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Line Direction

Line Direction

Elements of Design
Written Compositional Analysis
P“1Po5€? To improve writing skills, identifying compositional elements, and undentaml
Find and make a color photocopy of one of the following paintings. Write four to SlX
(d°“b1e’5P3C€d) typed pages about its compositional makeup and what makes it a
successful composition. Discuss the artist’s strategy for directing your eye across the
picture plane in terms of value, texture, line, shape, and color.
Name title of painting, artist, and date painted
Should include: Introduction
Body- line, shape, value, color, texture,
List source§j_i_t_‘_a”ny)_ _o_rih separate page.
Paintings to consider:
Arrangement in blac & gray (Whist1er’s Mother) by James Whistler
Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth
The Third of May 1808 by Goya
The raft of the Medusa by Gericault
Sunday afiernoon on the Island of La Grande J atte by Seurat
Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon by Picasso
La Vie by Picasso

Oath of Horatii by David
5 American Gothic by Grant Wood
K The Scream by Edvard Munch
The Starry Night by Van Gogh
Garden at Sainte-adresse by Claude Monet

Supper in Emmaus by Caravaggio

Lamentation by Giotto

The Virgin of the rocks by Leonardo Da Vinci

The persistence of memory by Salvador Dali

Grande Odalisque by 1118195

Madame X by John Singer Sargeant

Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

Freedom fi’om want by Norman Rockwell

Death of Socrates by D3V‘_d

The Piano Lesson by Matisse

The Wedding Dance by Bruegel

Lavender Mist by Jaclmon Pollaclt

The Ambassadors by Hans Holbem

Nighthawks by Edward H°PP°‘

Stag at Sharkeys by George Bellows

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Line Direction

Line Direction

Elements of Design
Written Compositional Analysis
P“1Po5€? To improve writing skills, identifying compositional elements, and undentaml
Find and make a color photocopy of one of the following paintings. Write four to SlX
(d°“b1e’5P3C€d) typed pages about its compositional makeup and what makes it a
successful composition. Discuss the artist’s strategy for directing your eye across the
picture plane in terms of value, texture, line, shape, and color.
Name title of painting, artist, and date painted
Should include: Introduction
Body- line, shape, value, color, texture,
List source§j_i_t_‘_a”ny)_ _o_rih separate page.
Paintings to consider:
Arrangement in blac & gray (Whist1er’s Mother) by James Whistler
Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth
The Third of May 1808 by Goya
The raft of the Medusa by Gericault
Sunday afiernoon on the Island of La Grande J atte by Seurat
Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon by Picasso
La Vie by Picasso

Oath of Horatii by David
5 American Gothic by Grant Wood
K The Scream by Edvard Munch
The Starry Night by Van Gogh
Garden at Sainte-adresse by Claude Monet

Supper in Emmaus by Caravaggio

Lamentation by Giotto

The Virgin of the rocks by Leonardo Da Vinci

The persistence of memory by Salvador Dali

Grande Odalisque by 1118195

Madame X by John Singer Sargeant

Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

Freedom fi’om want by Norman Rockwell

Death of Socrates by D3V‘_d

The Piano Lesson by Matisse

The Wedding Dance by Bruegel

Lavender Mist by Jaclmon Pollaclt

The Ambassadors by Hans Holbem

Nighthawks by Edward H°PP°‘

Stag at Sharkeys by George Bellows

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