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Leadership occurs in context and is increasingly complex due to globalisation and a myriad of ethical considerations. Oftentimes, leading becomes an exercise in addressing wicked problems. The successful leader performs this work in a social context: synthesising varied knowledge from different sources and people, drawing conclusions (or drawing out conclusions from others), and exercising appropriate judgement. Most important, leading means facilitating the creation ofa shared sense of meaning as to what is happening in a given situation
and what the desired outcomes ofthat situation are forthe group or organisation. To aid you in this synthesis and provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills you will need to complete your dissertation or consultancy project, the focus ofthe Module project
will be the critical analysis ofa wicked problem, a Shell oil spill in Nigeria. You will find information and outcomes from the event in
the following articles:

Ezigbo, O. 8. Bassey, O. (2010) ‘Oil spill-environment practitioners want compensation from Shell [Online].
Available from: http://tsaftarmuhalli.blogspot.nl/2010/07/oil-spill-environment-practitioners_03.html (Accessed: 17 July 2012).
addition, be sure to incorporate ideas from the following article in your project:

Donaldson, T. 8. Preston, L. (1995) ‘The
stakeholdertheory ofthe corporation: concepts, evidence, and implications’, The Academy of Management Review, 20 (1), pp.65-91.
Brooks, l. (2009) Organisational behaviour: individuals, groups and organisation. 4th ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson.

Jackson, B. and Parry,K. (2008) Avery short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying leadership. London: Sage

In this article, the author discusses the concept of organizational stakeholders and the implications for management.

Address the following:

Conduct research and provide a brief organisational and historical background on Shell as it relates to its operations, the xtent of its globalisation, and its reputation for ethics and corporate social responsibility.

Identify and discuss how each ofthe
three stakeholders in this wicked problem might make sense of it in different ways. For example, an investor may see the cleanup effort as
something that might impact their dividends and returns. However, that same person may also see the cleanup effort as an important fight to
minimise harmful impacts on the environment.

Discuss ways of constructing an understanding ofthis event that may be productive forthe
different stakeholders. ldentify outcomes that would be reinforced or in conflict with this sense-making.

In the context of leadership
research and established leadership theories, discuss how each ofthe three stakeholders can have a personal impact on howthe situation or
problem might be addressed. Identify a way to create a shared understanding ofthe wicked problem.
You will complete this project in two
submissions. Forthe first submission, submit approximately 2,000 words in which you:

Identify the key issues in the situation Conduct research and provide organisational and historical background on Shell as it relates to its operations, the extent of its globalisation, and its reputation for ethics and corporate social responsibility.

Research related literature on being a leader, e.g., leadership and sense-making, transactional leadership, transformational leadership, charismatic leadership and theories on gender and leadership

Summarise and demonstrate understanding of related literature

Assess the situation from three primary stakeholder perspectives:

The Shell CEO A local Nigerian Shell employee A Shell lnvestor

Identify and discuss the various motivations of each ofthe three stakeholders in this situation. For example, an investor may be motivated by dividends and returns, but also may have personal concern forthe environment.
In the final submission, submit approximately 4,000 words in which you address the following:

Synthesise theories and models (that address the issue in the situation).

Utilise effective discussion, analysis and conclusions showing critical thinking to propose solutions and address the following questions:

Discuss how each ofthe three stakeholders might make sense of howthe situation or problem should be addressed. How would your response or articulation ofthe problem vary for each ofthese stakeholders?

Describe, compare and contrast and evaluate the various approaches to leadership discussed throughout the Module as well as what you have learned about yourselfto being a leader in this particular situation. Provide alternative
directions for bringing resolution based on several different perspectives.

Provide correct referencing and citation.In each submission, be sure to cite and reference examples from the journal articles presented in this Module as well as resources you identify from
your own research. Your submissions should demonstrate critical analysis ofthe topic and a coherent application of related theories.

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Write an essay of 1750-2000 words and address each of the required prompts below. Be sure to completely answer all requirements in each prompt. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Make sure to reference five (5) citations using the APA writing style for each reference. Include a cover page and a reference page, which do not count towards the minimal word amount.

Describe your current or future leadership role and explain how you measure up on each of the managerial leadership skills listed in your readings. Provide behavioral examples to support your analysis.
Describe the way in which your organization helps stakeholders develop leadership skills. Be specific and provide examples.
Explain in detail, what you will do to improve how your organization develops leadership skills.

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