Order Description
Section requirements
1. Introduction:
Outlines effectively and clearly what will be discussed in the assignment, including an outline of the content. You should identify your place of work and also consider the context of mentorship in nursing.
Suggested content (300 words)
You should outline what you are going to discuss in the assignment.
Briefly introduce your working environment and the importance of mentorship in clinical practice. It is expected that this would be supported by the literature.
2.Main Body:
Discuss the underachieving student and the role of the mentor, identifying key qualities of an effective mentor
Identify learning style/s and their application to learning, teaching and assessment of your student
Application of learning theories for example: andragogy/pedagogy, cognitive and behavioural
The importance of the clinical learning environment
Assessment to promote learning in practice.
Suggested Content (2850 words)
Explore the literature related to under achieving students and the consequences of failing to fail the student.
Identify the common behaviours of underachieving students
The role of self-awareness and emotional intelligence
Explore the literature related to the role of mentor in clinical practice and the unique relationship with their mentee.
Discuss the range of learning styles and the ways in which learning styles can be identified. Ascertain why learning styles are key to learning, teaching and assessment.
Specify your mentees learning style and apply to your discussion and analysis.
Determine how knowledge and application of learning theories in your role as mentor can enhance student learning. Demonstrate how you would apply theory to mentorship.
Explore the literature to consider how the clinical environment impacts on the student learning experience.
Consider the Importance of orientation/induction to the team and clinical area. Discuss the learning opportunities and resources in your own practice area to maximise student learning.
Development of relationships with both the mentor and the wider team should be evident and demonstrate how this can support or obstruct learning.
Provide evidence of SWOT analysis and how you make use of this in practice. This can relate to student/mentor/clinical learning environment.
This section should emphasise the value of accurate record keeping.
Consider objective setting during the initial interview using a SMART approach
The importance of two way feedback (student and mentor)
The process of providing timely assessment, focusing on the significance of the mid (formative) and final (summative) assessment
3. Conclusion & Recommendations
This section should summarise the main aspects of your essay. There should be no new points being made or references here.
Suggested Content (100 words)
The recommendations should be what you have learned as a mentor having completed this module and how this will impact on your future practice as a mentor.
4. One reference compulsory for each 100 words.
For reference, Books & Article should be with in last 5 years.
eg:- of ref model (Harvard referencing)
As a professional discipline, this knowledge is important for guiding practice. (Liehr & Smith, 2008).
ref list eg:-
Royse, D.D. (2008) Research methods in social work(5th ed.), Stamford : Cengage Learning
Preference link for Research Assignment
• Joanna Briggs InstituteURL
• National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)URL
• Scottish Inter-collegiate Guideline Network (SIGN)URL
• The Cochrane CollaborationURL
• Library LinksURL
Singapore nursing board (SNB) reference should have in the introduction and main body.
About mentor:-
The mentor works in restructured hospital in Singapore. Mentor working experience is 10 years in an acute stroke unit. Mentor specializes in neuroscience and certified clinical instructor. Mentor designation is senior staff nurse.
In this assignment must have 3 feedback session- 1) 48 hrs, 21/2 weeks (formative) and final (summative).
Scenario- must be in the appendix and not including the word count
‘A second year student will be coming to your work area for a 5 week placement with you as their mentor. You have been informed that the student had been underachieving in their previous placement. Discuss how you, as a mentor, would develop learning, teaching and assessment strategies to support the student to achieve a successful outcome. Utilise /refer to the module content, the learning opportunities and resources in your practice area and further reading to develop your discussion. Conclude your discussion with how the learning gained would apply to your future practice as a mentor’.