How does Shakespeare creatively represent various themes in The Tragedy of Macbeth?
Create a visual paper like a poster
Fill out the following based on the quote with act scene and line numbers below will help : answer #4 thru #7 below:
The Tragedy of Macbeth
1. Quote with act, scene, and line numbers:
yet do I fear thy nature: it is too full o the milk
human kindness To catch the nearest way:
Act 1 Scene 5
Lines: 1315
2. Quote said By: Lady Macbeth
3. Quote said to: Macbeth
Answer the following bellow based on above:
4. Define Unknown words, Defined:
5. Figurative language in a quote. Include the definition of the figurative language, and what it is in the quote. Some quotes have more than one type of figurative language:
6. Quote meaning and significance (Why is the quote important? What does this quote show us about the characters and the theme?)
7. Pictures/symbols brainstorm for project:1st page of paper should include quote, character, and 3 to 5 pictures and symbols to further represent the meaning of the quote on first page. pictures may come from various internet resources.
2nd page written analysis of the quote.
analyze the theme and how the theme and quote connects with the larger story as a whole. Themes include: ambition, guilt, and fate.
Also analyze who said the quote, and to who, and why this character said it.
Then, explain why this character said the quote and how it connects to their theme.
Analyze figurative language in the quote. Include the definition of the figurative language used, and how the figurative language helps conveys the theme. Figurative language includes: metaphors, allusions, symbolism, alliterations and paradoxes.


Orwell’s depiction of the society in Oceania is extremely repressive and manipulative to a great degree. Whereas there is overt control over the citizens, there are many aspects of Orwell’s storyline that could correlate to today’s society in the United States or abroad. Pick three aspects of Oceania’s governmental policies and equate them with factual or historical characteristics of society. Be sure that you are able to cite your sources when providing examples. Please use the essay 5 paragragh template submitted with this order.

Orwell’s depiction of the society in Oceania is extremely repressive and manipulative to a great degree. Whereas there is overt control over the citizens, there are many aspects of Orwell’s storyline that could correlate to today’s society in the United States or abroad. Pick three aspects of Oceania’s governmental policies and equate them with factual or historical characteristics of society. Be sure that you are able to cite your sources when providing examples. Please use the essay 5 paragragh template submitted with this order.