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Management Principle and Application for the Construction and Built Environment

Management Principle and Application for the Construction and Built Environment

Managing Construction Projects
Learning Outcome    Learning Outcome    Assessment Criteria    In this assignment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to:     Task no    Evidence
(Page no)
LO1     Understand the evolution of management principles and their application to the construction and built environment sector    1.1    Explain the principles of management used in the construction and built environment sector    1
1.2    Explain the influence of human resources management on the performance of individuals and teams
LO2     Understand the construction and built environment sector in terms of structures and activities
2.1    Discuss the structure and activities of the construction and built environment sector    2
2.2    Evaluate the organisational structures and approaches used in the construction and built environment sector    2
2.3    Discuss how the scale and size of contracts influence business practices within the construction and built environment sector    2
LO3     Understand management techniques used in the construction and built environment sector    3.1    Explain the use of planning in the management of construction projects    3
3.2    Explain how procurement scheduling and control are managed    3
3.3.    Explain how quality control and risk management are managed    3
LO4      Understand the methods of procurement and contracting used in the construction and built environment sector    4.1    Evaluate the procurement methods used in the construction and built environment sector    4
4.2    Explain the use of contracts to manage construction projects    4
4.3    Evaluate the impact of procurement techniques on the organisation and operation of construction firms and construction projects.    4
Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature:                                                                      Date:

In addition to the above Pass Criteria, this assignment gives you opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor    Indicative characteristic/s    Contextualisation

M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
M1.1 Effective judgements have been made.

M1.2 Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored.

M1.3 An effective approach to study and research has been applied.     To achieve M1:
You will make effective judgements about fundamental concepts of management principles and applications for the construction and built environment.

You will provide supporting and contrasting examples to explain a complex issue.

You will also adopt an effective approach to study and research by integrating secondary and empirical examples in the report. In addition, you will use resources to support your arguments which are academically accredited, good quality, up-to-date, relevant and appropriate to the level of this course of study.
(Task 1 2 ,3,4)

M2 Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
M2.1 Relevant theories and techniques have been applied

M2.2 A  range of sources of information has been used

M2.3 Appropriate learning methods/ technique have been applied    To achieve M2:
You will apply relevant theories relating to management principles throughout your assignment.

You will also use range of sources of information. Range means range in quantity and range in variety. At this level, you should cite and refer 10 or more resources
From a variety of 5 sources including internet, journals, books, etc

You will also acknowledge all resources using correct Harvard Referencing System. (Task 1,2,3,4)

M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings
M3.1 Appropriate structure and approach has been used

M3.2 Coherent, logical development of principals/concepts for the  intended audience

M3.3 A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used    To achieve M3:
You will use appropriate academic report format to present the work neatly and professionally maintaining highest academic and professional standard.

You will make sure arguments/theories provided are appropriate to the audience.

You will also use technical language accurately in the context and check the work for spelling errors.
(Task 1,2,3,4)

D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion
D1.1 Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ides and have been justified.

D1.2 Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success.     To achieve D1:
You will provide conclusions for the report that would derive directly from your analysis. You should justify the conclusion you have reached

You will provide recommendation for further improvements.
(Task 1,2,3,4)

D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
D2.1 Autonomy / independence demonstrated

D2.2 Activities have been managed
To achieve D2:
You will have demonstrated an effective approach to independent research and study.

You will have met the deadline to submit the tasks. You will also have attended regularly and contributed to class sessions.
(Task 1,2,3,4)

D3Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking
D3.1 Self-evaluation has taken place

D3.2 Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied

D3.3 Innovation/creative thought have been applied
To achieve D3:
You will write a self-evaluation showing your ability to reflect upon your learning by identifying strengths and areas for improvement in relation to this Business Strategy assignment

You will be conducting a thorough and critical investigation.  This can be done by outlining, comparing and discussing key ideas, explanations, concepts, theories and models associated with the topic area.

The originally of your work will be evident.
(Task 1,2,3,4)

Assignment Brief

Qualification    Unit number and Title
HNC/HND in Civil Engineering – QCF Level  5    HNCB 004 – Management Principle and Application for the Construction and Built Environment
Student Name     Assessor    Internal Verifier
Y Kumar    Fahmida Khan
Date issued    Formative/Interim Submission    Final Submission
10/03/2014    05/05/2014    18/06/ 2014
Final Submission: 25/06/ 2014
Guidelines for assignment submission

a.    The assignment has 4 Tasks.   Please read ALL TASKS carefully.
b.    The Interim submission will be for TASKS 1 AND 2 and will cover LO1 and LO2 of the module.
c.    The Final submission will cover ALL TASKS and Learning outcomes of the assignment.
d.    The Merit and Distinction criteria will also apply to the Interim Submission.
e.    The Interim grade will contribute to the overall grade.
f.    The attendance percentage and participation in class tutorials will contribute towards the achievement of Distinction grade.
g.    Both the interim and final assignments must be submitted on time to be considered for a Distinction grade.
h.    PLAGIARISM is considered a serious offence and will automatically lead to a FAIL grade. In the event of similar/identical submissions, please note that both students will automatically fail the module
i.    When IPADS/TABLETS/MACS are used please make sure documents are saved as .doc or .pdf. Otherwise submission will not be valid and considered as a non-submission.
Purpose of the assignment

This unit provides learners with an opportunity to understand management principles and their application to the construction and built environment sector.
Unit abstract
This unit introduces learners to the principles and application of management as they relate to the technical and professional disciplines of construction, civil engineering and building services engineering. It is based on the principles of the Latham Report of 1994, which advocated non- adversarial, multi-disciplinary teamworking. Learners will gain an understanding of how these principles may be applied to the management of construction, building services engineering or civil engineering activities through the application of recognised management techniques.
Assignment Title    Managing Construction Projects

You are employed as a management consultant by a company which operates in the construction and built environment sector.  The company employees a number of trainee managers whom it wishes to familiarise with the manner in which the company operates.  They have therefore sought your advice in this respect.

You are required to select a company operating in the construction and built environment sector, either one which you have worked for or one which you have researched, and write a report explaining both the practical aspects of its work and the theoretical base which underpins that work.

Your report is to cover the issues specified in Task 1, 2, 3 and 4 below.
Task 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of management principles and their application to the construction and built environment sector (LO 1: 1.1, 1.2 and M1, M2, M3 and D1, D2 D3)

a.    Explain the principles of management used in your chosen organisation.  You should include references to the views of some of the pioneers of management.
b.    Explain the influence of human resources management on the performance of individuals and teams.

Task 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the of the construction and built environment sector in terms of structures and activities (LO 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and M1, M2, M3 and D1, D2, D3)

a.    Discuss the structures and activities of the constructions and built environment sector.  You should include reference to the nature of services provided by each sector, the general roles and responsibilities of members of project teams, and the specific roles and responsibilities of professionals within project teams.
b.    Evaluate the organisational structures and approaches used in your chosen organisation.  You should include reference to the various types of working relationships (e.g. line, lateral, span of control, etc.) and some of the corporate theories (e.g. mission, strategy, etc.).
c.    Discuss how the scale and size of contracts influence the business practices within the construction and built environment sector, including contractual methods and the roles of the relevant parties.

Task 3: Explain management techniques used in the construction and built environment sector (LO 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and M1, M2, M3 and D1, D2, D3)

a.    Explain the use of planning in the management of construction projects.  Your answer should include reference to layout and accommodation, method statements, and methods of monitoring and control of projects.
b.    Explain how procurement scheduling and control are managed.  You should include reference to supply chain management, JIT, utilization of labour and budgetary and cost control.
c.    Explain how quality control and risk management are managed.
Task 4: Explain the methods of procurement and contracting used in the construction and built environment sector (LO 4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and M1, M2, M3 and D1, D2, D3)

a.    Evaluate the procurement methods used in the construction and built environment sector, including contractor selection, private partnerships, PFI, etc.
b.    Explain the use of contracts to manage construction projects including reference to their principal features, and terms and conditions.
c.    Evaluate the impact of procurement techniques on the organisation and operation of construction firms and construction projects.  Your answer should include reference to multi-disciplinary teams, government initiatives, sustainability and environmental management issues, legislation, professional standards, etc.

Evidence checklist    Summary of evidence required by student    Evidence presented
Task 1    A written report explaining the evolution of management principles and their application to the construction and built environment sector.
Task 2    Continuation of the report explaining and evaluating the construction and built environment sector in terms of structure and activities.
Task 3    Continuation of the report explaining the management techniques used in the construction and built environment sector.
Task 4    Continuation of the report explaining and evaluating methods of procurement and contacting used in the construction and built environment sector.
Sources of information

Essential Reading:
Ashworth, A – “Pre-Contract Studies: Development Economics, Tendering and Estimating” (Longman)
Bennett R. – Management – (Prentice Hall)

Background Reading:
Cooke, B and Williams, P – “Construction Planning, Programming and Control” (Macmillan)
Fryer, B – “The Practice of Construction Management” (Blackwell)
Harvey, R and Ashworth, A – “The Construction Industry of Great Britain” (Oxford)
Lavendar, S – “Management for the Construction Industry” (Addison Wesley Longman)
Oxley, R and Poskitt, J – “Management Techniques Applied to the Construction Industry” (Blackwell Science)

Also journals, internet, etc.

Writing Guidelines
•    Your evidence for assessment must be handed in with a signed learner declaration.

•    You must hand in individual work for assessment for all tasks.
•    Throughout the assignment you should underpin your responses with appropriate theories.

•    Ensure that all required Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria are covered in the assignment.
•    Ensure to provide citations, referencing and bibliography under Harvard Referencing System for your submission and it must fully acknowledge sources such as books and journals, websites etc.
•    Including quotations, but exclusive of the reference list, bibliography and appendices, the assignment might be written in 2000 – 3000 words in length.
•    Submit a word-processed report and use Times New Roman/Arial font and font size 12. Use 1.5 or 2.0 line spacing.

•    All assignments will be subject to Plagiarism checks. Ensure your assignment does not contain the Collusion and Plagiarism of any type, which is illegal and attract disciplinary action against the learner.
•    Ensure to follow the Standard Report Format for  report preparation:
(This an indicative structure)
•    Introduction
•    Tasks (use headings, sub-headings)
•    Findings/Discussion
•    Recommendations
•    Conclusion/Summary (summarizing the whole scenario)
•    References
•    Bibliography
Analyse: Break an issue into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting arguments and evidence for and against as well as how these interrelate to one another.
Assess:  Estimate the value or validity of certain facts, statements, proposals, courses of action, etc.
Compare:  State the similarities and differences between two or more objects, situations, courses of action, etc.
Contrast:  State the differences between two or more objects, situations, courses of action, etc.
Critically evaluate/analyse: Give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Come to a final conclusion, basing your decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.
Discuss:  Examine a topic by means of comment or argument, especially with a view to exploring solutions.
Explain/describe: Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurs, or what is meant by the use of this term in a particular context. Your writing should have clarity so that complex procedures or sequences of events can be understood, defining key terms where appropriate, and be substantiated with relevant research.
Identify:  State the name of the organisation(s) or provide details of the circumstances, etc. which resemble the type(s) specified in the task set.
Illustrate: A similar instruction to ‘explain’ whereby you are asked to show the workings of something, making use of definite examples and statistics if appropriate to add weight to your explanation.

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