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Lesson Title Differences of Storybooks and Poems

Lesson Title Differences of Storybooks and Poems
Grade Level: Kindergarten 21 students’ ages 5-6 years and 1 with ADHD
Common Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.5 Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems)
RF.K.2 (a) Recognize and produce rhyming words (“CCSS,” n.d.).
Unit Goal:
The student will develop phonological awareness by identifying through a common sign such as thumbs up, thumbs down and rhyming words in literature and will develop phonological awareness by producing rhyming words through reciting and drawing. Also, students will recognize the differences between a storybook and a poem through independent sorting work in centers. Students will be measured by observation, samples of their drawings and through written work. The students will be able to recognize and produce rhyming words through reciting and drawing with 95% accuracy. Students will recognize common types of text by differentiating between storybooks and poems with 90% accuracy.
NETS-T Standards:
“Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness” (International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE], 2008).
“Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes” (ISTE, 2008).
“Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments” (ISTE, 2008) (ISTE, 2008).
Content Summary:
We will start off with day one with the practice of the student’s responding either with thumbs up or thumbs down by asking simple questions like “did you ride the bus today?” “Did you ride in a car?” “Do you have a pet at home?” Then we will read the book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”. Afterwards, we discuss the book and inform the students that some words have sounds that are alike and we go over some of the rhyming words from the book. Other examples of rhyming words will be given and words that do not rhyme will be given also. The students will tell which words rhyme and which ones don’t. Words will be called out and questions will be asked such as “do these rhyme?” “Why or why not?” The students will be called one on one in the group to give examples of words that rhyme and some that do not. The students then will go back to their seats and will be given a rhyming words worksheet. They are to circle the words that rhyme with “like” (Kindergarten Worksheets, 2014). The students will be able to color the pictures that rhyme if they choose. We will go over the worksheet once everyone is done. They will get another worksheet to color a bear from the story “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” (DLTKs Sites [DLTK], 2014). We will regroup and reread “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” and do thumbs up or down for the rhyming words in the book. Words will be given to the students of words that rhyme and don’t rhyme. Thumbs up for rhyming and thumbs down for non-rhyming. We will also brainstorm other words that rhyme with another word.
Day 2 consists of showing a YouTube video of “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (Kids TV Channel, 2013) to the students and they will listen for the rhyming words. After the video, the poem “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” will be read and the format of the poem will be shown to the students. We will discuss the placements of the lines, the verses, and the title of the poem. The book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” will be shown to the students and they will be asked “how do the two look different?” We will read the poem and the students will give a thumbs up when they hear a rhyming word. Questions will be asked like “Where is the title of Brown Bear, Brown Bear”? “Where is the title of “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear”? We will look at the CAPS for the storybook and poem. An assessment will be done when re reading “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and the student’s will clap when they hear a rhyming word. We will also sing the song “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” as a differentiation instruction.
Day 3 will be with partners and a word will be given to them and they are to buzz in if they know the answer. Students will buzz with a word that rhymes with the given word. Afterwards we will group together and “Scare a Bear” will be introduced. The students will identify the rhyming words that are in the book and to identify the CAPS In the book. The students will compare and contrast the CAPS from the “Scare a Bear” to “teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” as well as “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”. A differentiation can be match picture cards of things that rhyme. The students will be able to act out the different actions of the bears and tell about their hibernation. An assessment will be done by having the students share their decisions from their buddy’s discussion.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?” (Martin Jr. & Carle, 1996).
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear: A Classic Action Rhyme (Public Domain, 1997).
Scare a Bear (Wargin, 2010).
Kindergarten Rhyming Words Worksheet (Kindergarten Worksheets, 2014).
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? Coloring page (DLTK, 2014).
Internet access Teddy Bear Teddy Bear on www.youtube.com (Kids TV Channel, 2013).
Buzzer or bells
Rhyming matching cards
Note pad to assess students
Summative Assessment:
“Teachers manage the summative assessment results by giving students detailed feedback regarding their strengths, weaknesses, and next steps in the learning sequence” (Puckett, 2013). The students will be reviewed on the difference on rhyming words and non-rhyming words. The teacher will model words such as Cat and Far have the same sound and rhyme. Cat and mop do not rhyme. Then they will listen and repeat with the teacher the words such as pail-tail. They will be asked if the words rhyme. The answer should be yes. Then they will give a thumbs up if they rhyme. Then they will listen to more words such as Cow-pig. They will repeat the words with the teacher and be asked if they rhyme. The answer should be no. Then they will put their fingers down if they do not rhyme. For the final assessment, the students will listen to some words and give a thumbs up if they rhyme and a thumbs down if they don’t. Words such as fin-win, rug-mug, hat-dress, pan-man, bird-book, lock-rock, bet-get, and cup-dog will be used. Notes will be taken on the right and wrong answers and a report will be created so that they students who had trouble can be worked with individually. They will be given a worksheet (prek-8.com, n.d.) to draw a line to the words that rhyme together. This will be graded and kept in a file folder.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge:
“An integration of teacher understanding that combines content (subject matter), pedagogy (instructional methods), and learner characteristics” (“PCK,” 1998). For students to be able to understand the difference between a storybook and a poem and rhyming words, they must first know what books and poems are. They must know how to read some words and understand some of their meanings. At the begging of the year, the students can be introduced to books and poem by having a center with them in there. This way the students can go to the center and look at the books and poems or nursery rhymes to get an idea of what they are. For students who would better understand visually, books can be laid out in groups such as a group of storybooks and a group of poems. Then they can see which books are stories and which are poems and can be able to tell the difference in them. For rhyming words, there can be a rhyming word wall so the words can be seen by all. There can be cards to match the words together that rhyme. This is good for visual learners. The students will also be able to understand more about poems or nursery rhymes that can be sung. This can help them to remember the words that rhyme and ones that don’t. The students can do activities such as look around the room for things that rhyme to help them be more creative.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge:
“An understanding of how teaching and learning can change when certain technologies are used in particular ways. This interaction of technology with pedagogy involves looking beyond what is considered common use toward ways that advance student learning” (Puckett, 2013, Chapter 12.2).
There are many programs and internet games for students to be able to lean rhyming words. ABC Mouse (https://www.abcmouse.com/) is a great tool to use for students. It has six Academic levels and also follows CCSS standards. It also has a way to record progress of each student. It helps with reading and rhyming and other activities to help the students to understand what is needed. This is a great way to give extra help to the ones who need it. The teacher can take the recorded progress and use it as an assessment and it can be put in the child’s file. It can be used at home as well for extra help. There are also many technology devises such as leapfrog products (http://www.leapfrogschool.com/kit/category/3715-3715c/330116) such as the LeapFrog Tag School pen. It reads aloud to the student to help them follow along in the book and to learn the words. YouTube has educational videos for students to help them hear the rhyming words for “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and see the animation of the different moves in the poem. They get to interact and make the movements as well.
Technological Content Knowledge:
“An understanding of the ways that technology and content influence one another, particularly the manner in which the subject matter is changed by using certain technologies. This interaction of technology with content includes knowing which specific technologies are best for subject-matter learning” (Koehler & Mishra, 2009).
PBS Kids (http://pbskids.org/games/rhyming/) has many fun activities on their website that allows students to play games with rhyming words. A good one is Wonder Red’s Freeze Dance Rhyming. It allows the students to pick words that rhyme with one particular word. It is fun and interactive. These games are based off the PBS kids shows. They have many more games that touch base on rhyming words. Students can be observed when they are playing the games and notes can be taken to show the progress they are making with rhyming words. IT can be documented which students have a fluent understanding of rhyming words and students who may need more help.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK):
“Technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) describes the transformation that occurs when the domains of content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge are combined. Just as PCK is complex and situational, so too is TPACK. TPACK requires fluency and cognitive flexibility in each of the domains as well as in their interactions. TPACK also upends the central role that content often plays in curriculum development and implementation” (Puckett, 2013, Chapter 12.2).
My unit plan includes group discussions and exercises to work on together. We are able to read books and poems and act them out while learning and use a thumbs up and down to help them understand the difference in words. They are able to share with their classmates and to think with them. This helps to keep them interacting with one another. They are able to learn from one another and this helps them to all think of different words that rhyme and help one another. They are not only able to work with one another they are also able to work with the teachers and the teacher can make the lesson fun for them to keep them interested in learning more. Each students learns differently so there is a diverse group of learners so there will need to be accommodations made to make sure that they can follow along even in Kindergarten. Paring them with one another can help to learn together.
There are many technology resources to help motivate students to want to learn more about what they are learning. ABCmouse can be integrated into the unit lesson to help the students to work on rhyming words and reading and it also keeps records of their progress for the teacher to print and keep in the records. It also helps to be able to observe without being right there watching each student. There are many levels for them to complete and students can go at their own pace without having to rush. It is also a useful tool for the students to use at home to give them the extra practice. Through observing the students and looking at their assessments and logs, I will be able to see if the materials being used are helping or if I should try something different. It will give me an idea of who has mastered the lesson and who may need a little more help. Future lessons can be changes to make more accommodations as needed. Allowing the opportunity to use games online allows for the students to see how words are spelled and it can help them in their reading and writing. They will be able to write the rhyming words with few errors and they will be able to also read storybooks and poems and be able to tell the difference in the two.
The safety of the students is very important to ABCmouse. It is child safe and there are no pop up ads or external links and no advertising. It keeps kids safe from harmful links. They have access for schools and teachers and they also have access for parents if they want it at home. Information cannot be changed by students so their information on their progress is correct. The progress can be printed to share with parents so they can see the progress their child is making. The worksheets that the students will be using are free from online for teachers to print and parents as well. There is no special permission to print these free worksheet.

Kindergarten Worksheets. (2014). Free Kindergarten Rhyming Words Worksheet. Retrieved from http://www.kindergartenworksheets.net/rhyming-words-worksheets/kindergarten-rhyming-words-worksheet.html
Common core State Standards Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RL/K/
DLTKs Sites. (2014). Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See? Retrieved from http://www.dltk-teach.com/t.asp?b=m&t=http://www.dltk-teach.com/books/brownbear/clips/bbear.gif
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•T) and Performance Indicators for Teachers. Retrieved from images.apple.com/education/docs/Apple-ISTE-NETS-Teachers.pdf
Kids TV Channel. (2013, March 8). Teddy Bear Teddy Bear [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHHqO9tAPG4
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1).
Martin Jr., B., & Carle, E. (1996). Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? : Henry Holt and Co.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. (1998). Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?ti=Pedagogical+Content+Knowledge
Public Domain. (1997). Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear: A Classic Action Rhyme. : Harper Festival.
Puckett, K. S. (2013). Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide. : Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Wargin, K. (2010). Scare a Bear. : Sleeping Bear Press.
Prek-8.com. (n.d.). . Retrieved from http://prek-8.com/kindergarten/read_rhyme4.html

Learning and Innovation Skills and Student Assessment

This assignment requires you to make connections between high-quality assessment and learning and innovation skills. Additionally, using the Framework for 21st century learning as a resource, you will redesign or modify a prior activity from one of your courses in the MAED program representing program learning outcome 3, 4, 5, and 7. There are several approaches you could take with this assignment. For example, you may redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout or a full assessment plan including a summative assessment you may have constructed. These are just two ideas out of numerous possibilities. If you do not have previous assignments to use in this assignment, please contact your instructor for guidelines on how to proceed. Refer to the MAED program learning outcomes (PLOs) list as needed. Upload your assignment to the course for evaluation and to your ePortfolio (Pathbrite).

Create your assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below.

Content Expectations
The Redesign expectations explain what you are required to do with the prior coursework you choose to redesign. The Summary expectations are for the separate written portion of this assignment.
•Redesign – Alignment and Mastery (1 Point): Redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout, or a full assessment plan as noted above including a summative assessment that could be selected to include alignment between specific skills, CCSS, and objectives and includes criteria for mastery.
•Redesign – Learning and Innovation Skills (1 Point): Redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout, or a full assessment plan as noted above including a summative assessment that could be selected to include specific learning and innovation skills from either/each of; creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, and/or communication and collaboration.

•Summary – Introduction/Conclusion (1 Point): A one paragraph introduction to a summary that concisely presents the scope and organization of the summary writing, as well as a one paragraph conclusion that recaps your summary’s key points.
•Summary – Modification (1 Point): In one paragraph summarize the changes you made to your activity to meet the redesign expectations for this assignment. Explicitly state how your redesign assignment provides evidence of mastery of PLO’s 3, 5, and 7.
•Summary – Evaluation (1 Point): In one paragraph, evaluate how your assessment promotes Learning & Innovation Skills, assess how it could be used as a tool for ongoing evaluation of student progress, and evaluate how it could be used as a guide for teacher and student decision making.
•Summary – Reflection (1 Point): Summarize, in one paragraph, your experience with the redesign in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges.

Written Communication Expectations
•Page Requirement (.5 points): Two to four pages, not including title and references pages.
•APA Formatting (.5 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.
•Syntax and Mechanics (.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics such as spelling and grammar.
•Source Requirement (.5 points): References three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

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Lesson Title Differences of Storybooks and Poems

Lesson Title Differences of Storybooks and Poems
Grade Level: Kindergarten 21 students’ ages 5-6 years and 1 with ADHD
Common Core Standards:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.5 Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems)
RF.K.2 (a) Recognize and produce rhyming words (“CCSS,” n.d.).
Unit Goal:
The student will develop phonological awareness by identifying through a common sign such as thumbs up, thumbs down and rhyming words in literature and will develop phonological awareness by producing rhyming words through reciting and drawing. Also, students will recognize the differences between a storybook and a poem through independent sorting work in centers. Students will be measured by observation, samples of their drawings and through written work. The students will be able to recognize and produce rhyming words through reciting and drawing with 95% accuracy. Students will recognize common types of text by differentiating between storybooks and poems with 90% accuracy.
NETS-T Standards:
“Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness” (International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE], 2008).
“Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes” (ISTE, 2008).
“Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments” (ISTE, 2008) (ISTE, 2008).
Content Summary:
We will start off with day one with the practice of the student’s responding either with thumbs up or thumbs down by asking simple questions like “did you ride the bus today?” “Did you ride in a car?” “Do you have a pet at home?” Then we will read the book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”. Afterwards, we discuss the book and inform the students that some words have sounds that are alike and we go over some of the rhyming words from the book. Other examples of rhyming words will be given and words that do not rhyme will be given also. The students will tell which words rhyme and which ones don’t. Words will be called out and questions will be asked such as “do these rhyme?” “Why or why not?” The students will be called one on one in the group to give examples of words that rhyme and some that do not. The students then will go back to their seats and will be given a rhyming words worksheet. They are to circle the words that rhyme with “like” (Kindergarten Worksheets, 2014). The students will be able to color the pictures that rhyme if they choose. We will go over the worksheet once everyone is done. They will get another worksheet to color a bear from the story “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” (DLTKs Sites [DLTK], 2014). We will regroup and reread “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” and do thumbs up or down for the rhyming words in the book. Words will be given to the students of words that rhyme and don’t rhyme. Thumbs up for rhyming and thumbs down for non-rhyming. We will also brainstorm other words that rhyme with another word.
Day 2 consists of showing a YouTube video of “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (Kids TV Channel, 2013) to the students and they will listen for the rhyming words. After the video, the poem “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” will be read and the format of the poem will be shown to the students. We will discuss the placements of the lines, the verses, and the title of the poem. The book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” will be shown to the students and they will be asked “how do the two look different?” We will read the poem and the students will give a thumbs up when they hear a rhyming word. Questions will be asked like “Where is the title of Brown Bear, Brown Bear”? “Where is the title of “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear”? We will look at the CAPS for the storybook and poem. An assessment will be done when re reading “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and the student’s will clap when they hear a rhyming word. We will also sing the song “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” as a differentiation instruction.
Day 3 will be with partners and a word will be given to them and they are to buzz in if they know the answer. Students will buzz with a word that rhymes with the given word. Afterwards we will group together and “Scare a Bear” will be introduced. The students will identify the rhyming words that are in the book and to identify the CAPS In the book. The students will compare and contrast the CAPS from the “Scare a Bear” to “teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” as well as “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”. A differentiation can be match picture cards of things that rhyme. The students will be able to act out the different actions of the bears and tell about their hibernation. An assessment will be done by having the students share their decisions from their buddy’s discussion.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?” (Martin Jr. & Carle, 1996).
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear: A Classic Action Rhyme (Public Domain, 1997).
Scare a Bear (Wargin, 2010).
Kindergarten Rhyming Words Worksheet (Kindergarten Worksheets, 2014).
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? Coloring page (DLTK, 2014).
Internet access Teddy Bear Teddy Bear on www.youtube.com (Kids TV Channel, 2013).
Buzzer or bells
Rhyming matching cards
Note pad to assess students
Summative Assessment:
“Teachers manage the summative assessment results by giving students detailed feedback regarding their strengths, weaknesses, and next steps in the learning sequence” (Puckett, 2013). The students will be reviewed on the difference on rhyming words and non-rhyming words. The teacher will model words such as Cat and Far have the same sound and rhyme. Cat and mop do not rhyme. Then they will listen and repeat with the teacher the words such as pail-tail. They will be asked if the words rhyme. The answer should be yes. Then they will give a thumbs up if they rhyme. Then they will listen to more words such as Cow-pig. They will repeat the words with the teacher and be asked if they rhyme. The answer should be no. Then they will put their fingers down if they do not rhyme. For the final assessment, the students will listen to some words and give a thumbs up if they rhyme and a thumbs down if they don’t. Words such as fin-win, rug-mug, hat-dress, pan-man, bird-book, lock-rock, bet-get, and cup-dog will be used. Notes will be taken on the right and wrong answers and a report will be created so that they students who had trouble can be worked with individually. They will be given a worksheet (prek-8.com, n.d.) to draw a line to the words that rhyme together. This will be graded and kept in a file folder.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge:
“An integration of teacher understanding that combines content (subject matter), pedagogy (instructional methods), and learner characteristics” (“PCK,” 1998). For students to be able to understand the difference between a storybook and a poem and rhyming words, they must first know what books and poems are. They must know how to read some words and understand some of their meanings. At the begging of the year, the students can be introduced to books and poem by having a center with them in there. This way the students can go to the center and look at the books and poems or nursery rhymes to get an idea of what they are. For students who would better understand visually, books can be laid out in groups such as a group of storybooks and a group of poems. Then they can see which books are stories and which are poems and can be able to tell the difference in them. For rhyming words, there can be a rhyming word wall so the words can be seen by all. There can be cards to match the words together that rhyme. This is good for visual learners. The students will also be able to understand more about poems or nursery rhymes that can be sung. This can help them to remember the words that rhyme and ones that don’t. The students can do activities such as look around the room for things that rhyme to help them be more creative.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge:
“An understanding of how teaching and learning can change when certain technologies are used in particular ways. This interaction of technology with pedagogy involves looking beyond what is considered common use toward ways that advance student learning” (Puckett, 2013, Chapter 12.2).
There are many programs and internet games for students to be able to lean rhyming words. ABC Mouse (https://www.abcmouse.com/) is a great tool to use for students. It has six Academic levels and also follows CCSS standards. It also has a way to record progress of each student. It helps with reading and rhyming and other activities to help the students to understand what is needed. This is a great way to give extra help to the ones who need it. The teacher can take the recorded progress and use it as an assessment and it can be put in the child’s file. It can be used at home as well for extra help. There are also many technology devises such as leapfrog products (http://www.leapfrogschool.com/kit/category/3715-3715c/330116) such as the LeapFrog Tag School pen. It reads aloud to the student to help them follow along in the book and to learn the words. YouTube has educational videos for students to help them hear the rhyming words for “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and see the animation of the different moves in the poem. They get to interact and make the movements as well.
Technological Content Knowledge:
“An understanding of the ways that technology and content influence one another, particularly the manner in which the subject matter is changed by using certain technologies. This interaction of technology with content includes knowing which specific technologies are best for subject-matter learning” (Koehler & Mishra, 2009).
PBS Kids (http://pbskids.org/games/rhyming/) has many fun activities on their website that allows students to play games with rhyming words. A good one is Wonder Red’s Freeze Dance Rhyming. It allows the students to pick words that rhyme with one particular word. It is fun and interactive. These games are based off the PBS kids shows. They have many more games that touch base on rhyming words. Students can be observed when they are playing the games and notes can be taken to show the progress they are making with rhyming words. IT can be documented which students have a fluent understanding of rhyming words and students who may need more help.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK):
“Technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) describes the transformation that occurs when the domains of content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge are combined. Just as PCK is complex and situational, so too is TPACK. TPACK requires fluency and cognitive flexibility in each of the domains as well as in their interactions. TPACK also upends the central role that content often plays in curriculum development and implementation” (Puckett, 2013, Chapter 12.2).
My unit plan includes group discussions and exercises to work on together. We are able to read books and poems and act them out while learning and use a thumbs up and down to help them understand the difference in words. They are able to share with their classmates and to think with them. This helps to keep them interacting with one another. They are able to learn from one another and this helps them to all think of different words that rhyme and help one another. They are not only able to work with one another they are also able to work with the teachers and the teacher can make the lesson fun for them to keep them interested in learning more. Each students learns differently so there is a diverse group of learners so there will need to be accommodations made to make sure that they can follow along even in Kindergarten. Paring them with one another can help to learn together.
There are many technology resources to help motivate students to want to learn more about what they are learning. ABCmouse can be integrated into the unit lesson to help the students to work on rhyming words and reading and it also keeps records of their progress for the teacher to print and keep in the records. It also helps to be able to observe without being right there watching each student. There are many levels for them to complete and students can go at their own pace without having to rush. It is also a useful tool for the students to use at home to give them the extra practice. Through observing the students and looking at their assessments and logs, I will be able to see if the materials being used are helping or if I should try something different. It will give me an idea of who has mastered the lesson and who may need a little more help. Future lessons can be changes to make more accommodations as needed. Allowing the opportunity to use games online allows for the students to see how words are spelled and it can help them in their reading and writing. They will be able to write the rhyming words with few errors and they will be able to also read storybooks and poems and be able to tell the difference in the two.
The safety of the students is very important to ABCmouse. It is child safe and there are no pop up ads or external links and no advertising. It keeps kids safe from harmful links. They have access for schools and teachers and they also have access for parents if they want it at home. Information cannot be changed by students so their information on their progress is correct. The progress can be printed to share with parents so they can see the progress their child is making. The worksheets that the students will be using are free from online for teachers to print and parents as well. There is no special permission to print these free worksheet.

Kindergarten Worksheets. (2014). Free Kindergarten Rhyming Words Worksheet. Retrieved from http://www.kindergartenworksheets.net/rhyming-words-worksheets/kindergarten-rhyming-words-worksheet.html
Common core State Standards Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RL/K/
DLTKs Sites. (2014). Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See? Retrieved from http://www.dltk-teach.com/t.asp?b=m&t=http://www.dltk-teach.com/books/brownbear/clips/bbear.gif
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). The ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•T) and Performance Indicators for Teachers. Retrieved from images.apple.com/education/docs/Apple-ISTE-NETS-Teachers.pdf
Kids TV Channel. (2013, March 8). Teddy Bear Teddy Bear [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHHqO9tAPG4
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical content knowledge? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1).
Martin Jr., B., & Carle, E. (1996). Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? : Henry Holt and Co.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge. (1998). Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?ti=Pedagogical+Content+Knowledge
Public Domain. (1997). Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear: A Classic Action Rhyme. : Harper Festival.
Puckett, K. S. (2013). Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide. : Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Wargin, K. (2010). Scare a Bear. : Sleeping Bear Press.
Prek-8.com. (n.d.). . Retrieved from http://prek-8.com/kindergarten/read_rhyme4.html

Learning and Innovation Skills and Student Assessment

This assignment requires you to make connections between high-quality assessment and learning and innovation skills. Additionally, using the Framework for 21st century learning as a resource, you will redesign or modify a prior activity from one of your courses in the MAED program representing program learning outcome 3, 4, 5, and 7. There are several approaches you could take with this assignment. For example, you may redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout or a full assessment plan including a summative assessment you may have constructed. These are just two ideas out of numerous possibilities. If you do not have previous assignments to use in this assignment, please contact your instructor for guidelines on how to proceed. Refer to the MAED program learning outcomes (PLOs) list as needed. Upload your assignment to the course for evaluation and to your ePortfolio (Pathbrite).

Create your assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below.

Content Expectations
The Redesign expectations explain what you are required to do with the prior coursework you choose to redesign. The Summary expectations are for the separate written portion of this assignment.
•Redesign – Alignment and Mastery (1 Point): Redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout, or a full assessment plan as noted above including a summative assessment that could be selected to include alignment between specific skills, CCSS, and objectives and includes criteria for mastery.
•Redesign – Learning and Innovation Skills (1 Point): Redesign an instructional plan with assessment plans embedded throughout, or a full assessment plan as noted above including a summative assessment that could be selected to include specific learning and innovation skills from either/each of; creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, and/or communication and collaboration.

•Summary – Introduction/Conclusion (1 Point): A one paragraph introduction to a summary that concisely presents the scope and organization of the summary writing, as well as a one paragraph conclusion that recaps your summary’s key points.
•Summary – Modification (1 Point): In one paragraph summarize the changes you made to your activity to meet the redesign expectations for this assignment. Explicitly state how your redesign assignment provides evidence of mastery of PLO’s 3, 5, and 7.
•Summary – Evaluation (1 Point): In one paragraph, evaluate how your assessment promotes Learning & Innovation Skills, assess how it could be used as a tool for ongoing evaluation of student progress, and evaluate how it could be used as a guide for teacher and student decision making.
•Summary – Reflection (1 Point): Summarize, in one paragraph, your experience with the redesign in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges.

Written Communication Expectations
•Page Requirement (.5 points): Two to four pages, not including title and references pages.
•APA Formatting (.5 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.
•Syntax and Mechanics (.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics such as spelling and grammar.
•Source Requirement (.5 points): References three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

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