
  Describes marketing mix fully and well, including
specifics of product/service, pricing, distribution tiers,
proposed advertising, promotion activities, sales
strategy, product or service’s benefit were described
and appropriate.
  Relationship Management plan, and Management
Information System plan were clearly specified.

Financial Plan
  Financial analysis, funding requirement and budgeting
as a result of marketing mix recommendations.
  Possible financing sources were identified and
business financial outlook was described in detail.

Growth Plan
  Analysis identified and described target consumer and
competitors, as well as industry and/or product
  Characteristics of a desirable business location were
also identified.

Detail, Professionalism
  Plan was presented in great detail and it was
consistently obvious there was great thought behind it.
  Plan was presented in paragraph format and had no
spelling or grammatical errors.
  Referencing fully and appropriately acknowledged.

Tutor’s personalised Comment: Firstly, please see €œWhat my grades mean€ €  below.


positioning) in the
organisation of your
5. Critically evaluate the
use of components of
the marketing mix by
the choosen
organisation and relate
this to the approach to
target marketing
identified in 3.
6.  Where appropriate v,
demonstrate a critical
appreciation of factors
governing marketing
strategy and
operations that apply
to the organisation’s
marketing in an
international context.
Priority for Improvement: Firstly, please see €œTypical actions required to improve€ € €  below.

First Assessor:
Overall Actual
Grade: %

Second Assessor:   Second Assessor’s Comment (Applicable only if your assignment is in the 2

*All grades are provisional until the Award or Progression Board / Actual Grade is NOT an exact arithmetic calculation from Approximate Grades.
What my grades mean (full details in your Programme Handbook): your work shows one or more of the Characteristics listed for your grade
bands €œ€ €:
Grade:  Task & Assignment Characteristics€  / Performance Criteria:
Typical actions required to improve€ €  your future work:
< 40
Fail: Unsatisfactory work evidencing misunderstanding or limited
understanding of key concepts / Limited application of concepts / Limited
focus on the task/s set
Careful reading & working to comprehend class notes + set texts to
understand concepts / Applying concepts to understand practice /
Addressing the exact task/s set.
40 +
Pass: Satisfactory work demonstrating acceptable understanding of most key
concepts / Some awareness of key debates / Over-reliance on sources /
Overly descriptive (little analysis or explanation) / Certain gaps or
weaknesses or errors in understanding / Limited reading / Some application
of concepts to practice
Re-reading & working to fully comprehend class notes + set texts to fully
understand concepts / Explaining source texts through your own words /
Understanding key debates / Applying concepts to analyse and understand
practice / More focus on the exact task/s set.
50 +
Good work demonstrating understanding of concepts and theories based on
reading beyond class notes with personal analysis & synthesis of reading /
Adequate analysis & explanation / Good awareness of key debates / Some
minor gaps in understanding or errors / Competent application of one or
more theories to practice
Further reading of literature & analysis of that reading to extend
understanding of theories and eradicate gaps and errors / Further use of your
own words to show understanding / Deepening understanding of key
debates / Stronger application of theories to analysing and interpreting
60 +
Very good work demonstrating full understanding of concepts and theories
based on reading beyond the basic texts and using analysis, synthesis & a
degree of criticality of that reading / Engaging fully with debates / Few &
minor gaps or errors / Strong application of theories
Further depth of reading of literature & synthesis of that reading to extend
theoretical grasp / Working to resolve debates / Fuller application of
theories to both analyse and evaluate practice & policy.
70 +
Distinction: Excellent work demonstrating thorough understanding based
on extensive reading and analysis and synthesis of that reading with good
critical awareness / Resolving debates / Strong, critical application of
theories / Provision of innovative solutions
Further breadth of reading of literature & criticality of that reading / Further
application of theories in the critical evaluation and creative extension of
practice & policy.

**  If the €œQuality €¦ of written work€ is graded at less than 50, your written English is a problem and you must work with an LSS Tutor to
improve it.
++  If your work is graded at less than 50 it is likely that you need to improve your referencing as your work may show some signs of plagiarism.
You must cite
all your sources both when you quote sources directly or draw upon sources indirectly, using the correct APA format and give a full reference list
at the end.

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