Rules and regulations:
Coursework Regulations
1. Submission of coursework must be undertaken according to the relevant procedure. Lecturers will give information as to which procedure must be followed, and details of submission procedures and penalty fees can be obtained from Academic Administration or the general student handbook.
2. Late coursework will be accepted by Academic Admin Office and marked according to the guidelines given in your Student Handbook for this year.
3. If you need an extension (even for one day) for a valid reason, you must request one. Collect a coursework extension request form from the Academic Admin Office. Then take the form to your lecturer, along with evidence to back up your request. The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick. The completed form must then be returned to Academic Admin for processing. This is the only way to get an extensionOutcomes and assessment requirementsLearning Outcomes
Assessment requirementsTo achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to:1 Understand how to assess information and knowledge needs.
1.1 Discuss the range of decisions to be taken.
1.2 Examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision taking.1.3 Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding.
1.4 Justify recommendations for improvement.
2 Be able to create strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision making process.
2.1 Identify stakeholders for a decision making process.
2.2 Make contact with those identified and develop business relationships.
2.3 Involve those identified in decision making as appropriate.
2.4 Design strategies for improvement.
3 Be able to develop communication processes.
3.1 Report on existing processes of communication in an organisation.3.2 Design ways to improve appropriateness.3.3 Implement improvements to ensure greater integration of systems of communication in that organisation.3.4 Create a personal plan to improve own communication skills.
4 Be able to improve systems relating to information and knowledge.
4.1 Report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and knowledge.4.2 Carry out appropriate changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage, disseminating information and knowledge.4.3 Implement a strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge to others as appropriate.
Purpose of this Assignment:
This assignment aims to show how communication, knowledge and information can be improved within an organisation including making better use of IT systems.
The assignment is designed to develop your understanding of the interaction between communication, knowledge and information. It also covers how IT systems can be used as a management tool for collecting, storing, disseminating and providing access to knowledge and information.
Scenario:Select an organisation of your choice or use your own employment context and answer the following questions (Task 01 to 04).
Task 01:
Demonstrate how you understand how to assess information and knowledge needs.
Using the above;
1.1. Based on the 3 levels of management in an organisation discuss the major decisions that are taken by Management at each level. (AC 1.1)1.2. Examine how good information and knowledge are needed to ensure effective decision making at each level in the organisation of your choice. (AC 1.2.)1.3. Assess the internal and external sources of information and understanding that are usually available to the organisation. (AC 1.3.)1.4. Provide any recommendations to improve information and knowledge available to your selected organisation. You may give particular attention to the data collection methods in your recommendation. Justify recommendations by explaining how and why these recommendations will make the system better. (AC 1.4.)
Assessment Criteria 1.1., 1.2., 1.3. & 1.4.
Task 02:
Explain how you would create strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision making process.
2.1. Identify stakeholders that are likely to be influenced by the decision making process in the
organisation of your choice. (AC 2.1.)2.2. Discuss how to make contact with those identified and develop business relationships (AC 2.2.)2.3. Discuss how personal networking helps to involve identified stakeholders in the decision making process of your selected organisation.2.4. Design strategies that can be adopted by your selected organisation to improve personal networking and encourage those identified to involve in the decision making. (AC 2.4.)Assessment Criteria 2.1., 2.2., 2.3. & 2.4.Task 03:
Explain how you would help communication process.3.1. Considering selected organisation report on existing processes of communication and design ways
to improve it. (AC P3.1. & 3.2.)
3.2. How will you implement improvements to ensure greater integration of systems of
communication in that organisation? (AC 3.3)
3.3 Create a personal plan to improve your own communication skills. (AC P3.4.)
Assessment Criteria 3.1., 3.2., 3.3, & 3.4.Task 04:
Explain how you will improve systems relating to information and knowledge.
4.1. Report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination
of information and knowledge. (AC 4.1.)
4.2. What strategies can you design and implement to improve the current approach used
to collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge? (AC 4.2.)
4.3. What are the steps you will take to implement a strategy to improve access to systems of
information and knowledge? (AC 4.3.)
Assessment Criteria 4.1., 4.2., & 4.3
Feedback for Task 01
Areas for Improvement:
Feedback for Task 02
Areas for Improvement:
Feedback for Task 03
Areas for Improvement:
Feedback for Task 04
Areas for Improvement:Lecturer Signature: Date:Important points:
Your assignment must strike a balance between theory and practice. Description should be limited to what is absolutely necessary to emphasise a point of view or make your analysis clear. Similarly, you should not simply regurgitate theories in your assignment with no practical application of them. You should show due diligence in writing your assignment to ensure that it reflects the highest standard of presentation.
Other key considerations
Your assignment must include a cover page with title, student name and number, date, word count, and contents page with page numbers.
The Introduction in your assignment should cover the background, the issues and the aim of the investigation.
Your assignment must use good quality sources (academic material or credible news sources, up to date and relevant to the topic) and correctly referenced using the Harvard system.For assessment regulations and guide, please read first page of this assignment brief.
Managing Communications, Information & Knowledge