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Less developed country

Purpose of Paper: The purpose of this paper is to help you understand patterns of health and disease in a specific country or population. You should be able to interpret how basic statistics and rates indicate the overall health and well-being of a population.

You will be writing six complete short answer essays. I am looking for well-written comprehensive answers. Correct grammar, syntax, and spelling are a part of your grade. Be sure to number each essay and follow a standard essay format of introduction, discussion and conclusion. Using a standard format such as APA , MLA, or AAA, cite the sources of information in your text and attach a List of References at the end. Attach a cover page with your name, title, and date on it. Papers will be collected at the beginning of the class period in the 8th week. Late papers are accepted until the next meeting and are graded down one full grade.

Pick a less developed country of interest to you. Use the selected databases listed below to answer the following essay questions regarding this country. Note: each question is to be answered as a separate numbered essay.

1.Give a brief country profile. The CIA Factbook and World Health Organization sites are especially helpful in answering this question.

2.What are the basic statistics (use the ones mentioned in class) that describe this population. What do these indicate regarding overall health and well-being?

[median age, maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy at birth, total fertility rate, contraceptive prevalence rate, literacy rates]

3. What are the common causes of morbidity and mortality in adults and children? 4.What are the major health problems or health issues?
5. What does the population demographic curve look like? Include a copy of the curve. Has this population gone through demographic transition? Explain your answer.
Has this population gone through epidemiologic transition? Explain your answer. 6.How has climate affected health in this population?

Final Product – your finished term paper should have a cover page, 6-8 pages of separately numbered essays with one inch margins, a demographic curve, citations within the text and a separate reference page. Place a staple in the upper left hand corner.

Selected Sources

CIA Factbook


UC Atlas of Global Inequality



U.S. Census Bureau


U.S. Dept. of State


select your country
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


World Health Organization


United Nations


World Development Indicators at the World Bank’s Website

http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,menuP K:232599~pagePK:64133170~piPK:64133498~theSitePK:239419,00.html

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