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Leadership Studies

Paper details: Partnership ProposalIndividual students are expected to develop a detailed strategic partnership proposal for an existing non-government organization (NGO) or nonprofit organization (NPO) and a corporation or for-profit business. The goal of this exercise is to give students practical experience by applying academic theories and models to a potential strategic partnership

i made part 1 about to pick NGO and search about it
Part I of the partnership project is to be uploaded into WebCampus before class on February 4. Part I is worth 2 marks (out of 15) and should contain:

A description of the NGO / NPO including:

Full name and location(s)
Major players and stakeholders
Mission / vision / purpose
Markets or communities served
Related industry(s)

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens’ group which is organized on a local, national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information. Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights, environment or health. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early warning mechanisms and help monitor and implement international agreements. Their relationship with offices and agencies of the United Nations system differs depending on their goals, their venue and the mandate of a particular institution.

Organization: BC Council for International Cooperation
BCCIC is a coalition of British Columbia voluntary international development organizations and provincial branches of such organizations committed to achieving sustainable global development in a peaceful and healthy environment, with social justice, human dignity and participation for all.

Location: #550-23 West Pender St. Vancouver, BC
BCCIC engages its members and others to share knowledge, build relationships, and develop their capacity towards achieving sustainable global development.

British Columbians are engaged in global cooperation for just equitable, and sustainable world.

BCCIC aims to provide its members and others in BC with networking, information sharing, and learning opportunities that:
• Facilitate cooperation and help achieve global development goals.
• Increase public awareness and support for global development.

Market / Stakeholders:
• Member Services
• Public Engagement
• International Cooperation
Related Industry:
• Alberta Council for Global Cooperation
• Association cooperation international
• Atlantic Council for International Cooperation
• British Columbia Council for International Cooperation
• Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
• Northern Council for Global Cooperation
• Ontario Council for International Cooperation
• Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation

and the doctor gave me this note
Feedback to Learner
2/8/16 1:02 AM

Altough you did a good job identifying the NGO and its mission, you failed to identify it’s key stakeholders, target market or related industries. Make sure that you include these topics in your final report
i want u to help me to 2,3 ,4 parts now i need only 2 and 3
part2: should contain:
Completed worksheets 1, 2, and 3 from the Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Workbook
Go this link

more details


Identify Assets and Capabilities Your Nonprofit Might Provide in Alliances
What does your NGO have to offer a corporate partner?

Identify Assets and Capabilities Your Nonprofit Might
Provide in Alliances. I.e.
Well-known charismatic leader
Access to celebrities • Conference rooms/banquet facilities • Easily identifiable logo • Expertise in providing a service • Appealing cause • Unique method for doing something • Ability to get positive press • Access to nonprofit rates • Extensive volunteer network • Access to low cost workforce • Relationship with specific sector • Access to low cost, highly skilled talent • Knowledge of local community • Ability to get things done • Acknowledged leader in the field • Easily mobilized network • Large membership • Expertise on specific subject • National distribution system • Popular website • Extensive, high quality mailing list • Access to influential Board of Directors • VIP entertainment possibilities • Public relations exposure • References from satisfied sponso

More ideas for NGO assets and capabilities:
• Well-known charismatic leader
• Access to celebrities
• Conference rooms/banquet facilities
• Easily identifiable logo
• Appealing cause
• Unique method for doing something
• Ability to get positive press
• Access to nonprofit rates
• Access to low cost workforce
• Relationship with specific sector
• Knowledge of local community
• Extensive, high quality mailing list ***

Determine Benefits Your NGO Might Seek in Alliances

Column 1
Possible Benefits from a Business Partner / Alliance Column 2
Importance to Us
1 – Low to 5 – High Column 3
Specific Businesses and the Benefits they could provide

Program services / resources

Knowledge information resources

Revenue: income from
donations, grants, cause related
marketing proceeds, etc.

People: volunteers serving
as board members, event
participants, fundraisers, etc.

Facilities: free or discounted
access to buildings etc.
Goods: free or discounted
items for distribution to clients

Issue awareness:
expanded distribution of
messages or information
Technological, financial, legal, scientific, research, or communication Expertise.
Visibility: distinctive positioning
or image building for us or our
Introductions to other
businesses and influential
people and groups.
Column 1
Criteria to Assess Strategic Goals and Readiness for Alliances Column 2
Our NGO Examples Column 3

Strategic goals: What aspects of our vision for the organization’s
future can alliances help us realize?

Effective governance: In what
ways does our board demonstrate the capacity to establish sound policy, set clear direction, make timely decisions, and delegate effectively?
Effective management: In
what ways do we demonstrate
our ability to systematically
plan, implement, and
evaluate major initiatives?
Quality programs: Which
programs / services do we offer
that demonstrate our ability to achieve results?
Financial Systems: Do we have sound financial systems so that alliances with businesses can be managed effectively?
Positive organizational
culture: Do we demonstrate an openness to entrepreneurial activities, seeking new opportunities, welcoming challenges, etc.
Given these answers, how ready is our NGO to enter an alliance with a corporation?

Part3: should contain:
Completed worksheets 5, 6, and 7 from the Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Workbook


Part III – partnership proposal

Worksheet 5
List Your Nonprofit’s Current Relationships with Businesses
• Search the NGO’s website, annual reports, media reports and Google for evidence of some type of relationship with at least 3 corporate relationships.
• For larger / well-established NGOs this will be a simple task. I caution you to limit your analysis to 3 key corporations
• For smaller, less well-known NGOs, this will be a bit more challenging. Try searching for relationships among the NGO and the corporations / industries represented by your NGO’s board members.
Worksheet 6
Map your NGO’s Business Relationships on the Collaboration Continuum
• For each of the 3 businesses that you identified in Worksheet 5, identify where on the collaboration continuum you believe that these cross-sector relationships are:
• For larger / well-established NGOs this will require additional research as to the extent of the exchange of resources and the outcomes.
• For smaller, less well-known NGOs, relationships will most likely be in the philanthropic stage. However, you may find some relationships in the Transactional or even Integrative stages.
Worksheet 7
Research Each Potential Alliance to Assess Strategic Fit and Opportunities
• For each of the 3 businesses that you identified in Worksheet 5, and mapped in Worksheet 6, fill in the blanks as to how viable you believe a long term alliance may be feasible / valuable
• This worksheet requires your assessment of the following for 3 potential partners:
• Mission / values congruency
• Benefits to society and the NGO
• Benefits to the business
• Benefits of asset exchange
• Costs of the alliance
• Risks of the alliance
Just need help to part 2 and 3 part one I already made it and sent it
*The corporate partner you discuss in worksheet 10 and 11 is contingent on your assessments in worksheet 8. These worksheets should be included in the appendixalong with all other worksheets that you have completed for the project.
2. A Table of Contents with numbered pages
3. An Executive Summary – A brief, one page summary of:
• The background of the NGO and selected corporate partner including: missions, visions, industries, distinctive competencies, etc.
• Key drivers, requisites, and benefits of the alliance
• An assessment of compatibility between the NGO and the chosen partner
4. A recommended relationship collaboration strategy (using Austin’s (2010, 2012) collaboration continuum framework)
5. Long term strategies for on-going relationship success
6. References (using APA http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.
There should be at least six references from journal articles, textbooks, or government publications in addition to any materials used in the course.
7. Appendix
All worksheets are to be included in the appendix (1,2,3,5,6,7,8,10, and 11)
To stay within the 10 page limit, you may insert supplemental materials such as tables, graphs, charts, annual reports, etc. here
Note: If you are using material from the organizations, permission to include it must be obtained and the relevant confidentiality issues must be observed.
The final report (Part IV) is to be 8 to 10 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, and appropriately cited / referenced. Guidelines for the recommended APA style can be viewed at the following link: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

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