Topic: Leadership in Self organizing teams (Scrum)
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You have helped my previously by writing the methodology section and in particular helping with the Multifactor Leadership Questionnarie.
Now, I would like to ask you to help me to write and finish the thesis.
Please note that I was asked by “live support” to create a new account with a new email due to technical issues with my previous account.
You can find what is needed in the attched documentation:
1) Expose: will explain what the theisis is about, the methodoligy, reserch questions, etc
2) the MLQ document has text written about the MLQ. Please include this in the dessertation. Please ignore the questions in the document as I would rather use the onse you came up with. The questions you made up will be found in the Theoretical model document.
3) Template: shows the style and how the paper should be structured. Please note that the “chicago” style may not be the appropriate style (what I have chosen on this site). Please refer to the template
4) Theoretical model: you wrote this earlier. Please include it in the final dissertation under the methodology chapter. Here are also the questions/measurement items for the questionnaire (which you will get answers to in 1 week).
Please note that sections such as “about the organizations, problem identification etc. have already been written in the Expose and does therefore not need to be written again by you. Please see the Expose for these sections which does not need to be re written.
Please let me know if you have any question. I will be gone for 4 days with limited internet connectivity, but will answer your questions as soon as I get back. You can potentially send med text messages during this period.