Please take note of the following important information
Remember: deadlines constitute the last possible time for submission and students should aim to finish assignments early so that last minute disasters do not occur.
• Students must submit the electronic copy on time. If the electronic version is late, even by a matter of minutes, then it will be classed as late and late penalties will be applied.
• When work is submitted late, there is a penalty of ten marks for the first 24 hours or part thereof, followed by five mark penalties for each subsequent period of 24 hours or part thereof by which the work is submitted late. Saturdays and Sundays do not count in computing the above periods. (Paragraph 7.97 Senate Regulations and also in the Student Handbook)
• The first page of your submission must the assignment coversheet provided on Blackboard
• The cover page of your essay should display the following information:
Question Number or Title:
Your student number: (Your name should not appear anywhere on the document)
Total word count: (Your essay will be checked and penalised if over the word limit)
• If your work exceeds the maximum word limit by 1-300 words, an automatic penalty of 5 marks will be deducted from your essay. If you exceed the word limit by 301 words or more a further 5 marks will be deducted from your essay.
• No Extensions to the submission deadline can be granted
• If your work is submitted late and you have mitigating circumstances, you must submit a mitigating circumstances form (available from Blackboard/Law Reception) within seven days of the submission deadline (see Key Dates for deadlines). Even with this form there is no guarantee that your claim will be accepted.
It is the responsibility of students to adequately back-up their work. Computer, storage or printer failures do not constitute a mitigating circumstance.
The essay MUST be typewritten or word-processed and submitted as one file
LLM Employment Law
Individual Employment Relations
Assignment Questions & Instructions for Submission
The Deadline for Submission of this Assignment is: Tuesday 16 February 2016, 23:59
Maximum Word Limit: 6000 words INCLUDING footnotes, but EXCLUDING bibliography.
Please check your work carefully to ensure that your footnotes are included in your word count.
Your word count will be checked via the electronic version that you submit,
so please ensure that you upload the correct version.
You will receive your results to your University Email Account on:- Tuesday 15 March 2016
All answers will require knowledge of and reference to appropriate course materials.
You must choose ONE question from the list below.
Although the questions relate to the units studied, it may be that study of related units could also assist in answering the question you choose to address.
Question 1
‘The employer’s power to unilaterally vary terms and conditions of employment is usually upheld by the courts, and resistance to those changes by employees is largely futile.’ Discuss with reference to relevant case law.
Question 2
‘The operation of the implied duty of fidelity is determined by the balance between loyalty and freedom of economic activity. It is for this reason that higher demands are made of certain employees and that express terms act to modify the extent of the duty.’ Discuss with reference to relevant case law.
Question 3
Since the introduction of the Working Time Regulations 1998, to what extent have workers’ rights to holiday leave and holiday pay been enhanced through case law and amendments to the Regulations? Discuss.
LLM Employment Law

LLM Employment Law

LLM Employment Law
Please take note of the following important information
Remember: deadlines constitute the last possible time for submission and students should aim to finish assignments early so that last minute disasters do not occur.
• Students must submit the electronic copy on time. If the electronic version is late, even by a matter of minutes, then it will be classed as late and late penalties will be applied.
• When work is submitted late, there is a penalty of ten marks for the first 24 hours or part thereof, followed by five mark penalties for each subsequent period of 24 hours or part thereof by which the work is submitted late. Saturdays and Sundays do not count in computing the above periods. (Paragraph 7.97 Senate Regulations and also in the Student Handbook)
• The first page of your submission must the assignment coversheet provided on Blackboard
• The cover page of your essay should display the following information:
Question Number or Title:
Your student number: (Your name should not appear anywhere on the document)
Total word count: (Your essay will be checked and penalised if over the word limit)
• If your work exceeds the maximum word limit by 1-300 words, an automatic penalty of 5 marks will be deducted from your essay. If you exceed the word limit by 301 words or more a further 5 marks will be deducted from your essay.
• No Extensions to the submission deadline can be granted
• If your work is submitted late and you have mitigating circumstances, you must submit a mitigating circumstances form (available from Blackboard/Law Reception) within seven days of the submission deadline (see Key Dates for deadlines). Even with this form there is no guarantee that your claim will be accepted.
It is the responsibility of students to adequately back-up their work. Computer, storage or printer failures do not constitute a mitigating circumstance.
The essay MUST be typewritten or word-processed and submitted as one file
LLM Employment Law
Individual Employment Relations
Assignment Questions & Instructions for Submission
The Deadline for Submission of this Assignment is: Tuesday 16 February 2016, 23:59
Maximum Word Limit: 6000 words INCLUDING footnotes, but EXCLUDING bibliography.
Please check your work carefully to ensure that your footnotes are included in your word count.
Your word count will be checked via the electronic version that you submit,
so please ensure that you upload the correct version.
You will receive your results to your University Email Account on:- Tuesday 15 March 2016
All answers will require knowledge of and reference to appropriate course materials.
You must choose ONE question from the list below.
Although the questions relate to the units studied, it may be that study of related units could also assist in answering the question you choose to address.
Question 1
‘The employer’s power to unilaterally vary terms and conditions of employment is usually upheld by the courts, and resistance to those changes by employees is largely futile.’ Discuss with reference to relevant case law.
Question 2
‘The operation of the implied duty of fidelity is determined by the balance between loyalty and freedom of economic activity. It is for this reason that higher demands are made of certain employees and that express terms act to modify the extent of the duty.’ Discuss with reference to relevant case law.
Question 3
Since the introduction of the Working Time Regulations 1998, to what extent have workers’ rights to holiday leave and holiday pay been enhanced through case law and amendments to the Regulations? Discuss.
LLM Employment Law

LLM Employment Law
Please take note of the following important information
Remember: deadlines constitute the last possible time for submission and students should aim to finish assignments early so that last minute disasters do not occur.
• Students must submit the electronic copy on time. If the electronic version is late, even by a matter of minutes, then it will be classed as late and late penalties will be applied.
• When work is submitted late, there is a penalty of ten marks for the first 24 hours or part thereof, followed by five mark penalties for each subsequent period of 24 hours or part thereof by which the work is submitted late. Saturdays and Sundays do not count in computing the above periods. (Paragraph 7.97 Senate Regulations and also in the Student Handbook)
• The first page of your submission must the assignment coversheet provided on Blackboard
• The cover page of your essay should display the following information:
Question Number or Title:
Your student number: (Your name should not appear anywhere on the document)
Total word count: (Your essay will be checked and penalised if over the word limit)
• If your work exceeds the maximum word limit by 1-300 words, an automatic penalty of 5 marks will be deducted from your essay. If you exceed the word limit by 301 words or more a further 5 marks will be deducted from your essay.
• No Extensions to the submission deadline can be granted
• If your work is submitted late and you have mitigating circumstances, you must submit a mitigating circumstances form (available from Blackboard/Law Reception) within seven days of the submission deadline (see Key Dates for deadlines). Even with this form there is no guarantee that your claim will be accepted.
It is the responsibility of students to adequately back-up their work. Computer, storage or printer failures do not constitute a mitigating circumstance.
The essay MUST be typewritten or word-processed and submitted as one file
LLM Employment Law
Individual Employment Relations
Assignment Questions & Instructions for Submission
The Deadline for Submission of this Assignment is: Tuesday 16 February 2016, 23:59
Maximum Word Limit: 6000 words INCLUDING footnotes, but EXCLUDING bibliography.
Please check your work carefully to ensure that your footnotes are included in your word count.
Your word count will be checked via the electronic version that you submit,
so please ensure that you upload the correct version.
You will receive your results to your University Email Account on:- Tuesday 15 March 2016
All answers will require knowledge of and reference to appropriate course materials.
You must choose ONE question from the list below.
Although the questions relate to the units studied, it may be that study of related units could also assist in answering the question you choose to address.
Question 1
‘The employer’s power to unilaterally vary terms and conditions of employment is usually upheld by the courts, and resistance to those changes by employees is largely futile.’ Discuss with reference to relevant case law.
Question 2
‘The operation of the implied duty of fidelity is determined by the balance between loyalty and freedom of economic activity. It is for this reason that higher demands are made of certain employees and that express terms act to modify the extent of the duty.’ Discuss with reference to relevant case law.
Question 3
Since the introduction of the Working Time Regulations 1998, to what extent have workers’ rights to holiday leave and holiday pay been enhanced through case law and amendments to the Regulations? Discuss.