Descriptionread the each question below and answer respectively.1. Of the Management Principles discussed by the author (Evan Stubbs) in the Textbook: Delivering Business Analytics: chapter 3 (pages 31-83). put together a Top 5 list for yourself of those guiding principles that most resonate with you.2. Put them in order of importance, according to your professional values, with a statement next to each on why each one is important to you professionally.Reading materials: Available in google please search.
Delivering Business Analytics: Practical Guidelines for Best Practice, 2013. Wiley, ISBN: 978-1118370568.
Author: Evan StubbsTextbook: Delivering Business Analytics: chapter 3 (pages 31-83)1 page 300 words are required. Please add citations and references page number for each citation in the paragraph. Example: (author name, year, p. xx). Its required APA standard format. Prepare answer from your thoughts. This is master level degree so, the answer should be very clear and concise.
Management Principles

Management principles

both these articles and answer the two questions below. Minimum 250 words per question.
Dodd, M.E. (1932). “For Whom are Corporate Managers Trustees?” Harvard Law Review, 45, 1148.
Berle, A. A. (1931). “Corporate Powers as Power in Trust”. Harvard Law Review, 44, 1049.
1. 1) Maximizing Shareholder Value is the sole responsibility of Corporate Management.
Discuss the pros and cons of this statement with the help of information from multiple sources. What is your opinion?
2. 2) Management is an agent of the Shareholders of a Corporation.
Discuss the pros and cons of this statement with the help of information from multiple sources. What is your opinion?