Managing Workforce Planning
Order Description
Executive Summary 2
Current labour data on staff turnover and demographics in the retail industry 2
Factors affecting the retail industry workforce supply 2
Current workforce requirements for CA City Retail Group 2
Key Operational objectives for CA City Retail Group 2
Current staff turnover position and organisational impact 2
Strategies to address the current staff turnover 3
Sourcing skilled workers 3
Communication to HR 3
Contingency plans for organisational strategies 4
Action plan for implementation 4
Succession planning 4
Employee Satisfaction Survey 4
Employer of Choice programs 5
Proposed workforce strategies 5
Ongoing monitoring of labour supply and government policy impacting on labour demand 5
Change to trading hours 5
Workforce planning evaluation 5
Executive Summary
< Provide an overview of the purpose and content of the report>
Current labour data on staff turnover and demographics in the retail industry
<Reference the research sources you used to conduct your labour market research and provide a summary of the labour market position in the retail industry>
Factors affecting the retail industry workforce supply
<Provide information on the factors that you have identified that impact on the retail industry workforce supply>
Details of factors affecting the industry Effect on workforce supply Factor category
Current workforce requirements for CA City Retail Group
<Identify and provide details of the key emerging workforce requirements for the organisation>
Key Operational objectives for CA City Retail Group
<Identify the organisational objectives and complete the table demonstrating what strategies is proposed to meet with the planned objectives>
Organisational Strategy Operational objectives
Current staff turnover position and organisational impact
<Explain the current staff turnover and the impact on the organisation>
Strategies to address the current staff turnover
<Provide details of the strategies you recommend to assist with reducing staff turnover>
Strategy Explanation of how it will address the issue
Sourcing skilled workers
<Provide details of methods that can be explored for sourcing skilled workers>
Communication to HR
Example draft email
To <>
Good Morning <>,
Strategy Objective Implementation
Signed <>
Contingency plans for organisational strategies
<Provide details of the contingency plans identified for your organisational strategies>
Strategies Contingency Plans
Action plan for implementation
<Complete an example action plan for implementation>
Objective Actions Responsibility Date Due
Succession planning
<Provide a suggested succession planning flow chart>
Employee Satisfaction Survey
<Create an employee satisfaction survey>
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
Employer of Choice programs:
< List employer of choice programs/initiatives>
Proposed workforce strategies
<Explain proposed workforce strategies and organisational alignment>
Ongoing monitoring of labour supply and government policy impacting on labour demand
<Explain how you will be monitor and review the labour supply and government policy impacting on labour demand>
Change to trading hours
<Changes to proposed workforce plan>
Workforce planning evaluation
<What methods will be implemented to review and evaluated the workforce planning effectiveness>
Compile a report by answering all questions based on data from your own organisation or by utilising the following scenario.
Scenario: You are the Regional Manager for CA City Retail Group, a large organisation that has a Department Store, a Café and a Service Station, located in Southeast QLD. You have noticed that one of your key stores has had an increased staff turnover in female staff during the past six months. This can be found presented in the graph below. You will be sending your report to your key stakeholders the CEO and HR Director of CA City Retail Group.
1. Review and research current labour data on staff turnover and demographics in the retail industry. We recommend you access the following sites to conduct your research:
Service Skills Australia-
Department of Employment-
We also recommend you read the 2014 Retail Workforce Study developed by the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency in association with Service Skills Australia.
This is a lengthy document, and whilst you are encouraged to read the document thoroughly, you will find that by reading the Overview in pages 13-22, most of the key concepts and ideas are covered, however you will be required to study keys sections of this document in greater detail to extract the required information to fully answer the questions.You can then extend your reading further, if so desired.
a. How does the graph above (your current working environment) compare to the information you have gleaned through your labour market research with regard to staff turnover?
b. Based on the information you have read, identify three factors that may affect your workforce supply.For each factor identified, explain why this is of significance to the workforce supply in the retail industry or the industry of your choice. These factors may be related to:
Technological advances
Labour market competition
Economic conditions
Industry changes
Market trends
Skills and labour shortages
Unemployment rates
c. Evaluate the organisations workforce requirements using your labour research findings for the Retail Industry. Explain what the workforce requirements are for the CA City Retail workforce (or for your organisation).
Hint: The requirements for the workforce may include diversity in age, gender, generation, learning styles, race, religious beliefs, sexuality, and workers background, including cultural and linguistic background. Further, there will be specific requirements for education and foundation skills.
2. Identify three organisational strategies from your organisation or use the following three organisational strategies that have been communicated by the executive team (in the scenario), these are:
Attract and retain a capable skilled workforce
Develop the workforce to meet future skill needs
Increase diversity in retail workforce
These three organisational strategies may require you to either modify your workforce composition; and/or retain the current employees in your workforce. You are required to create two operational objectives in support of each strategy. If you are using the scenario, use the CA City Retail Groups Diversity Policy (Appendix A) to understand the organisations view on diversity.
Hint: The operation objective may include specific objectives for the organisation on recruitment, training, retention, redeployment and redundancy.
Attract and retain a capable skilled workforce
Develop the workforce to meet future skill needs
Increase diversity in retail workforce
3. Staff turnover is an important measure of workforce planning. Answer the following questions regarding staff turnover.
a. Explain if the current staff turnover (in the scenario or within your organisation) is acceptable and give two reasons to support your thoughts.
b. Based on the objectives you have set in Question 2, create three strategies that can be implemented to address the turnover and how can these strategies help to assist employees.
c. Set some realistic targets for this objective.
4. How could you go about sourcing skilled workers? Identify at least two methods, and explain how you could use those two methods in the future to make sure your organisation continues to bring in the right people.
5. Now that you have set your objectives, strategies and targets, name two stakeholders you would consult for approval. Draft an email to the two people you have identified. You need to confirm the following details with them:
Outline the proposed objectives are and why you believe they are important to the organisation
Why you have chosen them, in particular, to assist with the approval process
Hint: Include timeframes and instructions for the process of approvalof the objectives and strategies.
6. Based on the objectives and strategies you have set, construct a contingency plan to address and avoid future work related problems.
Objectives Contingency plans
Attract and retain a capable skilled workforce
Develop the workforce to meet future skill needs
Increase diversity in retail workforce
7. Create an action plan to support one of your objectives for recruitment, training, redeployment and redundancy you identified in question 2.
8. Create a flow chart to demonstrate how you would implement a succession planning system ensure desirable workers are developed and retained within the organisation.
9. Your staff are your most valuable resource, you need to be sure they are all performing well and to the best of their abilities. How will you know if this is the case? You need to ask them for their feedback.
a. Create an employee satisfaction survey for the CA City Retail Groups store (or for your own organisation) to measure the current climate. Please make sure to create at least seven questions.
b. Provide two types of programs you could put into place to ensure that you become an employer of choice in the future?
c. Employee satisfaction surveys are important tools to regularly monitor the workplace climate. You will need to collate the survey responses and track outcomes to monitor the change in organisational climate. The table below provides results recent organisational climate survey. 230 Surveys were issued and 182 responses received. This was the same response rate as per last quarters survey. Complete the satisfaction calculations for each climate dimension measured in the survey. Then, using these calculations complete the survey summary section in the table.
Dimension definitions:
Employee Welfare The extent to which the organisation values and cares for employees
Autonomy Designing jobs in ways which give employees wide scope to enact work
Participation in decision making Employees are given considerable influence over decision-making
Communication The free sharing of information throughout the organisation
Emphasis on training A concern with developing employee skills
Dimension Satisfaction % previous quarter Number satisfied respondents Number of unsatisfied respondents Satisfaction %
Employee Welfare 93% 138 22
Autonomy 82% 127 72
Participation in decision making 80% 148 34
Communication 77% 165 17
Emphasis on training 90% 132 50
Survey summary
Dimension of concern % variance to last survey Reason for concern
10. Referring to the graph and industry research that you reviewed in question 1, and the strategies you have listed, comment on how you would review and monitor their effectiveness.
11. Explain how you will continue to regularly monitor labour supply trends and government policy on labour demand in the retail industry as a whole? What information sources will you use?
12. There are a number of techniques which can be used to estimate and forecast human resource demand; some are listed in the table below. Provide an explanation of each technique:
Managerial Judgement
Work Study Technique
Ratio-trend Analysis
Econometric Models
Delphi Model
Estimates based on historical records
13. The executive team has just announced that the department store trading hours will be extended from 6.00pm to 11.00pm each night between 15 October and 31 December. Sufficient staff will need to be allocated for these hours. The current staffing levels are unlikely to meet with this demand and strategies need to be put into place to meet with this business directive. You are required to revisit your workforce objectives, in response to this change. Please provide details of three new objectives you would identify for the workforce. If you are using your own organisation, identify a similar workforce change that impact on your organisational objectives and provide a response to this change.
14. Now that your policy has been in place for six months, how can you evaluate the effectiveness of the changes you have made? Please make sure to list at least three different ways this can be assessed.
Appendix A
CA City Retail Groups Diversity Policy
Guiding Principles
Our organisation respects and values the competitive advantage of diversity, and the benefit of its integration throughout the organisation, in order to enrich our perspective, improve performance, increase member value, and enhance the probability of achievement of our goals and objectives.
Our guiding principles with respect to diversity are:
To treat all employees, prospective employees, contractors, consultants, members and suppliers, fairly and equallyregardless of their gender, age, sexuality, culture/ethnicity, language and religious beliefs, and regardless of any disability or flexible workplace practices.
To value diversity by maintaining a safe work environment and taking action against inappropriate workplace behaviour including discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation.
To promote an organisational culture that values diversity and tolerates differences by developing and offering work arrangements that help to meet the needs of a diverse work force.
To promote the recruitment of employees and directors impartially from a diverse field of suitably qualified candidates.
To provide learning and development strategies and opportunities to develop the knowledge skills and experience of all employees.
We will realise our guiding principles by:
Being aware of diverse strategies and organisational and market opportunities and utilising a range of tactics to achieve our goals and objectives;
Adding to, nurturing and developing the skills and experience of employees;
Developing our culture, management systems, processes and procedures to be aligned with our guiding principles and promote the attainment of diversity.
We will develop, implement and measure ongoing strategies, initiatives and programs to promote diversity across the organisation.
Monitoring and reporting
The Human Resources department will monitor, review and report (at least annually) to the CEO and the Executive on the organisations progress with respect to this policy including its progress against all measurable objectives introduced.
Our annual report will contain details of the measurable objectives set by the board in accordance with this policy and our progress towards achieving them. In addition, we will disclose in our annual report details of the proportion of women employees in our organisation and women in senior executive positions.
Accountability and responsibility for this policy
The Human Resources department has responsibility for the administration, monitoring and ongoing review of this policy.
Management, employees, contractors and consultants have responsibility for understanding and adhering to the terms of this policy.
We will meet all obligations with respect to the issue of diversity in line with any applicable regulatory and reporting requirements including but not limited to:
Age Discrimination Act
Disability Discrimination Act
Racial Discrimination Act
Sex Discrimination Act
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act
If you would like to lodge an informal complaint, please contact HR on [email protected]
If you would like to lodge a formal complaint please do so via: