Descriptionread the each question below and answer respectively.1. Of the Management Principles discussed by the author (Evan Stubbs) in the Textbook: Delivering Business Analytics: chapter 3 (pages 31-83). put together a Top 5 list for yourself of those guiding principles that most resonate with you.2. Put them in order of importance, according to your professional values, with a statement next to each on why each one is important to you professionally.Reading materials: Available in google please search.
Delivering Business Analytics: Practical Guidelines for Best Practice, 2013. Wiley, ISBN: 978-1118370568.
Author: Evan StubbsTextbook: Delivering Business Analytics: chapter 3 (pages 31-83)1 page 300 words are required. Please add citations and references page number for each citation in the paragraph. Example: (author name, year, p. xx). Its required APA standard format. Prepare answer from your thoughts. This is master level degree so, the answer should be very clear and concise.
Management Principles
Management Principles
Management Principles
Course Code: BUMGT1501
Teaching Location: Partners insert location
Credit Points: 15 Credit Points
Semester, Year: Semester 2, 2015
Prerequisite(s): Nil
Corequisite(s): Nil
Exclusion(s): Nil
ASCED Code: 080301
Program Level: .
Level of course in Program AQF Level(s) of Program
5 6 7 8 9 10
Introductory X
Staff Partner lecturers insert details below
Lecturer Details Tutor Details
(if relevant)
Email Contact
Office Location & Campus
Phone Contact
Consultation Hours
Prescribed Text
This course will be conducted on the presumption that students have a copy of:
Samson, D. & Daft, R. L. (2015). Management (5th Asia Pacific Ed.). South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning Australia. ISBN: 9780170259798
Student Responsibility
It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the requirements for this course, and understand the specific details included in this document.
For full details of programs and school procedures, please refer to the Federation Business School Programs Handbook available at
Students should be aware of the content of the handbook, particularly:
• Special Consideration process and forms
• Assignment Coversheet
• Submission of tasks and assignments
• Grading codes
• Appeal process
• Unsatisfactory progress – Early Intervention
It is emphasised that this course requires a significant commitment outside of formal class contact. The learning tasks in this course may include classes (lectures, tutorials or seminars), required reading, the preparation of answers to set questions, exercises and problems, and self-study. In addition, students may be required to complete an assignment, test or examination.
The table below is an example of the suggested time allocations for this course.
Classes 3 hours per topic 36 hours
Reading 2 hours per topic 24 hours
Preparation of set questions, exercises and problems 4 hours per topic 48 hours
Preparation of assignment 20 hours
Study and revision for test and end of semester examination 22 hours
TOTAL 150 hours
Attendance and Participation
It is in students’ interest to make every effort to attend all the classes for this course and to complete all preparatory and assessment tasks. It is our experience that those students who do not attend class or carry out the associated activities are more likely to do poorly or to fail the course completely.
Late Submission
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be penalised at 10% of the available marks per day. Requests for extension of time must be made with the lecturer concerned and based on Special Consideration guidelines
Moderation of Results
Moderation refers to the practice of quality assurance of assessable tasks and marking carried out at any of the School’s Partner Providers’ locations. Moderation addresses the interests of students, staff, the School’s partners and external stakeholders. Moderation seeks to ensure that:
• Good practice in assessment is being applied consistently across the institution and its programs;
• Student performance is being properly, fairly and consistently judged for all students undertaking the same course of study; and
• Standards expected of, and achieved by, students are appropriate, reliable and comparable to good practice at the University and nationally.
Standardisation of assessment may result in a student’s mark being amended. This is your guarantee that your results are comparable to Federation University results in all locations.
Course Evaluation
We welcome feedback as one way to keep improving this course. Students are encouraged to provide course feedback through eVALUate, the University’s online student feedback system. eVALUate will be available to students during Weeks 10 and 11 by the Student Survey dashboard system using FedUni student user names and passwords.
Moodle is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can download lecture and tutorial notes to support class participation. Students login to Moodle at
Generally, assessments are submitted online through Moodle. Should you need assistance, please use the available resources and support through the drop-down menus in Moodle.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person.
Students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.
Plagiarism is a serious offence. Please refer to the following documents:
• Statute 6.1: Student Discipline
• Regulation 6.1: Student Discipline
• Regulation 6.1.1: Plagiarism
Adopted Reference Style:
The link to the library website for more information is: FedUni Library – Referencing
Learning Outcomes:
This course is designed to enable students to understand the role of Management in contributing to the successful operations and performance of organisations. Students will be provided with an understanding of the theories and concepts of management and the skills, knowledge and application required in facilitating the management process in organisations. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamic nature of the management process and its key elements of planning, organising, leading and controlling.
K1 Explain the foundations of the principles and practices of management
K2 Examine how the role of management impacts on the functioning of organisations
K3 Identify the four basic management functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling, and conclude how they should be implemented
K4 Recognise that management principles and practices are an essential aspect of conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner
K5 Identify the contemporary management challenges and determine their impact on management and organisational processes and priorities
S1 Apply the knowledge gained in facilitating the management process in organisations
S2 Evaluate the effectiveness of various management theories and models as they relate to how an organisation functions
S3 Present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas about a particular topic relating to management
S4 Identify strategies to meet management issues and problems
Application of knowledge and skills
A1 Independently evaluate a diverse range of management functions and practices across multiple industries, using appropriate management theories
A2 Apply management theories and concepts to improve management functions in business, not-for profit and government organisations
Course Content:
The content of this course may address the following questions:
• Historical foundations of management
• The contemporary workplace Ethical behaviour and social responsibility
• Functions of management
• Communication
• Organisational structure
• Managing change.
• Managing diversity in Organisations
• Entrepreneurial Managers
• Teams within Organisations
This course will help students to develop values and attributes that will enable them to:
• Understand management principles and practices as an essential aspect of conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner
• Accept responsibility for, and display initiative in management practices
• Appreciate the role of management in contemporary organisations
• Build collaborative relationships in a culturally diverse workforce
• Appreciate the interrelationship of theory and practice in management
• Appreciated the importance of Management practices at both Organisational and Operational level
• Value complexity in organisations
• Appreciate that learning about Management is a lifelong process
Learning Tasks and Assessment:
At the University a PASS is usually achieved at 50%. For courses listed below, a mark of at least 40% in the examination must also be achieved to pass. This means a minimum score of 20/50 for the exam is required to pass, in addition to a cumulative total of 50% including other assessment.
BUACC1506, BUACC1507, BUACC1521, BUEBU1501, BUECO1507, BUECO1508, BUENT1531, BUHRM1501, BULAW1502, BULAW1503, BUMGT1501, BUMKT1501, BUMKT1503, BUTSM1501, BUTSM1502, BUACC5901, BUACC5930, BUACC5937, BUECO5903, BUHRM5912, BULAW5911, BULAW5914, BULAW5915, BUMGT5921, BUMKT5901, BUMKT5922.
Students are strongly advised to attempt ALL assessment tasks. Students who do not submit a task(s) or fail a task(s) in the semester will be identified as a ‘student at risk’ of unsatisfactory academic progress (outlined in the School Handbooks) and will be directed to the School’s Intervention Program. Students who encounter difficulties or who are otherwise concerned regarding their progress should consult their lecturer.
Assessment criteria set out the details by which performance in each task will be judged. This information will give a clear and explicit understanding of the expected standards to be achieved relative to the marks awarded.
Learning outcomes assessed Assessment Task Assessment
Type Weighting Week Due
1. K1,K2,K3
Demonstrate knowledge of required readings and materials by answering set questions Case study analysis 20%
Week 6
2. K1,K2, K4,K5
Practical Case study report looking at management activities and how they inter-relate to the success of organisations Case Study Report 30% Week 10
3. K1,K2,K3,K5
Demonstrate knowledge of key management concepts, issues, and problems by applying knowledge and skills in different situations Exam 50% Exam Period
Assessment Task 1: Case study analysis (20%).
1) Assessment Details. Abraham’s Grocery organisational structure, pp. 428-429
Students will read and analyse the case study on above pages of the text book and answer the three questions from the case study on p.429. The assignment should be 1,200 words and presented as answers to each question (not a report, not an essay – just answers the questions) with appropriate APA referencing citing the textbook as the key academic reference. Qs 1 and 2 require you to draw organisational charts with a definition and explanation while Q3 asks you to for a discussion and critical analysis.
The assignment will:
• Improve your knowledge of specific concepts and theories of organisational structure
• Develop your ability to apply theories and concepts to practical situations
• Encourage you to consider the effectiveness of various organisational structures as they relate to organisational functioning
• Develop your skills in critical thinking and analysis
• Develop your skills in academic writing.
2) Criteria used to grade this task
Marking guide on Moodle.
3) Task Assessor
4) Suggested time to devote to this task
A minimum of ten hours.
5) Submission details
Upload to Moodle on the Monday of week 6 by 11:55pm.
6) Feedback and return of work
Marked assignments will be handed back in class within two weeks.
Assessment Task 2: Case Study Report (30%)
1) Assessment Details. Starbuck’s Coffee strategic management case study, pp.346-347.
Students will read and analyse the Starbucks Coffee case study on pages 346-347 of the text book and answer the three questions from the case study. The report will be 1,500 words and presented in report format with appropriate APA referencing citing a minimum of four academic references. The report will:
• Improve your knowledge of specific concepts and theories of management
• Develop your ability to apply theories and concepts to practical situations
• Encourage you to consider the effectiveness of various management theories and models as they relate to organisational functioning
• Develop your skills in research, critical thinking and analysis
• Develop your skills in academic writing.
2) Criteria used to grade this task
Marking guide is included at the end of this document.
3) Task Assessor
4) Suggested time to devote to this task
Approximately 20 hours should be devoted to this task.
5) Submission details
The report will be submitted via Moodle on the Monday of Week 10 by 11:55pm.
6) Feedback and return of work
Feedback will be returned to students two weeks after submission.
Assessment Task 3: Exam (50%)
1) Assessment Details
The final exam will be closed book with a pre-sighted case study. The exam will be 3-hours in length and consist of a series of questions and a case study application section which will examine the knowledge of the students from the lecture topics.
2) Criteria used to grade this task
Marking allocation and exam structure will be discussed in the Week 12 class..
3) Task Assessor
4) Suggested time to devote to this task
Approximately 36 hours study time is suggested for the final exam.
5) Submission details
The examination will be held during the exam period following the end of the semester. Normal exam conditions will apply.
6) Feedback and return of work.
Students will be informed of results when results are released.
Teaching sequence.
As semesters and contact hours vary between teaching locations, delivery is usually scheduled across three hours a week for 12 weeks. As the University offers many programs in a variety of formats please contact local lecturers for further information about the schedule.
Please note that the sequence and content of lectures and tutorials may need to be changed and the following information should be used as a guide only.
1 The changing world of Management Chapter 1
2 The evolution of management & organising Chapters 2 & 10
3 The environment and corporate culture & managing in a global environment Chapters 3 & 4
4 Ethics, social responsibility and sustainable development & managing the value chain, IT Chapters 5 & 20
5 Organisational planning and goal setting & strategy formulation and implementation Chapters 7 & 8
6 Managerial decision making
• Assignment 1 due on the Monday by 11:55pm Chapter 9
7 Managing change and innovation Chapter 11
8 Individual behaviour in organisations Chapter 14
9 Leading in organisations Chapter 15
10 Motivating employees
• Assignment 2 due on the Monday by 11:55pm Chapter 16
11 Communication & teamwork in organisations Chapters 17 & 18
12 Managerial and quality control; Exam revision and course review. Chapter 19
Examination Period
Additional Resources:
‘Must read’ article
Mintzberg, H. (1990). ‘The manager’s job: folklore and fact’. Harvard Business Review, March-April. This seminal article is on the Moodle site.
Bartol, K., Tein, M., Matthews, G., & Sharma, B. (2008). Management – a pacific rim focus (5th ed.). Sydney: McGraw-Hill.
Bartol, K., Tein, M., Matthews, G., Sharma, B., Ritson, P., & Scott-Ladd, B. (2008). Management foundations – A Pacific rim focus (2nd ed.). Sydney: McGraw-Hill.
Campling, J., Poole, D., Wiesner, R., Ang, E. S., Chan, B., Tan, W., et al. (2008). Management (3rd Asia-Pacific ed.). Milton, Qld.: Wiley.
Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. & Pitsis, T. (2005). Managing and organizations: an introduction to theory and practice. London: Sage.
Davidson, P, Simon, A, Gottschalk, L, Hunt, J, Wood, G, & Griffin R. W. (2006). Management – core concepts and skills (Australasian ed.). Milton, Qld.: Wiley.
Davidson, P., Simon. A., Woods, P., Griffin, R. (2009). Management: Core concepts and application (2nd Australian ed.). Milton, Qld.: Wiley.
Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M. & Donnelly, J. H. (1997). Organizations: behavior, structure, processes (9th ed.). Chicago: Irwin.
Hanagan, T. (2005). Management: Concepts and practices (4th ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson.
Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., & Coulter, M. (2009). Management (5th ed.) Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson.
Waddell, D., Devine, J., Jones, G. R. & George, J. M. (2007). Contemporary management. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Academic Journals
1. Journal of Management & Organization, published by eContent Management Pty Ltd, (ISSN 1833-3672)
2. Harvard Business Review, published by Harvard Business School Publication Corp., (ISSN 0017-8012)
3. Academy of Management Journal, Published by Academy of Management, (ISSN 0001-4273)
The link to the library website for more information is:,-support-and-services/academic-support/learning-and-study/resources/general-guide-for-the-presentation-of-academic-work
FOR STUDENTS Student Name: Student ID No.:
Assessment Task 1. Case study analysis. Abraham’s organisational structure (20 marks). Samson & Daft (2015) pp.428-429
Assessment Criteria HD D C P MF F
Q1. Original organisational chart (5 marks)
• Clarity of the organisational chart showing relationships at store level and with district level. (4 marks)
• Definition of type of structure and explanation. (1 mark)
Q2. Suggested restructured organisational chart (5 marks)
• Clarity of the organisational chart showing new relationships at store level and with district level. (4 marks)
• Definition of type of structure and explanation (1 mark)
Q3. Discussion of each type of structure (8 marks).
• Discussion of advantages and disadvantages of both types of structure (6 marks)
• Recommended structure and discussion of reasons (2 marks)
Academic writing and referencing (2 marks)
• Clear, grammatically correct writing with no spelling mistakes (1 mark)
• Correct in-text citations and reference list citing the textbook using the APA method (1 mark).
Aspects of the assignment which were done well.
Aspects of the assignment which could be improved.
Lecturer: Location: Date:
Management Principles
Management Principles
Course Code: BUMGT1501
Teaching Location: Partners insert location
Credit Points: 15 Credit Points
Semester, Year: Semester 2, 2015
Prerequisite(s): Nil
Corequisite(s): Nil
Exclusion(s): Nil
ASCED Code: 080301
Program Level: .
Level of course in Program AQF Level(s) of Program
5 6 7 8 9 10
Introductory X
Staff Partner lecturers insert details below
Lecturer Details Tutor Details
(if relevant)
Email Contact
Office Location & Campus
Phone Contact
Consultation Hours
Prescribed Text
This course will be conducted on the presumption that students have a copy of:
Samson, D. & Daft, R. L. (2015). Management (5th Asia Pacific Ed.). South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning Australia. ISBN: 9780170259798
Student Responsibility
It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the requirements for this course, and understand the specific details included in this document.
For full details of programs and school procedures, please refer to the Federation Business School Programs Handbook available at
Students should be aware of the content of the handbook, particularly:
• Special Consideration process and forms
• Assignment Coversheet
• Submission of tasks and assignments
• Grading codes
• Appeal process
• Unsatisfactory progress – Early Intervention
It is emphasised that this course requires a significant commitment outside of formal class contact. The learning tasks in this course may include classes (lectures, tutorials or seminars), required reading, the preparation of answers to set questions, exercises and problems, and self-study. In addition, students may be required to complete an assignment, test or examination.
The table below is an example of the suggested time allocations for this course.
Classes 3 hours per topic 36 hours
Reading 2 hours per topic 24 hours
Preparation of set questions, exercises and problems 4 hours per topic 48 hours
Preparation of assignment 20 hours
Study and revision for test and end of semester examination 22 hours
TOTAL 150 hours
Attendance and Participation
It is in students’ interest to make every effort to attend all the classes for this course and to complete all preparatory and assessment tasks. It is our experience that those students who do not attend class or carry out the associated activities are more likely to do poorly or to fail the course completely.
Late Submission
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be penalised at 10% of the available marks per day. Requests for extension of time must be made with the lecturer concerned and based on Special Consideration guidelines
Moderation of Results
Moderation refers to the practice of quality assurance of assessable tasks and marking carried out at any of the School’s Partner Providers’ locations. Moderation addresses the interests of students, staff, the School’s partners and external stakeholders. Moderation seeks to ensure that:
• Good practice in assessment is being applied consistently across the institution and its programs;
• Student performance is being properly, fairly and consistently judged for all students undertaking the same course of study; and
• Standards expected of, and achieved by, students are appropriate, reliable and comparable to good practice at the University and nationally.
Standardisation of assessment may result in a student’s mark being amended. This is your guarantee that your results are comparable to Federation University results in all locations.
Course Evaluation
We welcome feedback as one way to keep improving this course. Students are encouraged to provide course feedback through eVALUate, the University’s online student feedback system. eVALUate will be available to students during Weeks 10 and 11 by the Student Survey dashboard system using FedUni student user names and passwords.
Moodle is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can download lecture and tutorial notes to support class participation. Students login to Moodle at
Generally, assessments are submitted online through Moodle. Should you need assistance, please use the available resources and support through the drop-down menus in Moodle.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person.
Students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.
Plagiarism is a serious offence. Please refer to the following documents:
• Statute 6.1: Student Discipline
• Regulation 6.1: Student Discipline
• Regulation 6.1.1: Plagiarism
Adopted Reference Style:
The link to the library website for more information is: FedUni Library – Referencing
Learning Outcomes:
This course is designed to enable students to understand the role of Management in contributing to the successful operations and performance of organisations. Students will be provided with an understanding of the theories and concepts of management and the skills, knowledge and application required in facilitating the management process in organisations. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamic nature of the management process and its key elements of planning, organising, leading and controlling.
K1 Explain the foundations of the principles and practices of management
K2 Examine how the role of management impacts on the functioning of organisations
K3 Identify the four basic management functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling, and conclude how they should be implemented
K4 Recognise that management principles and practices are an essential aspect of conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner
K5 Identify the contemporary management challenges and determine their impact on management and organisational processes and priorities
S1 Apply the knowledge gained in facilitating the management process in organisations
S2 Evaluate the effectiveness of various management theories and models as they relate to how an organisation functions
S3 Present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of knowledge and ideas about a particular topic relating to management
S4 Identify strategies to meet management issues and problems
Application of knowledge and skills
A1 Independently evaluate a diverse range of management functions and practices across multiple industries, using appropriate management theories
A2 Apply management theories and concepts to improve management functions in business, not-for profit and government organisations
Course Content:
The content of this course may address the following questions:
• Historical foundations of management
• The contemporary workplace Ethical behaviour and social responsibility
• Functions of management
• Communication
• Organisational structure
• Managing change.
• Managing diversity in Organisations
• Entrepreneurial Managers
• Teams within Organisations
This course will help students to develop values and attributes that will enable them to:
• Understand management principles and practices as an essential aspect of conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner
• Accept responsibility for, and display initiative in management practices
• Appreciate the role of management in contemporary organisations
• Build collaborative relationships in a culturally diverse workforce
• Appreciate the interrelationship of theory and practice in management
• Appreciated the importance of Management practices at both Organisational and Operational level
• Value complexity in organisations
• Appreciate that learning about Management is a lifelong process
Learning Tasks and Assessment:
At the University a PASS is usually achieved at 50%. For courses listed below, a mark of at least 40% in the examination must also be achieved to pass. This means a minimum score of 20/50 for the exam is required to pass, in addition to a cumulative total of 50% including other assessment.
BUACC1506, BUACC1507, BUACC1521, BUEBU1501, BUECO1507, BUECO1508, BUENT1531, BUHRM1501, BULAW1502, BULAW1503, BUMGT1501, BUMKT1501, BUMKT1503, BUTSM1501, BUTSM1502, BUACC5901, BUACC5930, BUACC5937, BUECO5903, BUHRM5912, BULAW5911, BULAW5914, BULAW5915, BUMGT5921, BUMKT5901, BUMKT5922.
Students are strongly advised to attempt ALL assessment tasks. Students who do not submit a task(s) or fail a task(s) in the semester will be identified as a ‘student at risk’ of unsatisfactory academic progress (outlined in the School Handbooks) and will be directed to the School’s Intervention Program. Students who encounter difficulties or who are otherwise concerned regarding their progress should consult their lecturer.
Assessment criteria set out the details by which performance in each task will be judged. This information will give a clear and explicit understanding of the expected standards to be achieved relative to the marks awarded.
Learning outcomes assessed Assessment Task Assessment
Type Weighting Week Due
1. K1,K2,K3
Demonstrate knowledge of required readings and materials by answering set questions Case study analysis 20%
Week 6
2. K1,K2, K4,K5
Practical Case study report looking at management activities and how they inter-relate to the success of organisations Case Study Report 30% Week 10
3. K1,K2,K3,K5
Demonstrate knowledge of key management concepts, issues, and problems by applying knowledge and skills in different situations Exam 50% Exam Period
Assessment Task 1: Case study analysis (20%).
1) Assessment Details. Abraham’s Grocery organisational structure, pp. 428-429
Students will read and analyse the case study on above pages of the text book and answer the three questions from the case study on p.429. The assignment should be 1,200 words and presented as answers to each question (not a report, not an essay – just answers the questions) with appropriate APA referencing citing the textbook as the key academic reference. Qs 1 and 2 require you to draw organisational charts with a definition and explanation while Q3 asks you to for a discussion and critical analysis.
The assignment will:
• Improve your knowledge of specific concepts and theories of organisational structure
• Develop your ability to apply theories and concepts to practical situations
• Encourage you to consider the effectiveness of various organisational structures as they relate to organisational functioning
• Develop your skills in critical thinking and analysis
• Develop your skills in academic writing.
2) Criteria used to grade this task
Marking guide on Moodle.
3) Task Assessor
4) Suggested time to devote to this task
A minimum of ten hours.
5) Submission details
Upload to Moodle on the Monday of week 6 by 11:55pm.
6) Feedback and return of work
Marked assignments will be handed back in class within two weeks.
Assessment Task 2: Case Study Report (30%)
1) Assessment Details. Starbuck’s Coffee strategic management case study, pp.346-347.
Students will read and analyse the Starbucks Coffee case study on pages 346-347 of the text book and answer the three questions from the case study. The report will be 1,500 words and presented in report format with appropriate APA referencing citing a minimum of four academic references. The report will:
• Improve your knowledge of specific concepts and theories of management
• Develop your ability to apply theories and concepts to practical situations
• Encourage you to consider the effectiveness of various management theories and models as they relate to organisational functioning
• Develop your skills in research, critical thinking and analysis
• Develop your skills in academic writing.
2) Criteria used to grade this task
Marking guide is included at the end of this document.
3) Task Assessor
4) Suggested time to devote to this task
Approximately 20 hours should be devoted to this task.
5) Submission details
The report will be submitted via Moodle on the Monday of Week 10 by 11:55pm.
6) Feedback and return of work
Feedback will be returned to students two weeks after submission.
Assessment Task 3: Exam (50%)
1) Assessment Details
The final exam will be closed book with a pre-sighted case study. The exam will be 3-hours in length and consist of a series of questions and a case study application section which will examine the knowledge of the students from the lecture topics.
2) Criteria used to grade this task
Marking allocation and exam structure will be discussed in the Week 12 class..
3) Task Assessor
4) Suggested time to devote to this task
Approximately 36 hours study time is suggested for the final exam.
5) Submission details
The examination will be held during the exam period following the end of the semester. Normal exam conditions will apply.
6) Feedback and return of work.
Students will be informed of results when results are released.
Teaching sequence.
As semesters and contact hours vary between teaching locations, delivery is usually scheduled across three hours a week for 12 weeks. As the University offers many programs in a variety of formats please contact local lecturers for further information about the schedule.
Please note that the sequence and content of lectures and tutorials may need to be changed and the following information should be used as a guide only.
1 The changing world of Management Chapter 1
2 The evolution of management & organising Chapters 2 & 10
3 The environment and corporate culture & managing in a global environment Chapters 3 & 4
4 Ethics, social responsibility and sustainable development & managing the value chain, IT Chapters 5 & 20
5 Organisational planning and goal setting & strategy formulation and implementation Chapters 7 & 8
6 Managerial decision making
• Assignment 1 due on the Monday by 11:55pm Chapter 9
7 Managing change and innovation Chapter 11
8 Individual behaviour in organisations Chapter 14
9 Leading in organisations Chapter 15
10 Motivating employees
• Assignment 2 due on the Monday by 11:55pm Chapter 16
11 Communication & teamwork in organisations Chapters 17 & 18
12 Managerial and quality control; Exam revision and course review. Chapter 19
Examination Period
Additional Resources:
‘Must read’ article
Mintzberg, H. (1990). ‘The manager’s job: folklore and fact’. Harvard Business Review, March-April. This seminal article is on the Moodle site.
Bartol, K., Tein, M., Matthews, G., & Sharma, B. (2008). Management – a pacific rim focus (5th ed.). Sydney: McGraw-Hill.
Bartol, K., Tein, M., Matthews, G., Sharma, B., Ritson, P., & Scott-Ladd, B. (2008). Management foundations – A Pacific rim focus (2nd ed.). Sydney: McGraw-Hill.
Campling, J., Poole, D., Wiesner, R., Ang, E. S., Chan, B., Tan, W., et al. (2008). Management (3rd Asia-Pacific ed.). Milton, Qld.: Wiley.
Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. & Pitsis, T. (2005). Managing and organizations: an introduction to theory and practice. London: Sage.
Davidson, P, Simon, A, Gottschalk, L, Hunt, J, Wood, G, & Griffin R. W. (2006). Management – core concepts and skills (Australasian ed.). Milton, Qld.: Wiley.
Davidson, P., Simon. A., Woods, P., Griffin, R. (2009). Management: Core concepts and application (2nd Australian ed.). Milton, Qld.: Wiley.
Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M. & Donnelly, J. H. (1997). Organizations: behavior, structure, processes (9th ed.). Chicago: Irwin.
Hanagan, T. (2005). Management: Concepts and practices (4th ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson.
Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., & Coulter, M. (2009). Management (5th ed.) Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson.
Waddell, D., Devine, J., Jones, G. R. & George, J. M. (2007). Contemporary management. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Academic Journals
1. Journal of Management & Organization, published by eContent Management Pty Ltd, (ISSN 1833-3672)
2. Harvard Business Review, published by Harvard Business School Publication Corp., (ISSN 0017-8012)
3. Academy of Management Journal, Published by Academy of Management, (ISSN 0001-4273)
The link to the library website for more information is:,-support-and-services/academic-support/learning-and-study/resources/general-guide-for-the-presentation-of-academic-work
FOR STUDENTS Student Name: Student ID No.:
Assessment Task 1. Case study analysis. Abraham’s organisational structure (20 marks). Samson & Daft (2015) pp.428-429
Assessment Criteria HD D C P MF F
Q1. Original organisational chart (5 marks)
• Clarity of the organisational chart showing relationships at store level and with district level. (4 marks)
• Definition of type of structure and explanation. (1 mark)
Q2. Suggested restructured organisational chart (5 marks)
• Clarity of the organisational chart showing new relationships at store level and with district level. (4 marks)
• Definition of type of structure and explanation (1 mark)
Q3. Discussion of each type of structure (8 marks).
• Discussion of advantages and disadvantages of both types of structure (6 marks)
• Recommended structure and discussion of reasons (2 marks)
Academic writing and referencing (2 marks)
• Clear, grammatically correct writing with no spelling mistakes (1 mark)
• Correct in-text citations and reference list citing the textbook using the APA method (1 mark).
Aspects of the assignment which were done well.
Aspects of the assignment which could be improved.
Lecturer: Location: Date: