Assessment Details:
Produce a report with critical analysis on how an international organization (Mercedes-Benz), through its integrated marketing communication programme is marketing a specific product (S- Class Segment or SUV Segment) within its product range to a specific target market and evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing communication programme.
You are required to;a. Brief description of the company and its range of products and an analysis of the specific product and profiling of the target market. (10 marks)b. Provide a report to critically evaluate the characteristics, features and effectiveness of the marketing communications tools of that chosen organization. (30 marks)c. You are required to devise a strategic marketing communication plan to market the product in the UK. (30 marks)d. You are required to develop a marketing communication strategy and evaluate how all the elements of Communication Process do apply within the global context. (30 marks)Total 100 marks.
Marketing Communication
marketing communication
Order Description
Each group member must produce their own Press Release
& Blog post relating to the ‘Day Out’/visitor attraction featured in your Group Presentation.
(Two documents). The Press Release should describe the media circulation envisaged eg local TV.
Quality of written English/appropriate style for each
Communication 25%
Engaging/creative content for editors/readers 50%
Appropriate formatting/layout/presentation for
each communication 25%
marketing communication
Order Description
Each group member must produce their own Press Release
& Blog post relating to the ‘Day Out’/visitor attraction featured in your Group Presentation.
(Two documents). The Press Release should describe the media circulation envisaged eg local TV.
Quality of written English/appropriate style for each
Communication 25%
Engaging/creative content for editors/readers 50%
Appropriate formatting/layout/presentation for
each communication 25%