Management of E-commerce
Case study: Fresh & Go Ltd is a family owned retailer, which was founded in 2010 by Harry Marshall. The company started out as a single shop, but has grown over the past five years to encompass 30 different shops across 4 different towns and cities: Coventry, Nuneaton, Rugby, and Warwick. The company is continuing to grow and is planning to open 12 more shops next year: 7 shops in Birmingham and 5 shops in Leicester. The future plan of the company is to operate nationally and expand to others large cities (e.g. London and Manchester) in the UK. Initially the company supplied only fruit and vegetables, but over the past years it has sold a wider range of products including sweets, bread, biscuits, milk, Laundry, health, beauty, and Petfood. As the company has expanded, it has opened its own warehouse and expects to open another one next year. Altogether, the company employs 100 staffs, 75 of these work in the 30 shops, 15 in the company’s own warehouse, and 10 in a small head office that manages the accounts of the business as well as dealing with enquiries of both customers and suppliers. The owner of the company has an active role in the business. He is responsible for moving stock between the shops so that none of them run out of essential items such as potatoes and setting prices so that items sell before they perish. The company does use Information Systems in some of its activities. Customers pay at electronic tills, and the company has a basic website that lists the location of its shops. Some of the customers and suppliers have tried to persuade the company owner to adopt E-Commerce and use technology more extensively, but the owner-founder has resisted because he is unsure about how his business can benefits from E-Commerce. He is concerned that the use of technology would require lots of investment as well as extensive training of his staff.
As an E-Commerce consultant, you are asked to prepare a report of 2250 words on an E-Commerce solution for Fresh & Go Ltd. Your aim is to persuade the company’s owner to adopt an E-Commerce strategy and invest in Information Systems more extensively to automate its business activities/processes. Your work should therefore address at least the following:
• How can E-Commerce adoption help Fresh & Go with its future expansion plans?
• What are the types of Information Systems for the company to consider in order to implement a successful E-Commerce solution?
Assignment structure:
.Cover Page
.Table of Contents
.Main: (The Implications of E-commerce for Fresh & Go Suggested IS for Fresh & Go)
.List of References- use the necessary references, however please use “electronic commerce 2012 (A managerial and social networks perspective| global edition), seventh edition| Efraim Turban.
Please use Coventry Harvard style referencing.
Management of E-commerce

Management of E-commerce

Management of E-commerce
Case study: Fresh & Go Ltd is a family owned retailer, which was founded in 2010 by Harry Marshall. The company started out as a single shop, but has grown over the past five years to encompass 30 different shops across 4 different towns and cities: Coventry, Nuneaton, Rugby, and Warwick. The company is continuing to grow and is planning to open 12 more shops next year: 7 shops in Birmingham and 5 shops in Leicester. The future plan of the company is to operate nationally and expand to others large cities (e.g. London and Manchester) in the UK. Initially the company supplied only fruit and vegetables, but over the past years it has sold a wider range of products including sweets, bread, biscuits, milk, Laundry, health, beauty, and Petfood. As the company has expanded, it has opened its own warehouse and expects to open another one next year. Altogether, the company employs 100 staffs, 75 of these work in the 30 shops, 15 in the company’s own warehouse, and 10 in a small head office that manages the accounts of the business as well as dealing with enquiries of both customers and suppliers. The owner of the company has an active role in the business. He is responsible for moving stock between the shops so that none of them run out of essential items such as potatoes and setting prices so that items sell before they perish. The company does use Information Systems in some of its activities. Customers pay at electronic tills, and the company has a basic website that lists the location of its shops. Some of the customers and suppliers have tried to persuade the company owner to adopt E-Commerce and use technology more extensively, but the owner-founder has resisted because he is unsure about how his business can benefits from E-Commerce. He is concerned that the use of technology would require lots of investment as well as extensive training of his staff.
As an E-Commerce consultant, you are asked to prepare a report of 2250 words on an E-Commerce solution for Fresh & Go Ltd. Your aim is to persuade the company’s owner to adopt an E-Commerce strategy and invest in Information Systems more extensively to automate its business activities/processes. Your work should therefore address at least the following:
• How can E-Commerce adoption help Fresh & Go with its future expansion plans?
• What are the types of Information Systems for the company to consider in order to implement a successful E-Commerce solution?
Assignment structure:
.Cover Page
.Table of Contents
.Main: (The Implications of E-commerce for Fresh & Go Suggested IS for Fresh & Go)
.List of References- use the necessary references, however please use “electronic commerce 2012 (A managerial and social networks perspective| global edition), seventh edition| Efraim Turban.
Please use Coventry Harvard style referencing.