Literature Review;
Due date: Nov 21 Each student will write a literature review on a tourism planning/policy topic of his or her choosing. The review will be developed incrementally throughout the semester through collaborative classroom discussions. The purpose of this paper is to help students relate to the tourism ways of thinking introduced in the course to topics of personal interest and in doing so, develop research, writing and critical analytical skills.
Select five industry peer-reviewed journal articles (within the last ten years) addressing the chosen topic. Write a summary of each article and develop a comprehensive summary of all the articles relating how the information from the individual articles describes the current issue.
See example of sample literature review posted on Blackboard. Length – The final paper length is expected to be 1,500-2,500 words, not including a title page or bibliography. Content and Structure – The paper should briefly introduce your chosen topic and clearly state a thesis/abstract that describes the purpose or argument contained in your paper. You should very briefly (no more than 1 page) describe the topic as though it was being presented to peers who are mostly ignorant about the topic. The body of the paper should use tourism policy and planning analysis to critically think about one or more aspects of the topic. For example, you might discuss how place-specific physical landscape, political, economic, cultural, and social variables are influencing factors; or elaborate on the lack of preparedness for crisis in tourism destinations. This might entail the use of maps/spatial analysis, quantitative data, analysis of current affairs, policy analysis, media critique, or anything else that would enable others to better understand the chosen topic. Finally, the paper should include a discussion of how the topic is relevant within contemporary society and pose questions or topics for further research.
Additional topical areas: ? Climate change and shifting coastlines ? Human trafficking ? Public transportation ? Post-Katrina NOLA ? The Gulf of Mexico oil spill ? Climate change and glacial melt ? Saharan desertification
? Invasive biological species ? Public spaces and parks ? Food, agriculture, livestock, aquaculture ? Waste/garbage
Literature Review;

literature review

literature review
Paper details:
You are to write an essay literature review
You are to use the enclosed attached reference resources and share what you have found during your review of reference resource literatures.
You are to share any challenges you may encountered while developing your ALP proposal essay called Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program.
You are to discuss roadblocks and problems, finding background material, questions on deliverables, target audience (stakeholders), and possible models or best practices that are relevant to your ALP proposal essay called Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program
While conducting this essay literature review, you are to consider and write about how you approached prior literature reviews. You are to consider and write about your proposed solution, to the problem you are researching about Adult Online Literacy Program funding, that will be best designed, and of greatest value if it is grounded in credible, research-based practices and data-driven decision making. You are to also examine how similar problems were approached in the research
For the final steps of this essay you are to post a summary of the following three resources: You are also to analyze and tell how the following resources connect to Funding For an Adult Online Literacy Program
1. Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Future Strategy. An Adult Literacy National Project Report
2. Factors Affecting Information Seeking and Evaluation in a Distributed Learning Environment.
3. Literacy Practitioners’ Perspectives on Adult Learning Needs and Technology Approaches in Indigenous Communities
You are also to explain how the Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Future Strategy, The An Adult Literacy National Project Report, and the Literacy Practitioners’ Perspectives on Adult Learning Needs and Technology Approaches in Indigenous Communities; references resources can be used to support your ALP proposal for Funding For an Adult Online Literacy Program.
For your conclusion you are to include a brief summary of your ALP proposal essay on Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program. Additionally, share any challenges you have experienced in regard to developing your ALP proposal.
This essay is to have a strong introduction, and conclusion. Each of the four reference resources must have matching intext citations. There must be no direct quoted referencing used. This essay must be original and all instructions must be followed without any deviations
1. Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Future Strategy. An Adult Literacy National Project Report
2. Factors Affecting Information Seeking and Evaluation in a Distributed Learning Environment.
3. Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program essay
4. Literacy Practitioners’ Perspectives on Adult Learning Needs and Technology Approaches in Indigenous Communities
literature review

literature review
Paper details:
You are to write an essay literature review
You are to use the enclosed attached reference resources and share what you have found during your review of reference resource literatures.
You are to share any challenges you may encountered while developing your ALP proposal essay called Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program.
You are to discuss roadblocks and problems, finding background material, questions on deliverables, target audience (stakeholders), and possible models or best practices that are relevant to your ALP proposal essay called Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program
While conducting this essay literature review, you are to consider and write about how you approached prior literature reviews. You are to consider and write about your proposed solution, to the problem you are researching about Adult Online Literacy Program funding, that will be best designed, and of greatest value if it is grounded in credible, research-based practices and data-driven decision making. You are to also examine how similar problems were approached in the research
For the final steps of this essay you are to post a summary of the following three resources: You are also to analyze and tell how the following resources connect to Funding For an Adult Online Literacy Program
1. Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Future Strategy. An Adult Literacy National Project Report
2. Factors Affecting Information Seeking and Evaluation in a Distributed Learning Environment.
3. Literacy Practitioners’ Perspectives on Adult Learning Needs and Technology Approaches in Indigenous Communities
You are also to explain how the Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Future Strategy, The An Adult Literacy National Project Report, and the Literacy Practitioners’ Perspectives on Adult Learning Needs and Technology Approaches in Indigenous Communities; references resources can be used to support your ALP proposal for Funding For an Adult Online Literacy Program.
For your conclusion you are to include a brief summary of your ALP proposal essay on Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program. Additionally, share any challenges you have experienced in regard to developing your ALP proposal.
This essay is to have a strong introduction, and conclusion. Each of the four reference resources must have matching intext citations. There must be no direct quoted referencing used. This essay must be original and all instructions must be followed without any deviations
1. Adult Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Future Strategy. An Adult Literacy National Project Report
2. Factors Affecting Information Seeking and Evaluation in a Distributed Learning Environment.
3. Funding For Adult Online Literacy Program essay
4. Literacy Practitioners’ Perspectives on Adult Learning Needs and Technology Approaches in Indigenous Communities