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Read the Call-of-the-Question carefully, and follow the instructions for each subject. Prepare four Briefing Papers using the APA Format for Research Papers, and upload them as one document for your responses.Briefing Paper 1: Critical Legal Thinking
Read Entergy Corporation v. Riverkeeper, Inc. Cheeseman text pages 497-498.
Respond to the three Case Questions found in Cheeseman Text page 498.
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions as noted as articulated in the Critical Legal Thinking, Ethics, and Contemporary Business questions. Argue both sides of all issues.Briefing Paper 2: Law Case with Answers
Read Solow v. Wellner Cheeseman text page 526.
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on the 80% reduction in rent.
Provide convincing arguments for both sides of your recommendations.Briefing Paper 3: Critical Legal Thinking Cases
Read Sections 24.7 Endangered Species (p. 506); 25.2 Americans with Disabilities Act (p. 527); 23.5 Federal Trade Commission Act (pp. 490-491); and 25.6 Zoning (p. 528).
Check the decisions of the highest appellate courts, if a case is cited, for each fact pattern.
Brief the facts of the case and assume your boss is seeking your opinions on whether each of the subjects affect business in the United States and if so, provide the worst and best case scenarios.Briefing Paper 4: Ethics Case
Read Section 23.8 Ethics Cheeseman text page 491Cheeseman, H. R. (2013). The legal environment of business and online commerce: Business ethics, e-commerce,
regulatory, and international issues (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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