As you review the analysis conducted by Mike and Tiffany, you notice the area of competition is missing from the reports. Thinking about your project management training, you update the project schedule to include activities related to identifying competitors. You talk with Mike and Tiffany at lunch. “You’ve done some great research and brought up some good ideas to implement in the presentation,” you say. “There is one element that we are missing.” “One of the most important aspects of the strategy: our competitors,” Tiffany states. “I’ve already done some analysis, and there are many in the global market. It seems like there are several office furniture companies thriving, but not as many custom furniture manufacturers,” Mike elaborates. “Well, we need to provide the board with some solid competitors. I’ll work on finding our top two,” you say. Complete the following: Who are your top 2 global competitors in the market? Provide a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis for each competitor. Why are they direct competitors? What is their competitive advantage? Could you form a cooperative strategy with any of the competitors? If so, how? If not, why? What strategies could you use to build a competitive market profile? The materials found in the M.U.S.E. may help you with this assignment such as the audio file Choosing a Strategy. This file provides real-world experience that may help you with this assignment.

Paper details:this assignment abut sales planning ,There is a picture of the assignment brief .. it require choosing organisations as a sample and applying the task on them,, also requires using grafts images .. need 2200 or 2300 excluding the references ..please read each task carefully.