Topic: Legal Risk ManagementOrder Description
With reference to the Asadi v GE case critically evaluate the anti-retaliation provisions protecting whistleblowers in the Dodd-Frank Act____________________
Asadi v GE Energy (USA) L.L.C 20 F.3d 620, 630 (5th Cir 2013)The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank)
13 Further Assignment Detailsa) The coursework question will be available in the Assessment Folder on the module page of StudyNet and must be submitted by 11:30pm (23:30) on the due date unless
otherwise stated on the assignment page.b) Your coursework answer should be properly referenced using the Oxford Referencing System (OSCOLA) see This work is to be completed individually. Please refer to the Plagiarism and Collusion Regulations and Guidelines in the LLM Programme handbook. The electronic
submission is randomly checked for plagiarism detection.d) Students are required to submit their written coursework work electronically via StudyNet.e) Do not exceed the word limit in relation to your answer by more than 10%. If you do, then your mark will be capped at 50%. The word count for coursework will NOT
include footnotes or the bibliography. However, footnotes must not include material that should be in the body of the answer or be used as a means to circumvent the
word count. All feedback and grades will be released through StudyNet.f) The assignment itself should be in Arial font size 11 with double line spacing to allow for the markers comments.g) Your name must not appear on your assignment. All assessed coursework is marked anonymously using your student registration number on your ID card. Your student
registration number and module name should appear on every page of your essay and each page should be numbered. This is best achieved by use of the header and footer
tool. You are also required to put your student number and module title in the file name of your assignment when submitting on StudyNet (e.g. Commercial Law
14043489.doc).Your word count must appear at the end of your work.h) Where a student has achieved an overall pass mark of 50% or above, they will only be deemed to have passed the module if they achieved a minimum of 45% in each
element of assessment.
Legal Risk Management

Legal Risk Management

Topic: Legal Risk Management
Order Description
With reference to the Asadi v GE case critically evaluate the anti-retaliation provisions protecting whistleblowers in the Dodd-Frank Act
Asadi v GE Energy (USA) L.L.C 20 F.3d 620, 630 (5th Cir 2013)
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (‘Dodd-Frank’)
13 Further Assignment Details
a) The coursework question will be available in the Assessment Folder on the module page of StudyNet and must be submitted by 11:30pm (23:30) on the due date unless
otherwise stated on the assignment page.
b) Your coursework answer should be properly referenced using the Oxford Referencing System (OSCOLA) see
c) This work is to be completed individually. Please refer to the Plagiarism and Collusion Regulations and Guidelines in the LLM Programme handbook. The electronic
submission is randomly checked for plagiarism detection.
d) Students are required to submit their written coursework work electronically via StudyNet.
e) Do not exceed the word limit in relation to your answer by more than 10%. If you do, then your mark will be capped at 50%. The word count for coursework will NOT
include footnotes or the bibliography. However, footnotes must not include material that should be in the body of the answer or be used as a means to circumvent the
word count. All feedback and grades will be released through StudyNet.
f) The assignment itself should be in Arial font size 11 with double line spacing to allow for the markers’ comments.
g) Your name must not appear on your assignment. All assessed coursework is marked anonymously using your student registration number on your ID card. Your student
registration number and module name should appear on every page of your essay and each page should be numbered. This is best achieved by use of the header and footer
tool. You are also required to put your student number and module title in the file name of your assignment when submitting on StudyNet (e.g. Commercial Law
Your word count must appear at the end of your work.
h) Where a student has achieved an overall pass mark of 50% or above, they will only be deemed to have passed the module if they achieved a minimum of 45% in each
element of assessment.
Legal Risk Management

Topic: Legal Risk Management
Order Description
With reference to the Asadi v GE case critically evaluate the anti-retaliation provisions protecting whistleblowers in the Dodd-Frank Act
Asadi v GE Energy (USA) L.L.C 20 F.3d 620, 630 (5th Cir 2013)
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (‘Dodd-Frank’)
13 Further Assignment Details
a) The coursework question will be available in the Assessment Folder on the module page of StudyNet and must be submitted by 11:30pm (23:30) on the due date unless
otherwise stated on the assignment page.
b) Your coursework answer should be properly referenced using the Oxford Referencing System (OSCOLA) see
c) This work is to be completed individually. Please refer to the Plagiarism and Collusion Regulations and Guidelines in the LLM Programme handbook. The electronic
submission is randomly checked for plagiarism detection.
d) Students are required to submit their written coursework work electronically via StudyNet.
e) Do not exceed the word limit in relation to your answer by more than 10%. If you do, then your mark will be capped at 50%. The word count for coursework will NOT
include footnotes or the bibliography. However, footnotes must not include material that should be in the body of the answer or be used as a means to circumvent the
word count. All feedback and grades will be released through StudyNet.
f) The assignment itself should be in Arial font size 11 with double line spacing to allow for the markers’ comments.
g) Your name must not appear on your assignment. All assessed coursework is marked anonymously using your student registration number on your ID card. Your student
registration number and module name should appear on every page of your essay and each page should be numbered. This is best achieved by use of the header and footer
tool. You are also required to put your student number and module title in the file name of your assignment when submitting on StudyNet (e.g. Commercial Law
Your word count must appear at the end of your work.
h) Where a student has achieved an overall pass mark of 50% or above, they will only be deemed to have passed the module if they achieved a minimum of 45% in each
element of assessment.