Question 1 The ________ claims that it is wrong to reason about religion, but one must just believe and have faith.Question 2 The weak foundationalist believes that basic knowledge must be absolutely certain.Question 3 Philosophy of religion and natural theology are identical disciplines.Question 4 According to Evans, philosophy of religion may be engaged in by thinkers who are not themselves religious at all.Question 5 Theology is an activity carried on outside of a religious tradition.Question 6 Open Theism claims that God is indeed omniscient, but lacks knowledge of future free choices in his creatures.Question 7 ________ is the dominant view of God in three of the worlds great religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam:Question 8 An argument is _____________ whenever the conclusion must be true if the premises are true.Question 9 Theism holds that God is a _________ being his nonexistence is not possible:Question 10 It is a requirement of freedom that one possess alternate probabilities, meaning that in order to act freely, there must be more than one thing to do.Question 11 What philosopher argued: God is, by definition, a being who does not merely happen to exist if God exists at all, then his existence is necessary?Question 12 _________ arguments are also known as firstcause arguments because they attempt to infer that God must exist as the first cause of the universe.Question 13 A divine command theory cannot account for individual obligations.Question 14 Since God is the greatest possible being, it is impossible for God to exist only in the understanding of the fool. Who argued this position:Question 15 Which argument is often referred to as the argument from design:Question 16 Nescience refers to something that exhibits intelligence in design but is not intelligent itself.Question 17 According to Craig, if there is not God, ultimate meaning is lost.Question 18 According to Craig, atheists like Camus and Russell are inconsistent to promote love and brotherhood.Question 19 In the end, according to Craig, the dilemma for the atheist is:Question 20 To say that my case for Gods existence is defeasible is to say:Question 1 Weak foundationalism claims that some of our knowledge is fallible and subject to revision.Question 2 _______ theology is where the theologian attempts to say what can be known about God or things divine, without committing to a specific religion.Question 3 According to Evans, philosophy of religion may be engaged in by thinkers who are not themselves religious at all.Question 4 If Miranda chooses to simply write off any criticisms of her religious views as simply being the product of coming from nonbelievers, she is acting like:Question 5 Fideists argue that to think rightly about religious matters, one should put aside all religious commitments and be completely neutral.Question 6 Dualists believe in one God.Question 7 Theism holds that God is a _________ being his nonexistence is not possible:Question 8 If theism is true, then Christianity must be true.Question 9 Agnosticism actually denies the existence of God.Question 10 What is the term used to describe Gods awareness of future events, including the future choices that humans will make?Question 11 According to Evans, it is the popularity of evolutionary theory, more than anything else, that has eroded the credibility of the traditional teleological argument.Question 12 Naturalism claims that one should be moral because it is ones best interest to be moral.Question 13 What philosopher argued: God is, by definition, a being who does not merely happen to exist if God exists at all, then his existence is necessary?Question 14 The atheist must argue more than the possibility that God does not exist in order to overcome the ontological argument.Question 15 Which view interprets moral obligations in terms of social approval and disapproval?Question 16 A minimalistic concept of God argues for a merciful God.Question 17 According to Craig, if there is not God, ultimate meaning is lost.Question 18 In the end, according to Craig, the dilemma for the atheist is:Question 19 According to Craig, atheists often respond to the idea that without God life has no value by inconsistently finding value in the pursuits and activities of life.Question 20 To say that my case for Gods existence is defeasible is to say:Question 1 Philosophy of religion attempts to answer such questions as, Why does God allow suffering?Question 2 According to Evans, a person doesnt need to be completely neutral about religion in order to objectively consider arguments for and against it.Question 3 Weak foundationalism claims that some of our knowledge is fallible and subject to revision.Question 4 If Miranda chooses to simply write off any criticisms of her religious views as simply being the product of coming from nonbelievers, she is acting like:Question 5 According to Evans, the testing of religious beliefs is likely to be easier than the testing of scientific theories.Question 6 Which solution to the divine foreknowledge versus human freedom problem claims that God possessed some knowledge prior to creation that he used to decide how to create the world?Question 7 Agnosticism actually denies the existence of God.Question 8 Theists hold that God is __________, meaning he is present everywhere by virtue of his activity and knowledge.Question 9 Some theists teach that God is _________, meaning that God is unchangeable.Question 10 Dualists believe in one God.Question 11 This type of argument attempts to show that the very idea of God somehow implies that God actually exists.Question 12 Which argument is often referred to as the argument from design:Question 13 Many argue that the universe has been __________ because the odds that a single universe just happening to have a combination of certain values that makes life possible are infinitesimally small:Question 14 According to Evans, a necessary being is the only kind of being whose existence requires no further explanation.Question 15 The ________ says that there are no real moral obligations. When a person says an act is wrong, he is expressing his individual feelings about the act.Question 16 The moral argument claims that if objective moral norms exist, then God must exist because objective morality entails a moral law maker.Question 17 According to Craig, believing that objective meaning, value, and truth exist in a universe that ultimately is meaningless and without value isQuestion 18 In the end, according to Craig, the dilemma for the atheist is:Question 19 The finetuning of the universe is evidence supporting the:Question 20 To say that my case for Gods existence is defeasible is to say:Question 1 If Miranda chooses to simply write off any criticisms of her religious views as simply being the product of coming from nonbelievers, she is acting like:Question 2 According to strong or classical foundationalism, in order to know something, one must have a conclusive reason for thinking it is true.Question 3 Fideism claims that _______ is the precondition for any correct thinking about religion.Question 4 What view holds that genuine religious knowledge must consist of truths that are known with absolute certainty?Question 5 _______ theology is where the theologian attempts to say what can be known about God or things divine, without committing to a specific religion.Question 6 Naturalism entails ________ because the naturalist does not believe in anything divine or supernatural beyond nature.Question 7 Dualists believe in one God.Question 8 ________ is the dominant view of God in three of the worlds great religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam:Question 9 If theism is true, then Christianity must be true.Question 10 Which view recognizes a plurality of gods, but restricts allegiance to one god?Question 11 Which argument is often referred to as the argument from design:Question 12 The cosmological argument and the teleological argument complement each other and therefore could be viewed as part of a general case for the plausibility of theism.Question 13 Nontemporal versions of the Cosmological argument contend that the universe had to have a beginning, with a cause being necessary to explain its existence in the first moment.Question 14 Many argue that the universe has been __________ because the odds that a single universe just happening to have a combination of certain values that makes life possible are infinitesimally small:Question 15 The ________ says that there are no real moral obligations. When a person says an act is wrong, he is expressing his individual feelings about the act.Question 16 The finetuning of the universe is evidence supporting the:Question 17 Nescience refers to something that exhibits intelligence in design but is not intelligent itself.Question 18 A minimalistic concept of God argues for a merciful God.Question 19 According to Craig, if there is not God, ultimate meaning is lost.Question 20 To say that my case for Gods existence is defeasible is to say:
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