This project involves creating an introduction, reviewing literature review, Designing methods. We will begin with only the introduction of the action research. We are working on one section at a time. The introduction should state the following: Section I: Introduction In this section, candidate introduces and gives an overview of the proposed action research project. Candidate identifies the problem, area of interest, and mentions the relevant literature reviewed. Candidate sets the context for the reader to understand the action research project. Candidate states the purpose of the study the research question the importance of the proposed action research, and briefly describes relevant terminology. The introduction is a coherent piece of work, orienting the reader to the remainder of the study. Abstract clearly and accurately summarizes the proposal Clearly and accurately state the purpose of the proposed action research Logically and evidently establish the importance of the proposed action research within the field of education from both personal/professional perspective and research perspective Clearly and accurately state the research question(s) that is/are logically serving the purpose of the proposed action research Identify and define relevant terminology based on professional or academic sources **For my action research study I would like to implement student centered classroom management strategies and examine how it impacts student behavior, classroom environment and student perception of classroom climate. The student centered classroom strategies are pulled from the literature review. I have attached the 11 studies I will be looking at in order to design my study. I especially like This has to be a family by Kerri Ullucci. She discusses bringing in personal connections, talking about feelings to create a community in the classroom. I also like the study called studentcentered and teacher centered classroom management. Page 3 has a chart where it outlines what teacher centered classrooms look like vs Student centered management. I like the idea that students share in classroom responsibilities and come up with classroom rules together. The other study I really liked was the study you recently reviewd for me. Making teacher education more democratic. I like that the students have a say in the classroom and construct the curriculum together. If you could please choose 45 strategies that demonstrate student centered management that help create a community in the classroom. I tried to find the ones that seem to carry on most of the studies and I listed them above
Logically and evidently establish the importance of the proposed action research within the field of education from both personal/professional perspective and research perspective